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Women power! I keep reading in the news about the power of the Women’s vote and how Republicans are going to regret that they are messing with women’s freedoms. Women make up half of the voters in this country. If they truly were united they would be a force to be reckoned with but they are not. In Florida last year DeSantis signed one of the most restrictive Abortions laws in the nation. This was before he faced reelection. Even though abortion rights were very much part of the 2022 election DeSantis clearly had the White women vote in very high percentages for him.  Fifty-six percent of the total women voters, over the age of 65, voted for DeSantis where just 43 percent voted for Crist. In the age group 18 to 29 it was tied between DeSantis and Crist 47 percent each. A total of 53 percent of Women voted for DeSantis even though he blatantly is taking away women’s right.  Because of the high number, the women’s vote  just emboldened a man like DeSantis. Just this week he signed into law a new Abortion law that makes the last one look liberal. It took the abortion window from 15 weeks to now 6 weeks. That basically eliminates abortion in Florida.

In Florida with the 18 to 29 yr old voters being tied at 47 percent for DeSantis and 47 percent for Crist make the theory that Generation Z is going to make a huge difference in Florida debatable. To see all the suppression and all of the hatred that DeSantis has shown the whole state I was surprise that that he did so well with the young voters. This attack on women’s rights has never been totally an abortion issue. In fact, letting the narrative always be on abortion, I think, has taken away from the real issue. It has been a personal freedom issue on whether women have a say over their own bodies. That right is a personal freedom issue and women’s personal freedoms are being taken away from them. What right will they take away next? I have written many times that freedom is a hollow word when it is being screamed by a group that would take away a woman’s freedom or any groups freedom to decide what their future should be. That is what the so called Conservative Republicans are doing, taking away a women’s freedom to decide their own future. It is sad enough that Grandma and Grandpa will vote for people that would take away their granddaughter’s freedoms but when you vote for the very people that would take your own freedoms away you are not looking out for your own self interests and freedoms.

The policies that DeSantis has favored are, I my opinion, disastrous for the future of Florida and the nation but he won solidly across the board. He deports Hispanics and they still vote for him. He denies women’s right and they still vote for him. He bans books and they still vote for him. Everyone except for the Blacks which is the group that DeSantis denies the truth of their history and existence the most. That future will affect all of them more than me because I will be gone and they will be left picking up the pieces if there are anymore pieces to pick up. It is more of their freedoms that are being taken away than mine. Education and the truth are casualties that are going to be a major problem that will be facing this country over the next 20 years than it has over the last 20 years. The banning of books that do not fall in line with the way the State wants you to think will not only be a major issue in the very near future but if successful, a problem for future generations. It will  make it harder for you to express thoughts that are not part of the official State line of thought. What they really want to do away with is what I consider is free thinking. That is what they fear the most about Generation Z, they are having a harder time controlling the message they think you should learn and control.  Controlling freedom is the name of the game.

Personal freedoms are always the thing that is attacked. One of the most cherished rights that we have is the right to vote. If Generation Z doesn’t vote the way that the Republicans want them to do what is the first thing they want to do? Why raise the voting age to 21. It a Constitutional Amendment that gave 18 year olds the right to vote because “if you could die for this country you should have the right to vote for who is going to send you to fight”. There are a few Republicans that would take that right away but would still want you to fight if they needed you to. In a nut shell, they want you to serve them and their Republic but they do not want to have their Republic serve you.

Global warming is real and we have a Generation that is becoming of voting age that knows that it is. Gun violence is real and it is everywhere. We have a Generation that is becoming of voting age that has to practice active shooter drills in their schools. We have a generation that is becoming of voting age that sees that a minority want to control women’s bodies. I can go on and on but you get the drift. They aren’t worried about your future. They are not worried about any of your rights. What they are worried about is maintaining power. They will stomp on anyone’s rights just to stay in power.


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