I always think about how we got to where we are today. We are more divided now than we have been at any point of my life. We are even more divided now than we were as a nation during the height of the Vietnam War. We are more divided now than we were as a nation during Martin Luther King’s fight for Civil Rights. How did we get here. We can all point to Reagan and say it started with him and I know you are right but as a nation I think we could have overcome the damage that Reagan did. Reagan did away with the fairness doctrine for the News Media that paved the way for Murdock and our Conservative News Media. That paved the way for the News Media to go from an information tool to a political tool and we as a nation are worse off for it. When Reagan said that the scariest words were “I am from the Government” he didn’t mean that the United States government was evil what he was stating was that in his view the private sector could do a better job. We can argue about that later but the Republican Party has moved very far away from Ronald Reagan’s conservative vision and what they are now. Ronald Reagan’s conservative vision in my opinion is dead and it has been helped along by the Supreme Court.
One of the real reasons is the change in the Supreme Court. I like to call it legislating from the bench. What in the hell is Citizens United? To me it is just a way for rich people to use their money to create a louder voice that drowns out the smaller voices because of their money. They have helped to have our politicians marketed to us like a box of cereal. Citizens United to me just silences many of the voices of the public because we lack the financial resources of the millionaires and the billionaires. We were created on the basis of one man, one voice. The concept of the rich and powerful running things was what we rebelled against. I also feel that it is responsible for the dummying down of our political system. It has led to the lying and misinformation that we now have in our political system. Here again I always say that freedom of speech was meant for the truth not to be suppressed, not for the lies to drown out the truth which I fear is happening today. The Supreme Court opened those floodgates that have silenced many voices.
Our vote is where our voices can be heard and I also feel that the Supreme Court has not done very much for our voices to be heard at the ballot box. When States began gerrymandering voting districts, I really thought that was against the spirit of our Republic and of our Constitution. Gerrymandering is meant to make it so people’s vote has no meaning. A political party draws the district lines so that they retain the majority of the seats even if they are the minority party. They couldn’t deny minorities the right to vote so they drew district lines to make their vote meaningless. That is not representative government. When this issue made it all the way to the Supreme Court I felt that there was no way that they would not stop this practice. Their job was to hold up the integrity of our Constitutional Republic. Robert’s court wouldn’t even hear it. I remember being taught that one of the battle cries of the American Revolution was “No Taxation with out Representation” and yet, the Supreme Court wouldn’t even hear the case that took representation for groups away. The Supreme Court is not suppose to be a tool for the oppressor. They are suppose to protect the things that make our Democracy work. That day I lost all faith in the Robert’s Supreme Court. There was just another political branch of our government that played politics.
When it comes to guns, why are we in this mess? The Supreme Court again. The Second amendment is the most twisted sentence in the Constitution. It was never intended to be used the way it is being used today. I have written a few times on guns, the Supreme Court, and the Second Amendment and I am sure I will write some more. In fact, I will probably do a whole article about violence in America and the Second Amendment soon. There is nothing in that Amendment that says anything about personal protection even though the Supreme Court says it does . It is so the States could form a well regulated militia. Someone has to explain to me how anything that is going on right now has anything to do with a “Well Regulated State Militia”. Kyle Rittenhouse crossing the State line at the age of 17 and killing two people had nothing to do with a “Well Regulated Militia”. These guys in these open carry States have nothing to do with a “Well Regulated Militia”. Personal protection is something that I believe in and I will protect my home. That is my right but I do not have the right to intimidate people. I have written that the property that many in the south “had” to protect was the institution of slavery, and their property was human flesh. People will tell you that there is no historical evidence that the 2nd Amendment was written to put down a slave revolt but militias know as Slave Patrols were formed in much of the South for that purpose. Also, I think that the slave revolt in the summer of 1791 in Haiti influenced the ratification of the 2nd Amendment in December of 1791. It was not ruled until 2008 that that the 2nd amendment was written for personal protection and that is what opened the flood gates to what we have today. We have children dying in our schools and mass shootings are now almost a daily occurrence and it is because of Robert’s Supreme Court.
Our Constitution is not a religious document it is a document that defines our government and the role that each branch of government performs. The Supreme Court should never be the tool of the oppressor because it was written to insure the freedom of all the people. Its job should be that all people are treated equally under the law. That equality shouldn’t matter what color, race, sex, creed or political party you are. There should be no such thing as a conservative or liberal judge. Our Supreme Court Judges should not be in any political party or belong to any organization with a political objective. When the Supreme Court helps take the freedom away from any group they are not upholding their end of the Constitution. When they allow women to be regulated to 2nd class citizens because of religious beliefs of members of the court and members in society, they are failing to uphold their end of the Constitution. They are the ones that have to be helping make that 200 plus year old document relevant still today.
Good stuff