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January 6th 2021. It was about 80 degrees and I was floating in the pool on a beautiful Florida Winter day. The only people at the pool was myself and my friend from Kentucky, Larry. Larry was sitting poolside reading a book when he got a phone call from his daughter back in Kentucky. When the call ends he stands up and says “They’re storming the Capitol”. I immediately went home and turned on the TV. On every major channel it was being broadcast. People fighting with the Capitol Police. People breaking windows to get in the Capitol. People breaking through barricades which were meant to keep them back and using those same barricades as a weapon to force the Police to retreat. I witnessed on live TV our American Flag being used as a weapon against the very people that had  sworn to help protect it, our Police. There were even the Thin Blue Line flags flying, the unofficial flag of the people that back our Police. Some of the people that claim to back the police were actually flying that flag as they attacked the Capitol Police. I watched in horror as a group of Trump supporting domestic terrorists attacked our Capitol trying to destroy a branch of our Government. They were chanting, “hang Mike Pence”. I am one of those millions of witnesses from around the world that saw what happened that day.

In the infinite wisdom of Republican Speaker of the House from California, Representative Kevin McCarthy,  gave the surveillance video to, of all people, Tucker Carlson of Fox News fame. He claims, for transparency. Fox News is already being sued for all the election lies they spewed about the election. Fox News didn’t even bother to cover the first January 6th congressional hearings like the other networks. Why would the number one rated cable news channel at the time refuse to cover the hearings? It was definitely the biggest news story of the day not only in the United States but maybe around the whole world. The news, is the news, and Fox News should have been covering it like all the other major networks. Could it be that the January 6th hearings would expose many of the lies that have been used by the Republicans and Conservative News and there were plenty of them. I’d like to think of it as not being something that fit the propaganda that Fox was telling all of their viewers. We have a certain Representative from Florida who stated, on the House Floor, that the insurrectionist were ATNIFA people dressed up to look like Trump supporters. I am pretty sure that Fox News covered that lie. We have a Congressman that helped barricade the door to the Chamber in an effort to protect his own life saying that they were just a bunch of tourists. I am pretty sure that Fox News covered that lie too. Do you know that both of those liars still walk the halls of Congress. So for an effort to have Transparency you give all the surveillance video footage to a News Organization that is being sued for lying about the election. You give it to a News organization whose owner was stated that they lied about the election. That Speaker of the House McCarthy it is not transparency, he is trying to manipulate that story and the Country through propaganda. That is not the search for the truth, that is an effort to continue to run from the truth and not accepting the responsibility that you had in this whole mess.

I watched the January 6th hearings. The video footage and the testimony that was given by the Capitol Police did not surprise me at all. Why? Because I witnessed it on TV live as it was happening. All the video evidence is there and it will last forever. I found it interesting with all the testimony that was given by Republicans working in the White House and working for the Trump Administration. Yes, pretty much all the testimony was given by Republicans from the Trump Administration. That actually is transparency.  When it was all over I still had many of the question unanswered that I had that day. Why hadn’t the National Guard reacted faster as it was unfolding? I was screaming at the TV where is the National Guard? Why did it take so long for Trump to do anything about it? Well, I guess we know the answer to that one. Why did the Department of Justice just sit back and do nothing? The nation was seeing a crime being committed and it shouldn’t have taken a request from Congress or the President to act when we are all witnessing the crime on live TV?  Those questions and many others were never answered to my satisfaction so I can only speculate that Trump wanted it to succeed. I can also only speculate that there were members of the military, the Justice Department and Congress that wanted it to succeed.

I will agree with one point and that is that not everyone was violent. I will say everyone that entered the Capitol knowingly broke the law. Everyone that entered the Capitol wanted to disrupt the constitutional responsibility of Congress. Most of the sentences have been very light sentences. Much lighter than I would have liked. Why? Because these people tried to stop Congress from performing their Constitutional duty. These people were similar to the Brown Shirts that help Hitler to power. This wasn’t a crime to promote social change, in any given city protests should never become violent no matter which side starts it. These were people that wanted to harm the Constitution of the United States of America, some through the use of violence if necessary. Some have called it treason. Some have called it Domestic Terrorism. I call is Domestic Terrorism. The saddest part of all of this was that we had people that had sworn to defend and protect the Constitution that wanted to help destroy that very document. Those same Representatives that screamed for law and order when Blacks were marching because of police persecution now call insurrectionists, who were tried in a court of law, political prisoners. The even sadder part is that those very people were reelected to Congress. I have no Idea why a person would vote for a liar that would want to destroy our Republic but there you have it. I am sure after they were elected they took the same oath that they had just broken.  

They lying just continues and continues. If you really wanted transparency Mr. Speaker  you would have joined the search for the truth and worked hard so things like we witnessed on January 6th would never happen again. The fate of our nation should not be politics Mister Speaker, and the fate of our nation should not be in the hands of a so called News Network whose owner says they lie to their audience. The fate of our Nation should be with people that embrace the truth for the good of the entire county and not just the Fox News uninformed viewers. Not every news outlet is always right. Not every news outlet is perfect. Just like me they could be wrong. Fox News doesn’t try to be right. They are not the guardians of Free Speech. They are the lies that helped destroy Free Speech. Mr. Speaker you continue to harm the nation and you continue to weaken the nation and democracy around the world. One thing you did help with. You have helped expose how ineffective and maybe even corruption in our Department of Justice. Why? Because they have not arrested anyone that truly led this insurrection like maybe you.




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