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Accountability for the people that caused the insurrection has been pretty high on my list of things that we need in order for our Republic to survive and prosper. The thing is, holding the people involved in the insurrection accountable is not the only thing that we should be concerned about. The weather is in the news big-time again, we have had record low temperatures around a lot of the nation. This is the time of year when the climate change deniers open the door and say, “What are they talking about with this climate change?”. Even with the great extremes in temperature our planet is getting warmer. That is a fact. In doing my research I was amazed to find out there are many more deaths cause by the cold than caused by the heat. In fact, the numbers are not even close. In this last storm there are now 52 weather related deaths and it is not over yet. Climate deaths will continue to increase. When this storm is over a new crisis is then created we won’t even hear the results of all of the deaths that the winter storms are creating. The press moved on from Ian real quick and it still looks like a war zone here. They will move one from this latest storm real quick to.

From reading the headlines, for the most part, the Texas power grid did not fail like it did in 2021. I don’t know if that is something the State and their Governor should be bragging about. They did had to ask that a National Emergency be declared so they could raise their air pollution amounts above what was acceptable. So let’s see here, air pollution has been a big contributor to climate change and we have to create more pollution for them to keep the Texas power grid running. Doesn’t that sound like the inmates are running the asylum? The real problem is that the infrastructure of not only Texas but the entire country is outdated. Even though the Biden administration did get a massive infrastructure bill past it will take years to see the results and because our infrastructure has been ignored for so long it probably isn’t even enough.

DeSantis wants to investigate the vaccine? Why? The hell if I know. Well that isn’t true because I do know. He wants to keep his name in the press as much as possible because he wants to be President. That is what I see from today’s Republican Party. Investigations for political exposure. Investigations for political dominance. But not investigations that will actually improve the lives of your average American. Why is DeSantis not investigating climate change? Much of Florida has been devastated by hurricanes and he wants to investigate a vaccine that the State of Florida is probably not qualified to investigate. Why is he not investigating the causes leading up to the Red Tide? What about investigation to save the Everglades if it isn’t too late already. Florida depends on tourism and yet the things that hurt tourism he stays silent about.

The Republican Congress will be full of investigations but none of them will benefit the people. Sure they will investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop, if it even is his laptop, but how will that benefit the American People?  Will it create better paying jobs? Will in create any jobs? Will it stop us from being held hostage by the oil companies and OPEC? Will it help preserve Democracy in the Ukraine? Will their investigations help unite the country? Their investigations are meant to weaken the nation in hopes of weakening the Democratic Party. Will any of their investigations take on Anti-Semitism here in America and around the world? Will any of their investigations try to understand the growing problem of bigotry in America? Will any of their investigations help improve the infrastructure, because what we are doing is still not enough? Will they solve the healthcare crisis? How about solving the root of our immigration problem? There is a reason why these people risk everything to come here and unless you get to the root of the problem the problem will continue to exist. We need a Congress that works for the American people and that is something that the Republican Party is really lacking in. It wasn’t always that way but it is now. Why is it a different party than the party of my father? That is what they should be investigating.



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