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Every day that goes on there seems to be more and more to write about. With everything going on in just this country alone I could be writing a couple of these a day. We have the Bill Barr, John Durham scandal. It seems that during John Durham’s investigation into what was supposed to be the vindication of Trump and Russian Collusion, a scandal was covered up.  All it found was wrong doing by the Trump Administration and of course that information was covered up. I know that the Republicans want to have hearings that the Biden Administration weaponised the Department of Justice when it was Trump and Barr that did. The Russian investigation showed that the interference was real and the Durham investigation was a fiasco.  I can’t believe that this is not a bigger story?

We have had another Police killing. This time 5 Black Police Officers beat a Black motorist to death during a traffic stop. I know that a lot of the country was relieved that is was Black Officers that did the  killing and not White Officers. I am not. There is a huge problem in this country with the value of Black people’s lives. Does it matter the color of the person that is wearing the uniform or the color of the uniform itself? The problem is that Black lives are not seen with the same value as White lives. I would bet you dollars to donuts that if Tyre Nichols would have been White he would be alive today. It is a belief, not a fact, but it seems that to me that Black Lives really don’t matter. They didn’t shoot him in any form of self defense. They were not protecting themselves. They were not trying to make him submit. They beat a man to death and the only struggle there was a man trying desperately to stay alive. Many of us want to support the badge but it is easy for me because I am White and viewed differently because I am White. It is much harder if you are a minority. The police look at me, they don’t see a criminal. Too many do see a criminal when they see a Black person.

Are we going to get any real solutions?  Did we after Rodney King? Did we get any after Travon Martin? Did we get any after George Floyd? It appears not because these things are still happening. When are we going to pass anything meaningful on the Local, State, or Federal level? I see the Local Government looking for guidance from the State and Federal Government. I see State Government looking for guidance from the Local and Federal Government. I see the Federal Government  passing it down the State and Local Governments. You can get dizzy watching this issue moving back and forth.  I have always thought that this should be treated on the Federal Level so we have uniformity when we move around the country. The rules need to be the same. Living in Wisconsin and getting stopped in Alabama I should be treated the same and the rules should be the same. Police training should be the same. If the mission of the police is supposed to be protect and serve than it should be the same everywhere. I have written and will continue to write that we need a good Police Force. They are necessary to protect the communities and its citizens. The citizens should not have to protect themselves from the police. If police are feared, then the community has a problem because fear does not bring respect.

I am still hearing a lot about freedom from the party that took the freedom of a woman’s right to choose, and the party who made voter suppression into an art form. Jim Jordan says first they came for your guns. No one has come for my guns and I own 7 of them. Jim Jordan says then they came for your gas stoves. I scratch my head on that one because I have not heard a single person having their gas stove taken away from them. Jim Jordan say then they come for your gas car. Gee,  everyone I know drives a gas car and I haven’t  seen a single one of them go away. Sometimes people make things up because they want to instill fear while they take away your real freedoms like a woman’s right to control her own body. Sometimes people instill fear so they can hide the fact that they want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Sometimes they want to install fear because they have to real solutions to the real problems that we face. Climate change is a real problem. Nothing! Violence in our streets. Nothing! Corruption during the Trump Administration. Nothing! The fact that Covid is still killing people. Nothing! The climbing poverty rate. Nothing! Labor Shortages. Nothing! We have a political and economical system that feeds on poverty. Nothing!  Jim Jordan makes up problems so he can ignore the real problems.

I would love to start writing about things like College Football and Basketball. I would like to be writing about the exploitation of our Student Athletes. There are a lot of things I could write about but the most important thing I write about is the survival of our Republic. What does Jim Jordan do about that? Nothing.



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