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I just saw a headline on Post News that said that Garland was asleep and the wheel. I wonder if history will write it that way or if history will show the ineffectiveness of the Biden administration was at holding the people  that would destroy our Republic accountable. Is this Garland that is asleep at the wheel or is it Biden? Is Biden so busy trying to build a legacy of being honest and working for the people that he is ignoring the fact that our justice system is failing? Will his legacy be working to rebuild America or being asleep at the wheel as America is destroyed from within?

If you have been reading my blog you will know that I have been very supportive of Biden. He is as good and as honest of a man that we have had in the White House since Jimmy Carter. He is also one of the most God Fearing men that we have had in the White House since Jimmy Carter. I have stated that he was the right man, at this time in history,  that could have beaten Trump and he did at least put Trump on hold. The problem is he did not hold Trump accountable for the many crimes that he has committed. Trump sponsored an insurrection. Why hold a rally the same day that Congress is certifying the election that he lost? The certification process was mostly ceremonial.  Because of today’s digital age, the actual Electoral votes were known and counted much earlier. Trump knew he lost. He had been told by his own Justice Department that there was no voter fraud and that he lost. He held the rally so that thousands of his followers would do exactly what they did. He then sat back and watched on TV and did nothing for hours hoping that they were successful. They screamed “Hang Mike Pence” and he was hoping that they would. That is not a man that loves his country or takes his oath to protect and defend the Constitution seriously. In fact this is a man that did not believe in that oath at all. This was a man that wanted unadulterated loyalty to him and not the United States of America. Trump should have been held accountable long ago.  

I have written that the inmates are running the asylum. You have Jim Jordan that is suspected of helping and supporting the insurrection, wanting to have a bipartisan committee investigate the weaponizing  of our Department of Justice. Is this a man that wants to truly investigate the Justice Department or is this a man that wants to intimidate the Department of Justice so they won’t go after him? How can Congress investigate anything when they are the subject of abuse toward our Constitution?  People that spread the lie of voter fraud and people that supported the insurrection should be the ones being investigated, not those doing the investigating. Jim Jordan helped spread the lie and supported that lie even after Biden was sworn in. He of all people should not have any power to provide oversight of the Justice Department. That is like Al Capone wanting to investigate the FBI because they were trying to stop his criminal enterprise.

Because our Department of Justice has waited so long to do anything whatever they do now would be viewed by some as election interference. Me? I just want justice. Me? I just want our Republic to survive as a true Democratic Republic. I don’t believe that Biden has weaponized the Department of Justice like Trump did. I think that just the opposite has happened. In an effort to show the independence of the Biden Department of Justice they have in reality become very ineffective. They are being too careful and time is not their ally because the longer they have waited the stronger the people that would destroy our Republic become. Is that sign of weakness by the Biden Administration? I don’t think so. I think that Biden has a real strong faith in the American system and the American people that in the end they will do the right thing. I used to believe that too but I am not so sure now. Too many people are turning away from what is right and doing instead what is easy. It is easier to turn a blind eye to the abuses of the Republican Party during the Trump administration than want to stand up and be counted as one that wants to preserve our Republic.

What I see are people screaming that they are fighting to defend the Constitution that have no idea what is actually in the Constitution. We have people that cry freedom while they strip away a woman’s freedom or a minority’s vote. We have politicians like Governor DeSantis that want to write Black history right out of our history books. If a teacher teaches what DeSantis doesn’t  like he wants them arrested on felony charges. We have people that find it much easier to believe the lie than search for the truth and politicians like DeSantis and Jordan are working hard to make sure the truth does not see the light of day. We have so called religious people that have abandoned the words of their savior Jesus and are more willing to follow the words of Pontius Pilate also known as Donald Trump. Money is now the god of this country and not the words of Jesus. Many worship a man that sits on a golden toilet. If you would have told me that the country would look at a golden toilet as a symbol of power 20 years ago I would have told them that America was too strong to let that happen. I would have been wrong.

No matter what happens I plan on keeping on writing until I am silenced. I am approaching my 7th decade so that day could be right around the corner. I just hope that my words open the eyes of some that have been closed.


  1. Very good! I enjoy your writings. I only wish the topic wasn't so scary. God help us!

  2. I understand your frustration at what appears to be the lack of urgency in the Department of Justice over the handling of the crimes which we believe were committed. In the movie "A Few Good Men", the statement was made, it's not what we believe(or think we know) but what we can prove". I want to believe that Garland is trying to build an ironclad case, to not do so, and not obtain a conviction will play into the hands of the other side.

  3. I agree with most of what you said; however, you completely let republikkkans off the hook! They are responsible for this charade! This is a new breed of hate and bigotry on the right. There is NO ONE holding these “people” to account. That’s the plan, that’s been the plan for 50 years on the right. They knew our system of norms was not strong enough to sustain four years of a thieving conman. This lawlessness permeates through ALL government agencies. Do I want a different approach, of course. Do I want the DOJ to go it’s job, yes. As long as people vote for these thugs this mindset of lawlessness will not change. It’s up to the American people to right this wrong with votes I sincerely wish that the DOJ would shock us all with indictments. Sadly most of the law I enforcement in this country are republikkkans, always has been. Please start a movement I’ll join, I vote for folks who want accountability. What does one do with the 30% of this country whom are brain dead conspiracy theorists who want to believe liberals are lizards that rape and eat babies! These moronic, troglodytes are lost and never coming back. We need everyone to care, sadly most folks are too busy watching the bachelor to care.

  4. Our system like it or not was set up to move slowly, it also requires a lot of cooperation between parties. I don’t think Garland is asleep, I think he is mathocily taking one step at a time. Will Trump ride out the Clock, will he get indicted or will he get on the ballot ?


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