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A policeman shoots an unarmed Black man and people put up “I Back the Badge” signs in their yards to show their loyalty to the local police. Believe it or not I back the badge too. What I mean is that I back the people that protect our laws. Most of our population here are pretty good people but there are always a few bad apples. The same with the police. Most are great people that you would want your children to emulate but there are a few bad apples. What do you do about the few bad apples in society? When they break the law they need to be arrested. The same has to go with the police. We need a strong, but yet, compassionate police force that reflects the morals and safety of the community. I “Back the Badge” but with accountability just like everyone needs to be accountable.

We have a new Congress that says they “Back the Badge” but I don’t think they back the law. Believe it or not the FBI is part of the “Badge”.  We now have a situation where President Biden was in possession of some documents that should have gone to the National Archives. He is not the first and I am sure he won’t be the last. I have read when Johnson left the White House he took some documents and I am sure there were more. What did the Biden team do when they discovered the documents? They informed the National Archives. They turned them over. They did not try to hide them which they very well could have. They did not try and burn them. They did the right thing. To compare what Biden did to what Trump did is like comparing a rain storm to a flood. Trump lied to the National Archives. Trump lied to the Department of Justice. Trump lied to the American people. Even after he was told that he had to turn over the documents he still lied. Even with a subpoena he lied. They had to issue a search warrant and he still lied. One President showed that he believed in the rule of the law and the other President didn’t. Biden voluntarily turned over the documents.  I can only assume that he believes in the law by his actions. . Trump believes that you only break the law if you get caught and then you still fight like hell to have the right to break the law. That is the truth. Why isn’t more of the press telling what the real truth is?

Supporting the “Badge” is supporting the “Badge” no matter which law enforcement agency is involved. Breaking the law is breaking the law no matter what political party you belong to. People and corporations that cheat on their taxes are breaking the law. They are robbing the Country of the needed revenue that it takes to run the country. How can a person say they “Back the Badge” and not support the Internal Revenue Service. It is our taxes that help make America Great not words. It is our taxes that insure that our infrastructure is there supplying  water and electricity to our homes and businesses. It is our taxes that builds the road that make it so we can drive to the store or drive across the country. It is our taxes that insure our National Defense. It is our taxes that help us be a strong ally to our friends. How can you say that you “Back the Badge” and not support the IRS. The IRS does not want to put people in jail, they just want people to pay their taxes so we can keep America GREAT.

The new Congress has done things that are just the opposite to “Back the Badge”. They want to investigate the FBI because of the FBI’s investigation of Trump. The FBI’s fears were not unfounded. They found thousands of documents that Trump shouldn’t had and some of them are classified documents. Some of the classified documents may actually be missing. Trump seems to have violated the Presidential Records Act and then lied about it. The Republicans seem to want to punish the DOJ for doing their job. They will talk about how there is a dark state that must be fought to breed fear when they are the one trying to end our democracy. This conspiracy garbage is to weaken the Badge and they want to bring us closer to a police state. They also want to gut the IRS. The IRS are part of the group that we call the “Badge”. Their job is to catch the tax cheats that rob our nation. It looks more like this Congress really doesn’t protect the badge. To me it shows that they will do anything to protect Trump and the dark money donors that would rather corrupt and weaken our nation in the name of greed and profit by letting law breakers go without accountability.

I also don’t think that you can truly “Back the Badge” and  allow all the guns that are pouring onto our streets. The general public literally out guns our police and what is our solution? Why more guns on the street so our police are even more out gunned. That is just insane. I have written that the Second Amendment is the most twisted sentence in the Constitution and it has put the lives of our law enforcement personnel in jeopardy. Imagine what a police officer is feeling every time he steps out of his car and the problem is going to get worse. I have a “Conceal and Carry” license but I choose not to carry. The police shootings get worse and worse every year. When everyone has a right to carry a gun the only thing that will be accomplished is that more blood will spill. You can never tell me that the key is keeping the guns out of the bad guys’ hands, who determines who the bad guys are? Also our Justice System is designed to punish criminals after they commit a crime not stop them from committing it.

We need serious solutions to serious problems and I don’t feel that this Congress is up to the task.


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