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Ok it has happened. Donald Trump has been indicted. People talk about how Trump mishandled top secret documents. Hey people, Trump did not just mishandle documents, Trump stole top secrets documents. Mishandling sounds like just a misunderstanding. Like oops, my bad, sorry I didn’t know. This was not a misunderstanding this was intentional. This is theft. This is not a victimless crime. We the citizens are the victims. Trump stole from us. Now many of “you” victims out there will not want to press charges because you feel that Trump should be above the law. Many of “us” victims feel just the opposite and think he should be prosecuted because he has not only betrayed the country but he has also betrayed the people of this county. He knew what the law was. He had the law changed in anger over Hillary Clinton and her email server. Our Declaration Of Independence says all men are created equal. Trump does not believe that. He intentionally broke that law and that has to be dealt with or else you may as well just empty all our prisons now because if Trump is above the law then we all are.

On January 20th 2021 when Trump left office he took an awful lot of stuff with him. That is something the courts and history will have to figure out. As early as May 2021 the National Archives notice that some of Trump’s documents were missing. Trump did nothing to return anything. In June the National Archives told Trump that they were going to refer the situation to the Department of Justice. As early as July 2021 it is being reported that Trump was showing top secret plans to a reporter that was interviewing him. Between August and September Trump showed various people at his Bedminster Golf Club maps relating to top secret military plans. During all this time he was having his Valet move all kinds of boxes around for Trump’s review. In December, the national Archives are still asking for the material to be turned over to them because Trump had not complied. Trump finally returned 15 boxes to the National Archives in January 22. In those boxes were many secret documents. The National Archives then notifies the Department of Justice of those classified documents. The Justice Department tried to negotiate in good faith the return of all the documents and that just didn’t happen. It wasn’t until August 5 did the Justice Department apply for a search warrant. It was over 7 months that Trumps and his representatives were stonewalling our Department of Justice. This was not a rush to judgment by the DOJ and Trump had every opportunity to make it right. Instead he just decided that he could do whatever he wanted and you just dared them to try and stop him. It took over a year and a half to get where we are today.

This is not a witch hunt and has never been. This is just Trump whining to you so he can get away with a crime. Read through the timeline. Read through the indictment. Also think what would have happened if Obama had done this? This is crime that probably was going to be about a lot of money. Trump more than anything is a salesman. It already could be a crime about a lot of money and for diplomatic reasons we are not being told. It would not surprise me if this isn’t even bigger than what it appears now. Other Countries defenses? Our military responses? Is this stuff up for sale? Trump the great salesman? Would he sell out his own country? Those are questions that everyone should be asking. When you follow someone with blind loyalty, in the end it is you that winds up taking a huge fall. Trump wanted all of us to just blindly follow him and slowly our country is being ripped apart more and more. The question is not the fact he had documents should have gone to the National Archives. I am sure every President have documents that should have gone to the National Archive. I am also sure that most Presidents would comply with the request. The documents that Trump wanted to keep were the top secret documents. The Classified Documents. Some of those documents could have serious impact on our security. Biden didn’t deny their request. Pence didn’t deny their request. Trump did deny that request and I want to know why. I think the American public have a right to know why.

The Republicans reaction unfortunately has been has been what we have become to expect from the Republican Party. Very few have criticized Trump at all for any of this with many defending him. Sadly this is what we have come to expect from the Republican Party. I have read a lot about the motivation of weaponization of our Department of Justice. I find that talk very interesting. From what I have read and from what I have seen it looks like the very opposite has happened. Biden true to his word appears to be staying out of it. Most of the players in this situation are Republicans including the head of the FBI who is a Trump appointee. You have people ask why Biden is not being held to the same standard as Trump. It was determined during the Trump administration by the Attorney General that a sitting President could not be charged with a crime. Biden is being held exactly to the same standard that Trump was held too. I also believe that Hillary has been one of the most investigated individuals ever. She was investigated by both Attorney Generals in the Trump administration. One was Bill Barr who is saying if a fraction of indictment is true, Trump is toast. Republicans don’t want to be held to the same standards. They want to be held to different standards than what they want everyone else held too. This “what if” about anyone else is just a smokescreen to get the Trump base all riled. To be charged with a crime the Trump Justice Department had to find evidence that Hillary intentionally committed a crime and as they stated at the time there was just not enough evidence. To be charged with a crime the Justice Department needed to find enough evidence and they did not. The biggest point is that none of this had anything to do with what Trump did or didn’t do.

Mitt Romney has stated that Trump has brought this on himself. Mitt Romney stated “Mr. Trump brought these charges upon himself by not only taking classified documents, but by refusing to simply return them when given numerous opportunities to do so” That statement sums it all up in a nutshell. All Trump had to do was comply with the request. Gov. Youngkin of Virginia has claimed that there is a two-tier judicial system. He is right about that. He would have a kid caught stealing a backpack or some candy to be treated more harshly than a man that has stolen government secrets. Rich White ex- Presidents should not be treated any different. A two-tier system is what we have today and people like Gov. Youngkin are the reason why. I have heard that someone said that they “would not want to live in a country that Donald Trump could be indicted”. I find it unfathomable to live in a country where he could not. That was the type of system that existed before our revolution. A king not accountable to the will of the people. I don’t want to return to a system like than some 240 years later.  

This was started over two years ago by Donald Trump withholding documents that should have been turned over to the National Archives which by the way is not a political organization. Trump caused this to happen. The Republican Party has used it to try and split the country more apart. We the people are the ones that will suffer in the end if Trump is not held accountable.




  1. It’s been sold already. The Archives need to get their collective sh*t together and go through everything BEFORE a president leaves office.


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