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A National divorce. That is what Marjorie Taylor Greene says we need. She says that in able to stop another Civil War we need to let Red States succeed from the Union. We need to dismantle the United States of America. She has to be smoking some really good stuff that is probably really illegal in the State of Georgia. Maybe Trump Jr. has been sharing his stuff with her.

The first thing I would like to know is how would you determine what a Red State and what a Blue State is? Do you go by the color of the population? About one third of the population of Georgia is Black. The White population is just a little over 51 percent with other minority groups making up the rest. Do you go by the party of where the Governors are from? Do you hold a general election? How do you decide? That would be the number one question. Do you just do it because that is what Marjorie Taylor Greene wants? I would be willing to bet that if you held an election in Georgia they would choose to stay with the Union. Why can I say this? Well, look at the 2020 election results. Biden carried Georgia not Trump. So would that make Georgia a Blue State? Sure as hell looks like it to me, but, then I look at facts and I don’t make things up as I go along. Marjorie Taylor Greene I think just makes this stuff up as she goes along without doing any real research. She really likes to have her voice heard. In fact, sometimes I feel she thinks that hers is the only voice that should be heard.

Let’s say, just for the sake of argument, Georgia actually was able to divorce the United States. What then? Would everyone have to pass through checkpoints at the Georgia border? Would we need a passport to visit Georgia? You know that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene are very worried about border security.  Of course the reverse would have to happen. The people from Georgia would need a passport to enter the United States. Of course Georgia would no longer have any representation in Washington. No members in the House of Representatives or the Senate. They would no longer have a say in the Government at all. The question of Georgia being a Blue State or a Red State would be a mute question because it would no longer be a State at all. Would it be just a one party system in Georgia because one party systems are Monarchies, Dictatorships, Communist States, or Fascists States? Airport Security and Security at any port of entry would have to now be handled by the State of Georgia. They would need their own Customs Department and their own TSA. A wall? Will Georgia need a wall to keep all the rift raft out from places like New York and Connecticut?  What is to be done when there is a natural disaster? I live in Southwest Florida and 5 months after Hurricane Ian we still have FEMA trucks hauling away debris. Even with the help of the Federal Government it will take over 5 years for us to recover. It is hard to think what it would have been like without FEMA and all the help that we received from all over the United States. Georgia would no longer have any of that.

One of Georgia’s biggest industries is from the aerospace companies. I would think that much of the research and product development money in the aerospace industries probably comes from Federal Government spending. Would Georgia,  not being part of the United States affect any of that funding. Remember many people yell, “Buy American” and Georgia would no longer be part of the United States. Many states and Georgia is one of them who receive more money back from the Federal Government than what they give through taxes. Of the 11 states that actually pay the Federal Government more than they receive nine are blue states and none are from the south. Like many of those red states they are dependent of the Federal government for their spending. They get more money back from Washington than they receive. They may not like hearing this but Georgia and many of the other red States are dependent on a type of Socialism. Whether it is corporate welfare or corporate Socialism, as some like to call it, or people socialism,  it is happening in Georgia. The very thing they say they want to end is the thing that would hurt them the most if they didn’t have it,  in my opinion. What would they do to make up for the shortfall. They wouldn’t increase taxes so they would have to cut services. What power would Georgia have to control where the Federal Government spends any money and who they buy from? If you have no representation in Washington you have no power in Washington. The power would lie with those Blue States that she demonizes every day. New York and pretty much all of New England. California would be a more dominate state than it already is. Businesses that are supported by the Federal Government would find many places in the North where they could build factories and prosper. They have the water and the transportation systems there already so the infrastructure is in place for immediate growth and expansion. Maybe Hollywood would stop making their big block buster movies in Georgia because they would now be foreign films?

What about defense? What about an Army, Navy, Air force, and Marines? What about that Space Force that supports all of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Jewish Space Lasers. How would Georgia protect them self from threats from within or threats from abroad. Our strength has always come because of our unity not our division. If there was a divorce the United States Military would no longer be responsible for you. Yes, the United States military would be weaker without any Red State but not as weak as those Red States would be without the United States Military. You would have to build your own that would not be as strong as what we as a nation have already. You would have to negotiate treaties with what is left with of the United States for support and aid if you were attacked. You are no longer part of the United States so how would that America First Agenda go. It would have to be a Georgia First Agenda or Red State First Agenda and, if I was that United States I would be wary of having a military cooperation treaty with a nation that I could not trust to be there. We have people with their America First campaign right now that would go back on our word to the Ukraine. How could we trust a Georgia’s  First Country or a Red First Country to come to the aid of what was left of the United States? How could we trust people in the America First movement that would have us pull out of NATO and break our promises that we have made to our Allies. To be honest with you, we couldn’t.  

We have a Constitution and everything that Marjorie Taylor Greene talks about is against the very Constitution that she has sworn to protect and defend. She took that oath willingly, nobody forced her to say those words. It was words that went with the job that she ran for. She ran to be a member of the Congress of the United States of America. She swore an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States of America. The colors Red and Blue are not part of that Constitution. We have up and till now been a “Country United We Stand Divided We Fall”. We almost fell a hundred and sixty years ago but through the strength of a Republican named Abraham Lincoln we survived whole. Now we have Republicans that would destroy the very vision that Abraham Lincoln worked so hard to preserve. Do I believe that there will be a Civil War? No I don’t. Could I see another illegal coup to upend the United States. Yes, I can consider that we have not dealt properly with the last one. There is a lot of political unrest in America that has weakened us. That political unrest has not been caused, in the most part, by the Democrats. It has been caused by the Republicans. Since the electing of Trump for President I have seen what I think is a steady movement of people within the Republican Party that wish to see our Republic fail. People like Marjorie Taylor Greene. For what purpose. I don’t know for sure, but I am pretty sure that the truth would scare most of all of us.


  1. This crap has been going on for decades. We fought a "Civil war" over it. I'm now willing to relent - partially.

    Here's my proposal: Florida may leave the Union in 10 years. That gives all home owners and businesses time to decide which country to live in and make the appropriate arrangements. In exchange for Alabama's buy in, Florida gives up the panhandle from Chattahoochee to the gulf. Florida gives up Jacksonville to Georgia for their buy in. At the same time, Puerto Rico combines with U.S. Virgin Islands and becomes the replacement 50th State.

    Florida can become the Republican paradise they always dream of. America rids itself of these malcontents and perpetual economic drain.

    And yes, we will build the wall to keep them out.

    1. Furthermore, the country of Florida (new Confederate flag) will receive a one-time divorce settlement of $5 Trillion. King Meatball Ron (you really don't expect the new kingdom to retain representative government, do you?) Can spend it anyway he wants.

      Until the divorce, all current US people will be free to come and go as they please. At the divorce date, the border closes, all Florida residents will be issued new passports, all commerce will be subject to import/export controls with appropriate tariffs.

      Florida criminals will be banned from entering the US. This is important because King Meatball Ron will immediately arrest all LGBTQ / brown skinned / liberal people who refused to leave. The two countries can exchange prisoners.

      The new country of Florida will be free to join the United Nations, but I don't expect they will.


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