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Tuckers out. Just like everyone else I have to comment about Tucker Carlson’s exit from Fox News or as some people call it Fox Entertainment. Tucker Carlson was not Journalist and to say he was would be an insult to all the hard working Journalists out there. There is a huge difference in making the news than reporting the news. In my opinion, he wanted to be the news not just report it. He wanted to be bigger than the stories that he was supposed to be reporting. I read a headline that Bill O’Reilly says that the GOP is in trouble now that Tucker Carlson is gone at Fox News. To me that is where the problem lies. How could the firing of one, so called Journalist, mean that an entire political party is in trouble. When Walter Cronkite retired I never heard that any political party was in trouble. When Peter Jennings signed off for the last time I never heard anyone say that any one political party would suffer. These were great Journalist, something that Tucker Carlson was/is not. A great journalist is a person that has a great passion for telling the truth and keeping the American Public informed of that truth. That is something hard to find on Fox News. I don’t know the whole story of what went down but I am reading that Tucker  Carlson was fired with cause and that the order came for Rupert Murdoch himself.

Fox News settled with Dominion Corporation for almost ¾ of a billion dollars, that is a huge chunk of change but it is also just the beginning of the lawsuits that have been files against Fox News for all of the lies and the lack of control they had over their so called news personalities. Smartmatic is another voting machine company that is suing Fox News for 2.7 billion dollars. With the fact that Fox News just forked  over ¾ of a billion bucks to Dominion this one might look like a slam dunk. I don’t think they are going to get off that easy with Smartmatic Corporation as they did with Dominion, but I could be wrong.  Abby Grossberg has filed two lawsuits against the company stating the Fox News lawyers pushed her to give a misleading deposition in the Dominion case. She is also alleging a hostile, and discriminatory work environment. She was fired after filing her complaints about the work environment. This is not a good look for a news network to have, any news network, not just Fox News. I am sure we will soon be adding Tucker Carlson to the list of people and organizations that are suing Fox News.

Many people are celebrating the demise of Tucker Carlson but I am not one of them. Don’t get me wrong,  I am glad that he is gone but the next person could be worse. What if they would replace Carlson with a person like Marjorie Taylor Greene. Look how many people have believed her lies. I saw the Atlantic reporting that they thought that the person that replaces Carlson will be worse. Just look at the core audience that Fox News chases. I have read that 4 out of 10 people over the age of 65 find their news from Fox News with 87 percent of those being White. I am in that 65 and over group and I find it hard to talk politics with people my own age because so many are buying into the lies that Fox News spreads. When I listen to someone talk I can tell if they get their news from Fox News. Most I don’t even tell about the blog that I write and most I will not follow on social media because I don’t want the conflict in my personal life which is a little cowardly on my part.

Many will not admit it but I think that a lot of the people over 65 are still a little racist. Many grew up in racist households where segregation was then norm. Very few of us over the age of 65 have never used the N word to describe a person of color. We grew up is one of the most racist times in our history and watched Black people demanding a seat at the table and watching White people like George Wallace pushing back. Many have learned from their own prejudices and have tried to improve. Many haven’t. Their racist hate will not just go away because Tucker Carlson is gone. They will find another conservative to follow that helps feed their hate. That is the recipe that has made Murdoch a billionaire and he is not going to change that recipe now. He has made his news station the mouth piece for those politicians that want to amplify their racist rhetoric. With Ted Cruz shouting that they are trying to make you “hate your race” to the battle cry of “You will not replace us” by racist marchers in Charlotte, Fox news was the voice and the outlet those bigots used. While other news outlets condemned that talk Fox help justify it. That is my opinion. You can say that I am not being fair but I don’t think that I am exaggerating all. Look at Murdoch’s record everywhere he has gone and you see the same thing. He is the voice that White Supremists use, he spreads so much fear to his core viewing audience that a Black child is at risk just walking up and ringing the wrong door bell. The firing of Tucker Carlson will not change that. He will just go out and find another spokesperson to spread his lies and instill fear into his core audience.

When will all this stop? I don’t know. Other counties that believe in free speech don’t allow Murdoch and his hate on their airways. We could reintroduce the fairness doctrine and some kind of truth doctrine but I am pretty sure our Supreme Court would say that would violate free speech. I am not sure that our founding fathers would agree. They seemed to be, for the most part, honest men that wanted the Republic that they envisioned and put down on paper to survive. The only thing that can stop the lying and the hate are “us”, the voters. We have to stop voting for that hate. We have to stop voting for the lies. Me, I would rather pay more taxes to ensure that every American has a seat at the table but that is just me. I could be wrong.




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