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Prayer in schools. Whose prayer? We have teachers that are of many denominations of religion does the teacher pick the prayer? If you are bringing God back into our schools whose god? What about those parents that don’t believe and are not raising their children to be believers. This group is the fastest growing religious group in America. There are just some things that should be left out of schools and Religion is one of them.

In Texas, the Senate has passed a bill to put the Ten Commandments in every classroom. I mean, didn’t the Supreme Court rule on that one already? Is this just another circumstance where a group wants to bring this issue up to Chief Justice Roberts’ Court so they can just overturn the judgments of the Court Justices that came before them? They did that for guns. They did that for abortion. The Supreme Court, in my opinion, has weakened our Constitution  and in doing so has weakened our country. The things that truly make us free are the very things that they want to take away. Religion does not free anyone. I think, if anything, it has been used as a tool to suppress the masses. By masses I think of all of us. They always point to our Forefathers as being these religious people that looked to God for guidance in our struggle for independence. To be honest with you I don’t think they were looking for any such thing. They rebelled against the King of England who was also the head of the English Church and supposedly, anointed by God to rule. You will not find “In God We Trust” in the Constitution. They didn’t write it as a testament to God, they wrote it as a testament to how they thought a government should be. A Government run by people and not someone supposedly anointed by God. If they wanted to be governed by God’s representative they would have never rebelled in the first place and have remained loyal to the King of England.

“In God We Trust” first appeared on a two cents piece in 1864 and it wasn’t more widely accepted until 1950s and the Communist scare. Communists were “godless people” that were doing away with the church and we had to show them that we were not. What I find funny is that we put “In God We Trust” on our money, the very thing that is the root of all evil. The 1st commandment is that we will not have any Gods before him and then with put “In God We Trust” on the very thing that many put before their God. Jesus was a penniless, homeless guy that survived on other people’s generosity. When he died he had nothing. Do you really think that a penniless man that died on the cross for you would then anoint rich people to rule over you? That was the system that was in place before Jesus and the Church has made sure that system remained. The Catholic Church alone has to be one to the richest real-estate holders in the entire world. There are Evangelical ministers that make millions upon millions from their so called flocks. Religion is more about big business than saving souls.

What do they think that they will accomplish by trying to groom our children using religion in our schools? They have continually  tried to use many means to groom children in the past and it always winds up backfiring on them. They banned Rock and Roll music. Rock and Roll went on to dominate the music world. They banned long hair, you still see long hair everywhere. They tried to dress the kids all the same but children’s individuality still showed through. It seems that the more you try to groom kids, the more they will rebel from being groomed. It didn’t work 60 years ago and it won’t work now. You have to stop treating these kids like they are stupid. They have a world of information at their fingertips. They know when they are being lied too. Republicans talk the talk but talk is cheap. You have to walk the walk. They can read the words of Jesus and know that you are lying to them. They can see all the destruction that organized Religion has created. They can see all the killing in the name of god.

You will parade these Commandments in front of these children and you will expect them to have meaning to them, when they don’t have to meaning to the people that put them up. The children will know this. Our thrice married, accused rapist, who paid for sex of an ex-president says that if he is elected will hang the Ten Commandments in every classroom. You know, he is the guy that God had to have been talking about when he said “Thou shall not Covet”. Yes, he wants to put The Commandments in every classroom in the nation. Do you think that kids are so stupid that they can’t find out the truth. That is why I say that it will backfire. They will see that too many of those Commandments have absolutely no meaning to the people that are making us look at them every day. They will wind up being a daily reminder on how they are being lied to every time they walk into a classroom. They will know that they are really being groomed and many won’t like it. In some ways they will also be more of a divider in our schools, exposing the diversity of the student body and sometimes showing the discrimination of some of their fellow classmates by not only their school but by their fellow classmates because of that diversity.

Our young people are just now finding their voices. We have made them hide under desks. We have made them terrified of their schools. Soon, in my country, they will have to walk through metal detectors everyday they come to school. We have shown them exactly how unimportant they are too  many of us. They see too many politicians telling them how they want to think instead of letting them learn how to think. We have children that you want to be “asleep” by telling them lies instead of being woke by telling them the truth. The truth is there. What is the 9th Commandment? Thos shall not bear false witness. To teach anything but the truth would be breaking the 9th Commandment and the omission of the guilt of our nation would just be a lie.


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