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Fox News lies! Fox News just paid over three quarters of a billion dollars because it lied to the American people and that lie damaged a voting machine company. That was the settlement between Fox News and Dominion. That sounds like a huge chunk of change but let’s look at what really happened here. Fox News doesn’t have to issue anything publicly like an acknowledgement that it lied to the American people. Fox News doesn’t have to admit publicly that it chose money and profits over the truth. What this really does is make it so Fox News still has a license to lie to the American Public and the World. That’s right! Fox News paid over three quarters of a billion dollars so it can continue to lie to the American people.

The Fox News and Dominion suit was settled out of court just before the start of opening remarks were to start in the trial. Why did Fox News settle? It settled so that owner of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch and none of the other liars had to testify in open court. You can say that most of the world has seen the news that Fox News lied but there is a huge portion of the country that only gets their news from Fox, so, if they don’t have to admit that they did anything wrong their viewers will never know the liars that they really are. The big three, Tucker Carlson, Laurie Ingram, or Sean Hannity do not have to get up on the stand and swear to tell the truth and then explain why they lied to the American Public and the world. Rupert Murdoch does not have to explain how he was the ring leader of all the lies and that he had to power to stop them at anytime. I have not seen anyone of the big three fired, yet, during this whole process. The big three are still on the air to spread their lies and have guests on there that will feed the lies that are destroying our country.

I have written before that Fox News has weakened our nation, I truly think that is the truth. Is it only about money? Rupert Murdoch has enough money for a hundred lifetimes. Rupert Murdoch’s net worth is over 22 billion dollars as of March of 2022. I can’t even imagine having that type of money. He has paid more in divorce settlements than what he had to pay Dominion. It has been reported that his divorce settlement to his wife, Anna, was 1.7 billion dollars. What is money to that man? There must be something more powerful that has been driving him more than just money. I wish that would be what real journalists would be trying to find out and reporting that to the American people. The only problem with that, it is billionaires such as Murdoch that control the news we read and watch in this country. Through his News Corp he owns hundreds of local, national and international news and publishing outlets including in the United Kingdom, Australia and in the United States. He controls an awful lot of what we read and see that isn’t on Fox News too. He is not the only billionaire that is controlling our news but he seems to be the most talked about one.

If money is not a motivation for Murdoch anymore then what is? If I had that kind of money I would be trying to end hunger in America. I would be trying to make sure that information technology was available for all of our children. I would be trying to make the world a better place before I leave it. That type of money can give a person the means to do much good, but also much harm. Fox News and Murdock has done much harm in my opinion. They have given a platform to people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump to spread their lies and hate. Their race baiting in my opinion has led to death. Fox News has been obsessed with Critical Race Theory that has brought about the end of teaching Black History in our schools. They have given people like Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis the platform to suppress the truth about our own racial genocide that has happened right here in America. Fox News and Rupert Murdoch has done nothing to improve our nation and a lot to damage it.

Rupert Murdoch  came from Australia. He was fast tracked into U. S. Citizenship by none other than Ronald Reagan. Maybe to understand what drives Murdoch and his War on Race we have to not look at the history of him here in America, maybe we have to look at the history of where he came from. When you research Murdoch in Australia he either looks like a saint or he looks like the devil himself. He supposedly saved an innocent Aboriginal man that had been jailed for a rape and murder of a White girl which makes him look like a saint. He has gotten a lot on mileage out of that but you have to look at more than one story. What you have to look at is the history of Australia and the role of the News media that was controlled a lot by Murdoch. Australia has had one of the most horrific racial records in the World and it has also been reported that Murdoch’s many media holdings helped hide that record of discrimination and the quest for White Purity. It has been well recorded the Australian policy of separating mixed race children from their Indigenous mothers. In fact, that policy did not end until the 1970s. They ripped mixed race children away from their mothers and hid them away from society in the name of White Purity. Like our Indigenous people the Aborigines were driven from their land so it could be exploited by Whites. You see much of Australians thought that Australia was for White People. In my research I didn’t see Murdoch trying to change that.

Now he brings his show to America. Same show but different nation. Much of his Australian news outlets mirror his American News outlets or vice versa. His news outlets spread Islamic phobia on both Continents. His message is one that resonates with the White Supremists community. The Islamic massacre in New Zealand was committed by a 29 year old Australian with an assault weapon.  Murdock’s type of news spreads hate and hate spreads violence. How much of his news is responsible for the killing and the gun culture in America? Does he care? Do any of them at Fox News really care? It sure doesn’t look like it to me. The first day after the settlement is was just back to usual for Fox News. To me that is not the news and it should not be protected as the news.

Every once in a while I will look up and see who are the major advertisers  on Fox New. Every once in a while I will put a little message on their Facebook page. I hope you do too.




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