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Smoke screens. That is what I see today, just smoke screens. I sit and read about how they are going to make dressing in drag illegal. I have never seen a person dress in drag shoot up a school full of children. I have never read about any child being traumatized by a man dressing up as a women. Not one. When I go to the grocery store or the shopping mall I have never seen anyone dressed in drag. I do not know a single person that dresses in drag. I have seen many comedians dress in drag and some of the world’s best actors dressed in drag and I have loved their performances. When Shakespeare was writing plays the women parts were all men dressed as women because women were not allowed to perform on stage. Men dressing as women has been going on for centuries and guess what, we have made it to the 21st century without feeling the wrath of god. In fact, it was the fear of the wrath of god during Shakespeare’s time meant that men had to dress as women in stage plays. Women had no rights. Women were expected to stay at home and rear children, not perform in plays especially in public. In fact, that attitude goes all the way back to ancient Greece. Is women wearing slacks and a shirt, instead of a blouse, going to be considered a woman dressing in drag as a man? At one time women were ridiculed for wearing pants. Has it is already started with people talking about women’s dress codes in some legislatures like Missouri?  

So what is all of this men in Drag stuff doing? It is giving too many politicians a topic that will grab headlines that,  and will, hide the real problems. The Governor of Florida and the Legislature want to have all bloggers who criticize our Governor be registered. What next? A big “B” on our chests to make us easier to identify and intimidate? What is the number one story? Not the attack of Free Speech it is about Drag Queens and how they are corrupting our children. Men have been dressing up as women for centuries. Why are we so concerned now? Could it be so the real story is of our Free Speech being taken away and it is not being reported in the press. Republicans are busy talking about something that is not really hurting anyone to hide that fact that they are attacking our freedoms that should be in the headline. The very thing that the British did to the colonists is the very thing that they want to do in Florida. Take away our rights and they are manipulating the press to do it. This is not an old story either. That is what exactly what McCarthyism was back in the 50s, Government wanting to destroy people for their political opinions. DeSantis has already shown by his attack on Disney if anyone has a different political decision than his they will be punished. That folks is not what freedom is about, that is what Tyranny is about.

Republicans are now talking about wiping off the face of the earth all Trans people. Michael Knowles at the Conservative Political Action Conference called the for eradication of Transgender People. That folks is a form of genocide. Genocide, which has been suggested, to be done right here on American soil. Talk about taking a cancel culture to an extreme. Canceling a person’s life because you don’t like what they are is the ultimate Cancel Culture. We have a Florida State Senator, Clay Yarborough that is introducing legislation to take away the children that live in Transgender Families. We have huge insurance problems in Florida. We have huge climate problems in Florida. We have a huge homeless problem in Florida especially after the hurricane. We have a huge pollution problem in Florida. Do know what we don’t have in Florida? We don’t have a Transgender problem in Florida,  if there is even such a thing as a Transgender problem in the first place. I live in a complex with 100 units and guess what? No Transgender problem. What we have is a huge problem with racism and bigotry in Florida and we read about it every day thanks to our Governor.  

I don’t really understand the transgender issue as well as I should but I know one family with a transgender child. They are very loving and god fearing people that take their religion very seriously. They also love their child just as Jesus would have wanted them too. There is no conflict here in my opinion with the teaching of Jesus. I am proud of the way that they have been so understanding and supportive to their child because these issues, I think, are the hardest on the child. I will be honest with you, their child seems very well adjusted and is also a creative and great person so talk with. I know parents with what you would call “normal” people with children what you would call “normal” that are just disgusting to be around. What works I think is the love and understanding within the family structure and  working together to conquer the challenges is what works. Understanding and trying to work together to solve the problem works a hell of a lot better than being judgmental and just trying to eliminate the problem.

Transgender people do not threaten our democracy. The taking away their right to exist is what takes our democracy away. Us bloggers that criticizes DeSantis do not threaten our democracy.  It is trying to take our voices that threaten our democracy. Freedom and Liberty used to be words that had great meaning but today they are now shouted by the very people that want to do away with our Freedom and Liberty. There is no Free State in Florida if Transgender people live in fear of being eradicated by the Government. Tell me, how do you eradicate a problem? That really is the exact thing that the Nazi’s brought to the Jews. There is not Freedom in Florida when free speech in under attack by the very people that have sworn to protect it. There is no Freedom in Florida when you threaten to eradicate people because they were born different. So many groups are under attack by the Republican Party.

What scares me are the people that sit on the sidelines and remain silent. Are they trying  to hide their own racism and bigotry? It is something that I have to do some soul searching about every day. I grew up in a very racist time in our history. You can’t help but think about the differences between all of us. Let’s face it, that old saying “Birds of a feather stick together” has a lot of truth to it. That is why things like diversity training is so important. We are never going to be all the same people. We are never going to be one color. We are never going to be one religion. We are never going to be one anything. When they are saying that the people that defend the Transgender community are trying to make us all one sex is just stating a false narrative. That is never going to happen and no one is trying to make that happen. We need to let go of the fear mongering and the lies and start learning to live together. We have to start tackling the real problem that will affect all of us.

We live in a very diverse world. It is that diversity that we have to embrace. We cannot let that fear of having to accept that diversity be a political weapon that in the end will destroy us all. The fear they try to install is just a smoke screen so they can ignore the real problems.



  1. If I were an enterprising county prosecutor, I would make a public spectacle (by inviting every news camera in the state to witness) my arresting the owners, players, and cheerleaders, and parents with children in tow at the next Tennessee Titans home game.

    The same with every pro-wrestling event, the same with every high school that puts on a school play using makeup and costumes.

    I would make it clear that I would prosecute every person to the fullest extent, including prison, until Tennessee 100% repealed, not amended or narrowed, this predjucial, idiotic law.


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