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Today I am sitting at Jerry’s on Sanibel Island, Florida enjoying the beautiful weather and thinking of what an inspiration this place has to be to the entire island. Things are pretty much still in shambles here after the hurricane but they have worked hard to service the residents and all the workers, working toward recovery.


I have read that George Santos went on a conservative news network to explain why he lied about his qualifications when he campaigned to be the Republican nominee for Congress for his district in New York. He stated that he lied because he knew if he told the truth they would have never voted for him because he was not a college graduate. Being a college graduate is not one of the qualifications spelled out in the Constitution that makes you eligible to run for Congress. Scott Walker was Governor of Wisconsin and he didn’t have a college degree. Hell, he even tried to be President.

George Santos is stating that it isn’t fair that they are holding the lies against him. Let’s look at his lies. We already know about his lack of college. How about the fact that he lied about his ancestry. The man stated that he was Jewish when he didn’t have a speck of Jewish blood in him. That lie was him, trying to get the Jewish vote. He stated that his mother had perished in the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001. That was to show how much he sacrificed for his adoptive country. His mother actually died of cancer a few years back. He falsified his work history. That was to show how experienced he was when, in reality he wasn’t experienced at all. He just happened to omit that he was “Wanted” in his home country of Brazil. He lied about almost every facet of his life. After all that lying he goes on Conservative Cable TV and says how unfairly he is being treated. What I can’t believe is that he is getting any air time at all. This is a man that must have not learned right or wrong from his parents growing up. The man is a liar and conservative news is trying to help him paint himself as a victim that is being treated badly by the liberal press. I have stated many times the First Amendment was to make sure the truth were not suppressed. I feel when our News Media promotes lies, those are not the things that are supposed to protected by the 1st Amendment. News Media’s that promote lies are no longer part of free speech; they are a part of the propaganda machine that is meant to silence free speech and the truth.


When I was a child and I got caught by my parents lying I would get punished. If I would lie in school my parents would be notified and I got punished. Funny how that works, you are expected to tell the truth. The truth is suppose to be part of our everyday life but lying is not. Well, at least not until today. Now people like George Santos want to be rewarded when they lie. When groups, so readily embrace the liars you wonder if they really believe in the truth. The Make America Great People think that their lies will make us strong. How can a lie make you strong? They will lie about freedom while suppressing your neighbor. They lie to you about Social Policies that would actually enhance our freedoms by saying that they will turn us into countries like Venezuela. All you have to do is Google the freest counties in the world and know that they are lying to you about social programs such as Universal Healthcare. Countries that are freer than we are have Universal Healthcare. There are social programs that will enhance your freedoms and you are being lied to by the very people that are supposed to be telling you the truth. We are one of the few Countries in the Free World that does not have socialized medicine. Why is it some sort on communist plot here in America but it isn’t in Sweden or Norway? They have Socialized Medicine in Israel and that started in 1948. Why they are not considered Communist? Great Britain one of our closest Allies has socialized medicine. Our House of Representatives passed a resolution condemning Socialism, are they condemning all of our Allies? Does our Republican Representatives even know what they are condemning or are they just doing it to strike fear into our hearts because they know that most of us are too ignorant to search for the truth. Why would they want to strike fear into our hearts? It must be what their masters want them to do because it sure does not benefit most of us. It only benefits the ones that want to make money off our suppression.


We now have another liar in the House of Representatives, Anna Paula Luna from my state of Florida. Here is another person claiming to be Jewish. Is that now the “in thing” to be Jewish? She states that she was raised a Messianic her father and from what has been printed it looks like her father was a Catholic. What makes one thing so bizarre is the fact that her Grandfather actually fought with the Nazi’s during World War II. A relative produced a picture of her Grandfather is his Nazi uniform. When she was a registered voter in California she was White. In Florida she registered herself as Hispanic. She has also identified herself as Easter European and Middle Eastern. This lady appears to be like a chameleon that changes color to her surroundings. The truth should not be something that changes because of your audience. I know we all do that sometimes in an effort to not offend, and in some cases offend people. I used to think that the majority of us valued the truth even when the truth hurts. I bet if we all did “23andme” we would find all kinds of mysteries in our family tree. Me I am 8.1% British and Irish so maybe I better start celebrating St. Patrick’s day a little harder, start wearing green more, and start rooting for Notre Dame.


In the 50s there was a Republican Senator from Wisconsin, his name was Joe McCarthy. He was a man on a mission that was to rid our Country of all the Communists spies and Russian sympathizers that had infiltrated our Country and our Government. The Big Red Scare. His scam for power worked for a while but in the end he was disgraced and the movement that he started would be known throughout history as McCarthyism. We have a little of that going around in Congress now. We have investigations like Hunter Biden’s laptop. He is a private citizen that is being investigated by Jim Jordan and his committee about some laptop that supposedly has information about influence peddling while Hunter Biden’s father was Vice President. Would there be influence peddling in Washington? You bet your ass there would be. I would bet that it is an everyday occurrence. So why is Hunter Biden so important? Why? To embarrass his father now President Joe Biden. You have the Trump Crime cartel that made billions while in the White House by influence peddling and you don’t hear a word from Jim Jordan. Why is that? Could it be that it is just a political stunt. Joe McCarthy’s investigations were like vaudeville acts meant to influence public opinions just like what the Republicans are doing now. Back then it was the press that finally exposed McCarthy but I don’t think that you will have the press doing that today. They are just too busy selling us our news like a box of cereal instead of reporting the truth so the public needs to stays informed. They see the lies and the controversy and they see money. I have been told and I believe that an omission is like a lie. To omit the truth like many of our news outlets all they are doing is lying.


If Congress is not going to take its job seriously then maybe our Democratic Republic should just go away. If our Congress is going to work harder protecting the lies and the liars then maybe our Democratic Republic will go away. If our Congress is something that is just bought and paid for by those that are rich enough from around the world maybe it is too corrupt to be saved. If our Congress is not going to look at programs that enhance our lives and our freedoms than maybe our Democratic Republic is already dead. The United States of America was a Country that was at one time a vision of hope for the rest of the World but now I think that we have lost that vision of freedom and replaced it with the thought that are military might is what makes is free. Believe it or not but our military might has nothing about giving us freedom It is suppose to be what helps us preserve our Freedom from outside aggression that would take that Freedom away. What is suppose to protect our freedom when our freedoms are being taken away from within? It is suppose to be our vote, but how can you vote properly when you are fed a bunch of lies. If any branch or our Government becomes a tool of the oppressor our mighty military is not set up to protect us from that. That job was suppose to be the Press but that appears to be a loss cause.



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