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I have seen it written that Elon Musk is the champion of Free Speech. Well I just got suspended from Twitter for 12 hours because of what I tweeted. I tweeted “the Republican Party had to die so something better could take its place”. I guess I violated their policy about promoting violence. I didn’t say that Republicans should be taken out and shot. I know some Republicans and I don’t wish them bodily harm but I do wish their political party would go the way of the dinosaurs so another political party that wants what is best for the entire country could come forward. That is right. I have said it. We have a political party that does not want what is best for the United States. We have a political party that is supported by billionaires and in some cases immigrant billionaires like Murdock and Musk while the Republicans want poor immigrants to starve at our borders. We have a political party that takes money from foreign billionaires that are trying to influence our government and vote against the good of the people. They say that they support capitalism but what they support is a government that is bought and paid for. Who is paying the price in the end? The American people!

We have total chaos going on right now in the House of Representatives. I will be posting this on the second anniversary of the January 6th attack on our Capitol. I have always said that the domestic terrorist were sent by the outgoing President Donald Trump and supported by much of the Republican Party. I have also stated that the insurrection is still going on. Voter suppression is part of the insurrection. Gerrymandering is part of the insurrection. The lying and misinformation from the conservative news and the Republican Party is part of the insurrection. The stop the steal rallies are part of the insurrection.  What people have to decide is if they want to continue to be part of the insurrection because there are people in the Republican Party that have declared your Democratic neighbors “the enemy of the people”. Calling Democrats “the enemy of the people” is stating that you want harm to come to a portion of our population that does not share the same opinion on the direction of the country. Calling the Democrats “the enemy of the people” is like declaring war.

What we see, the wheeling and dealing by the politicians, but what we don’t see is the negotiations going on behind the scenes by the super pacs, the people that control the money. There is an old saying which is “always follow the money”.  They are the ones that really create the direction that the Party will go and not the will of the people. That is why Citizens United was such a big thing. The only time that the people get to have their voices heard is when they vote. That is why voter suppression and gerrymandering is such a big thing. The only way to drain the swamp is to drain the money and that is never going to happen. The money is what has created the swamp and it needs to be drained if we really want representative government. The more money that flows into Washington the less of a voice the people actually have. The only way the swamp could be drained is if the Democrats had a solid control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency. That would also take the suspension of the filibuster in the Senate. Then I am not completely sure that the swamp would be drained. Needless to say the swamp in Washington is not going to be drained anytime soon. I will probably not see it in my lifetime.

Even when the Democrats talk about the House doing the work of the people I sometimes roll my eyes. A phrase like that sounds great and looks good in print but sometimes it sounds too corny. I am not saying that the Democrats don’t look out for the people because of the two parties they do a much better job than the Republicans. They too must play politics to get things accomplished and it is the politics that, at times, just hurts the entire nation no matter what side of the aisle that you are on. We have witnessed Democrats that are just as much bought and paid for as the Republicans. I can think of two Senators right away. I don’t mind debate but I do mind corruption. All the money that is flowing into Washington has to have an effect on all elected officials.

We are so behind the rest of the world when it comes to thing like healthcare and public transportation. Even when it comes to freedom and I mean real freedom we lag behind many other countries. You can’t have freedom with a system that is designed to keep people in poverty and our system seems to be built to keep people in poverty. They are free to be poor should not be such a thing. Everyone should have a livable wage. Everyone should have proper healthcare. Everyone should have decent shelter. Believe it or not these are the building blocks for freedom not the ability to strap a gun to your waist. If you have to fight for your freedom everyday you really are not free. You are still a slave to a system that will oppress you. Republicans love to cry freedom as they are redrawing district line and as they are taking away women’s rights. When you have a system where the politicians are bought and paid for you will never have a free country. Freedom starts with the rights of the people to choose fairly and to have their voices equally heard.

We knew that when the Republicans took over the House it would be a “clown show” and they did not let us down. The next two years may shape the direction that the country goes in for the next generation or until generation Z just gets so fed up they force a change. Reagan said the scariest words in the English language are “I’m from the Government”. John F. Kennedy said “Ask not what your Country can do for you but what you can do for your Country”.  Kennedy looked at our Country’s greatness and Reagan thought that government was bad. One took us to the moon while the other took us to Jan 6th. If you elect people that think Government is bad what you wind up with is bad Government.


  1. Most likely is that some MAGA troll reported your tweet- that happened to me last month & i had to spend 24hrs in the penalty box.


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