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What a screwed up country we have become or have we always been this way. My last blog was how a School Administrator in Florida was asked to resign because of a complaint of the teaching of Michelangelo’s sculpture of David. Three parents complained, Three! Three seems to be a minority to me. A minority of parents got an Administrator fired and change the direction of education for an entire school. This is the way that parental control of a school will ruin education. We have another school in Tennessee where 3 students and 3 adult workers are killed by and lone gunman that had two assault rifles and a pistol. The majority of our population wants common sense gun control. Here again a minority are controlling the gun situation in America and Children are dying. A School Administrator has to resign but a Congressman and his entire family posing with assault rifle for all things, a Christmas card, which in my opinion is promoting violence, does not. Are we screwed up or what? The world I think just looks at us and shakes its head, foreign countries like Japan have issued travel warnings about terrorism and shootings here is the United States.

We have all heard the phrase “the will of the people” or “the people have spoken”. Those words seem to ring pretty hollow today. The people want common sense gun control. Why isn’t it happening? Three reasons, the Supreme Court, Citizens United, and Money. I put the Supreme Court first because they helped make this mess worse. Roberts’ Supreme Court, for some reason, thought they were smarter than all of the other Supreme Courts that came before his. I have always said that the 2nd amendment is the most twisted sentence in the entire Constitution. It was never intended to be used the way it is being used today. People have commented back at me asking what part of “right to bear arms” do I not understand. If you have followed my writing you will know that I understand the 2nd amendment really well. It is one sentence that has to read as one sentence and not just cherry pick the last part. I don’t care what the Federalist Papers say. They are not relevant anymore and when it comes to the 2nd Amendment they haven’t been relevant since the Civil War. People will say that the 2nd Amendment was put there to give a state the ability to protect itself from the Federal Government. What were they so afraid of was that the Federal Government would try and take away from them? What freedom? Why, the freedom to own another human being. That did eventually happen. The other thing they had to protect themselves from was a slave rebellion. In many areas of the South the number of slaves at time out numbered the number of free people. You must have a tool for such large scale oppression. They didn’t trust that the Federal Government would react fast enough to help put one down a slave rebellion. They needed a local militia or what was called slave patrols to protect their property of human flesh. Now, I can read these things just as well as the Supreme Court. I am sure that they know what I know and more.  

The Supreme Court also gave us Citizens United that helped make Washington a bigger swamp than what it already was. Citizens United has made it almost impossible to drain the swamp that Washington has become. You can move agencies out of Washington all you want. As long as the money flows into Washington where our elected representatives sit, the swamp will always be there. Children die and more money pours into Washington to ensure that nothing meaningful changes. A lot of that money is foreign money that wants to ensure that the chaos continues. I am sure that some of that money is Russian money. Sure you can ban the sale of assault rifles but what about all the guns that are already out there. You going to take them away? Do you really think that you can take them away without a violent fight? I don’t. You have to look at other solutions but will the Supreme Court help? I doubt it! If I was running the world the first thing I would get rid of Open Carry laws. The police have to know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. With open carry the police have no idea. I would get rid of most conceal and carry laws. Our police have to feel safe making things like traffic stops. Today they have no idea. I believe in the right to protect my home and my property. I am a gun owner. I have had guns most of my life and I know how to use them. I would have no problem protecting my home. I also have been trained and have a conceal and carry license for the State of Florida. I choose not to carry a concealed weapon in public. I just don’t want to go through life being so paranoid that I see danger wherever I go.

They say that the problem with guns are not the guns it is a mental health issue. You bet your ass it is! I have heard too many times that it is not the gun but it is the person carrying the gun. I think that you have a mental health issue if you think you have to carry a gun in public because you think that there are bad guys lurking around every corner. I think that it is a mental health problem when you have to walk around carrying a gun in an effort to look tough. I think that it is a mental health problem to walk around carrying a gun because you want to bully and intimidate people. I think that you have a mental health problem when you think you need a gun to settle your differences. I think that you have a mental health issue when you think that god favors you carrying a gun over the lives of our children. How do you solve all the mental health issues in America? That question has been asked and no one has been able to answer the question. To blame it on mental health like many in the Republican Party has and do not have answers on how to solve them is in itself insane. If you can’t solve the mental health issues then you have to start looking at the guns. I have written many times before that one of my definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

Thoughts a prayers are not cutting. The Church has been very quiet on the subject. It is almost like the turn the other cheek crowd no longer turns the other cheek. I grew up like many of us that Christianity was a peaceful and loving religion I guess I received the wrong message. Don’t give me that crap about how Jesus told his disciples in Luke to sell their clothes and buy a sword because he also said on Matthew that those that live by the sword will die by the sword. I have seen pictures of open carry churches were people have gone and had their guns blessed. We had a Church in Pennsylvania in 2018 that blessed people’s assault rifles. When I hear people say thoughts and prayers I think that they are just adding to the problem. Too many people are dying because of guns no matter what the reason. In the movies we would always see Wyatt Earp banning guns in Dodge City. Well look it up. It is true. The carrying of firearms was prohibited within city limits. You can’t tell me that the people that lived a hundred and fifty years ago are smarter than we are today.


  1. Current Canadian who has lived in two other countries. I have wrestled with this question... How is it any *less* a mental health issue to fixate on keeping guns at home than to fixate on carrying them in public?
    This would suggest, improbably it seems, that your personal vulnerability is greater at home?

    1. You make a good point. Until last year the only guns I had in my house were my hunting guns. When I lived in Wisconsin, I felt that there was not a need. I have since moved to Florida and there is a whole different attitude here and I now have a small pistol too, a Walther PK22. Hate to say this but I feel less safe in Florida.


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