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There is a lot of talk about the border and security. We had Marjorie Taylor Greene talking about a current investigation that is being conducted about the Border Patrol that is still considered being confidential but, she didn’t seem to care. She stated that the people had a right to know. I think there is a lot of truth to that. I have always been of that thought. The people are the United States, the people have a right to know and our government and system hides a lot from us. It is interesting that they found bombs along the border. Yes, it is but does it affect our national security? Is Texas or Arizona at risk of being invaded by the Cartels? What we need is a rational assessment of the danger that is poised on the citizens. What we don’t need is some irrational Congress person running around like Chicken Little yelling, “The Sky is Falling”. It was later reported in the Huffington Post that the so called “explosive” was a duct taped ball of sand that was deemed as no threat to anyone. What we need to do is let the people, whose job it is, monitor and evaluate the situation do so without the grandstanding for votes. What does Marjorie Taylor Greene want? Does she want to invade Mexico like we did Iraq? How did that turn out? Not very well for either Iraq or us I have to say.

When Greene was questioned by the Huffington Post about the ball of sand that posed no threat, her reply was for the Huffington Post “stop being state sponsored propagandists”. I looked at that statement and realized the problem right away. Of the two, the only real Member of the State is the Congresswomen from Georgia Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Huffington Post is a member of the Free Press and not sponsored by the State of anything. The person that is spreading State Sponsored Propaganda is Greene herself a member of Congress. Sad but some people just eat up what she says. Yes, the people have a right to know, but what the people have a right to know is the truth and not the political propaganda that is meant to get votes and not get at the truth.  When the Press has to call out any politician’s lies whether it is a Republican or a Democrat the people have to take notice and vote that person out of office. This party politics that is being played by the Republicans is just dividing the country so bad that we will be weakened beyond repair. Yes, Democrats do play party politics but I don’t think at the price of the country. When a politician lies it divides the country more than the truth would.

The people do have a right to know. They have a right to know who the Capitol Pipe Bomber is. They have the right to know why tours of the Capitol were given to people that participated in the insurrectionist. The people have a right to know all the details of whom, if anyone planned the insurrection. They have a right to know what conversations Trump and Pence had before and after January 6th. If all a person like Marjorie Taylor Greene is going to tell people what they want them to know then they really do not believe in the right of the people to know. We have a right to know a lot of things like who financed the insurrection? Which politician’s are taking what money from which Russian Oligarchs, Republican or Democrat? Which billionaires own which Supreme Court Justice?  I want to know everything that the FBI and the CIA knows about which American groups are funneling guns to the Mexican Cartels? There are a ton of things that I think the people have a right to know but we don’t. Some of it is because the truth is hid from us by the very people that should be telling us the truth. Some of it is because the truth does not sell as well as the lies so we are sold the lies. Some of it is because we don’t search for the truth. Some of it is because we have so much hate that it blinds us from the truth.

At this point I want to know a lot of things about Hunter Biden’s laptop, because if Hunter Biden’s laptop had information on it that he had not given anyone the right to see why warrants were not issued? This is private information. In all of this what has been Hunter Biden’s rights? He is not a member of Biden’s staff and he was not a member of the Obama Administration. He was and is a private citizen. As the Republicans are quick to point out, if they can do it to him they can do it to anyone. Why is Hunter Biden treated so differently than the Trump Children? Could it be that the Democrats are not the dirty politicians that the Republicans are? Trump’s kids made millions upon millions as it has been reported by multiple news sites. What makes Hunter Biden’s laptop bigger than anything else? One problem is that too many people in this Country are willing to accept dirty politics? I hate the fact that many times we are asked to vote for the lesser of two evils. The Democrats are not perfect but people like Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene make the Democrats look like choir boys.

We need more truth but the truth is in very short supply if you expect to find it on cable news. I looked up on Fact Check on the illegal immigration numbers. The numbers do show a rise in the first year of the Biden administration. Now, I will say that these are numbers of those who were apprehended. Is it that more people are getting caught because we are doing a better job of stopping them? If the Biden administration is catching more people in 2021 than the Trump Administration did in 2020 what does that really show us? If Biden had this Open Border policy then why did they stop more in 2021 than 2020? If we are apprehending people that does not sound like an Open Border to me. So what is the truth? We have a right to know what is going to be done but all we get is just more lies. Do you know why that we have to bipartisan solutions? Could it be that there is no political advantage working with the other side of the aisle to solve our problems? May be a better way of putting it is because there is not political advantage to working together our problems never get solved.

The closest bipartisanship that I saw was some Republicans and Democrats trying to get to the bottom of something was actually the Jan. 6th committee. I know that they are Republican that are screaming at me that I am a liar. Liz Cheney was at one time the number two Republican in the House. Adam Kinzinger was also a Republican on the committee. They didn’t play politics. They put their Country before their party and politics to search for the truth of why January 6th happened. History will not call them RINOs. History will call it accurately. They are on the right side of history and that is what generations will know about those two. McCarthy tried to stack the committee by putting people on it that may have actually participated in the insurrection but the ones that wanted the truth stayed resolved to search for it. One thing you will never be able to say about a Cheney is that they did not love their country. Why weren’t more Republicans willing to stand up for what was right? Could it be that they were afraid of the same repercussions that happened to Cheney?  


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