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I am so sick of Party Politics. We no longer have the rule of the law. What we have instead is Party Politics. I will tell you one thing, party politics are costing the people of Florida and a few other States a lot of money. The illegal border crossings are down so what does the Florida Governor do? He sends National Guard Troops to Texas. He pays for a plane to fly Asylum Seekers to California and Massachusetts not from Florida but from Texas. We have a disaster here in Florida and our State money is going to Texas. Try and make sense out of that because I can’t. It gets DeSantis headlines but it doesn’t do the State of Florida any good. We have a labor shortage and he is grandstanding for the Republican base in Texas. If he was really concerned about Florida maybe he should have flown them here so they could help us rebuild after the Hurricane. Or maybe help it so our crops are not dying on the vine because he has chased the workers away. When our fruits and vegetables go up in price he will then blame Biden for the problem. That is an example of Party Politics that is killing this country.

What does matter to the Republican Party? That is what I try to figure out. We all know that Billionaires matter to them, foreign and domestic Billionaires. Paul Ryan used to call those Billionaires job creators which we know now that wasn’t true. Do you know who creates jobs? In my opinion, consumers do. The more people you have spending money for goods and services the more goods and services you need. In my opinion Republicans don’t really care about a healthy economy. They care about lowering taxes for Billionaires which in my opinion does not convert over to a healthy economy. What stimulates an economy? People spending money. For people to spend money people have to have money. I just have a hard time believing that keeping people poor is good for the Country or the economy. Tax cuts more than spending has gotten us into this mess. Tax cuts don’t pay for themselves and stops business from reinvesting in themselves.

I want a Government that is interested in the future on my Children and Grandchildren. Every day you can read about children dying because of gun violence. From Alabama to Illinois and Wisconsin, from Florida to California and everywhere in between children are being killed with guns. Is this the purpose of the 2nd Amendment? Is this what the writers of the Bill of Rights had in mind when they wrote it?  I really don’t think so. They didn’t write for personal protection into the Amendment. That is nowhere in the Amendment.  They didn’t write for the purpose of being criminals or defending ourselves from criminals. They wrote for the States to have a well Regulated Militia because they did not feel that that Federal Government would not react fast enough to protect them. What did that mean? That has been debated for a while now but I am pretty sure it wasn’t put there for our children to be dying from gun violence. I am pretty sure it wasn’t put there for our schools getting shot up. Guns and State Militias today no longer share in the common defense. There is only one party that is concerned about our Children dying and that is not the Republican Party. After a school shooting you will see Republicans sending out Christmas cards with the entire family holding AR15s. That is a party that is grooming children for violence, not for safety. There is only one party that wants some common sense gun laws. Giving your thought and prayers are only playing Party Politics that actually has no real meaning that will promote the safety of our children. I just know that our children dying are not important to the Republican Party so never try to say they are trying to protect our children.

I know that the Republicans do not stand for a unified America. I think they did at one time but I think you have to go back a ways for a Republican that wants to work for all Americas. Racism and bigotry is not working for all Americans. Denying the history of a whole race of people is not uniting anybody. Eliminating Black history, “Don’t Say Gay”, banning books are not things that unite people. Telling a whole group of people that Black Studies have no educational value is not how you unite people. These are things that people do that want to divide entire groups of people. Their way or the highway attitude is not one that unites; it is one that persecutes anyone that is different. It is not one that expands creativity it is one that discourages creativity. It is one that does not encourage the freedom of expression it is one that tries to end individual expression. In many ways it encourages violence against people that are different. You can tell how they defend the Battle Flag of the Confederacy, a symbol of war. yet attack the Rainbow flag that is supposed to be a symbol of love.

In Florida we have had people that think that Gays and Trans Sexuals should be put to Death. Ron DeSantis’s own pastor says that Gay people should be put to death. A Mississippi Republican has stated that Tran’s people should be put in front of a firing squad. A Texas Pastor says that Gay people should be shot in the back of the head. Many people throughout history have preyed on defenseless people just because they are different. Children are notorious for tormenting kids that are different. It is not children doing this it is grown people that belong to a political party filled with hate and a Religious organization that are filled with hate. I have a Tran’s nephew. I fear for his life. He is a gentle soul that would not harm anyone. I fear that people will harm him for being what nature has made him. That is right. Nature made him the way he is. If God created everything than God created him to. If you believe that God is perfect than you have to accept that these people are as much of his plan as everyone else. Christians are always big on God testing us. What if this is one of his tests and that many Christians are failing because of their hate? What my nephew is and does not harm anyone. Not a soul. It really has no effect over anyone’s life.

I have always said that I am an independent vote. I am really a Registered Independent. In Florida that means that I cannot vote in the primaries. I don’t like that but that is the price you pay for being an Independent Voter in Florida. I don’t agree with everything that the Democrats do but I disagree with just about everything that the Republicans do. I will not vote for a party that outright lies and the Republicans outright lie all the time especially for money. Democrats are not perfect either but they are much more truthful because they have to be. The national media does hold Democrats to a different standard. Joe Biden’s son is constantly being attacked yet Trump’s Children have been pretty much untouchable. Al Franken resigned from office because of a joke that was maybe not in good taste. George Santos lied about everything and he is still in office. Yes, the parties are being held to a different standard in my opinion.

The Republican Party is so corrupt if they would really be held accountable it would look like political revenge instead of the justice that it really would be. That is what has made it so hard to hold the Republicans accountable. That has what made it so easy for them to escape accountability. I really don’t like bashing the Republicans because I grew up in a Republican household. I use to feel that I was betraying my Father. They are not the party of my Father’s anymore. They are a party of hate that will sacrifice our young people’s future for money and power for the few and not the many. They wish to suppress that American Dream. How can I ever vote for that?


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