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Well, we have a Speaker of the House is that if what you want to call Kevin McCarthy? It took like four days and about 15 votes but Trump’s Republican Party got it done. I will call it Trump’s Republican Party because they are no longer the Party of my Father. They are now the Party that makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. Jim Jordan said that this is the way our democracy was meant to work. He is correct that there was a lot of arguing when they fist founded our Country almost 250 years ago but hopefully we have become more civilized than that. I hope to not see Republicans dueling each other on the lawn by the Capital. It might be fun to see Matt Gaetz slapped across the face with a glove but you know how things can escalated. Let’s not have any more of this ten paces at dawn stuff. One thing that I don’t understand is how they think that this stuff is going to unite our nation because I don’t need a crystal ball to tell you it won’t. I am willing to bet that he is challenged more than once over the next two years.

When our Founding Fathers first came up with this concept of a Democratic Republic it was something that the world really had not seen before. The rest of Europe was dominated by Monarchs, Kings and Queens, and Lords that ruled over the masses. Self Government? What in the hell was that. Because something like this was new there would be a lot of arguments and compromises of many people’s principles. They would argue about such things as population for representation in Washington. One thing that they compromised with when it came to population and representation was the each Black slave would count for 3/5th of a person. This was not for actually saying that a Black slave was 3/5th of human being, it was only for the purpose to determine the number of representatives in Congress. In reality a Black slave was counted as a 3/5th person so the slave states could escalated the number of Representatives in Congress. That Black slave did not have a 3/5th vote. They had no vote at all. It just helped the southern slave owner ability to have a louder voice in Congress. It wasn’t until the 15th Amendment did a Black male had the right to vote. So these arguments that Jim Jordan is stating that our forefathers intended for us to have is very outdated thinking. I think that it is time that we stop searching back to what our forefathers were thinking and start looking forward because of the freedom that we started has dwindled and a lot of the world has now passed us.

We have to stop looking backwards at what we were and start looking forward to what we want to be. If you keep looking back at slave owners who wanted to have a louder voice in our government by cheating we are not going to be moving forward at all. If we are going to argue about the right to bear arms so slavers could protect their investment in human flesh than we are not going to be moving forward at all. If all you want to do is restrict women’s freedoms and still want to think of minorities as less than human then we will continue to fall further behind much of the world. If it is money that controls the power than we have lost sight of the vision of what representative government was suppose to be. James Madison, a slave owner’s observation was, “the States were divided into different interests not by their size but principally from their having or not having slaves.” In most cases we should not be seeking the advice of a lot of our forefathers like James Madison because they led us to the most deadly war in our history, our Civil War.

Our country is divided and the Republican Party is divided. It was the Republican Party that divided us in the first place in my opinion. There are things that will unite the Republicans some but not completely. They will not unite the nation. They will try to unite the nation to help then minimize the power of the Department of Justice. Do you think that it is good for America or that it is good for the people that would destroy the rule of the law? Who are they protecting? Trump? Themselves? Rich billionaires? If the law is not applied to all them equally it is hard to justify the rule of the law. Many Republicans defied a congressional subpoena. Will that be remembered if the Democrats defy a subpoena by a committee chaired by Jim Jordan? Are there going to be two sets of rules, one for Republicans and one for everyone else? I am hearing that they are going to roll back the ethic committee. Do they think by not investigating and easing ethics it is going to stop the world from seeing the truth or history from discovering the truth? In today’s digital age that will be very hard to accomplish. I think that these and many questions will be answered in the next few months.

I have heard the phrase, by I believe was, Kevin McCarthy that with the last election the people have spoken. I and many like me think that gerrymandering is cheating. If you have to cheat to win the House then the people have not really spoken. If you want a mandate from the people it has to be done fairly, or, that so called mandate is just another lie.  I worry about the next two years because I fear that as much damage will be done to our Democratic Republic as Trump did in four years. I hope I am wrong but I get the feeling that this Congress will try and hold the entire nation hostage.




  1. Well said , Democracy only works when those insurrectionist are held responsible and indicted ! Sweeping our dirty QOP under the rug accomplishes nothing .Just another day in the do nothing Republican Party.


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