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There is so much going on that the news seems to have trouble keeping up. I have trouble keeping up. We have the multiple Trump scandals, we have the Republicans jockeying for position on who is going to replace Trump when he falters. We have Climate Change that still too many people believe is not real. We have a gun crisis in this country that is very much self-inflicted. We have a Healthcare crisis that too many people don’t want to recognize at all. We have labor shortages all over the country yet we still have too much poverty. We have a Supreme Court that just may be the most corrupt branch of our Federal Government. Our biggest problem as I see it is that we have too much hate in this country and hate is something that the Republicans know they can sell.

That is what the Border Crisis is. It is selling hate. It looks like the number of immigrants that are coming to our borders is slowing down. That doesn’t sell well. The Republicans can’t sell it and good news doesn’t sell well for the National Media either. Selling our situation at the border as a crisis is a way for Republicans to sell their hate and a way for the media to sell the news. Even though the numbers are going down we have Republican Governors sending National Guard Troops to the border because hate sells. If you look at the statistics there has been a crisis at our southern border pretty much all of my life. It used to be Mexicans but with national Healthcare why would any Mexican want to come here? It could be to escape the violence but let’s face it we are not the most non violent country either. Most of the people trying to get into the country are actually from Central America were there really is a humanitarian crisis going on. A crisis that we have played a big role in helping create. One, because it is our thirst for drugs that feeds the problem. The other is the fact that we in the 80s and early 90s used the Drug Cartels to help supply guns to the rebels in Central America. To this day we are the biggest supplier of guns to Central America and it is our guns that have been driving the humanitarian crisis in Central America. Our guns have directly led to the humanitarian crisis at our border. Just like Pontius Pilate we just wash our hands from the whole thing.

Hate Sells. That is the entire message that I get from the whole DeSantis Presidential Campaign. Anti Gay, Anti Trans, Anti Diversity, Anti Inclusion, Anti Black History, Anti Woke, Anti Disney, Anti Climate Change Anti Immigration. DeSantis is just about anti everything. DeSantis knows that hate sells. This is not a Campaign coming up with policies that will help American families and communities. What are his plans of uniting America and moving us forward. This is a campaign to rip American communities apart. When a man becomes President the first thing he has to do is heal the division that the election  created. That is where the Trump administration failed. You can’t demonize half the nation and expect anything but hate and chaos, which is how I sum up the Trump years. DeSantis is running such a, I won’t say negative campaign, I will call it what it is a hateful campaign. Running such a hateful campaign as DeSantis is running there is no way you can see him even trying to unite a city block let alone our Nation. I think that the division that he would create would be worse than what Trump accomplished. Hate just doesn’t heal anything.

I just can’t believe how deep their hate is. Can you imagine that people want to eliminate that historical figures like Rosa Parks are Black? How do you explain the Montgomery Bus boycott without mentioning the Rosa Parks was Black and the reason that she was supposed to give up her seat on the Bus to a White Person was because she was Black? What were the Civil Rights marches and protests for and who participated in them. If you can’t say Black then you are denying history which is what DeSantis is trying to do. Some will call it rewriting history. As we discover and learn more historical fact we always rewrite history. As we discover new truths we rewrite history. The problem is DeSantis has not discovered anything historical to change any of our history books.  He has not uncovered any new truths. When you try and eliminate race from our history you are committing a racist act. For too long that is exactly what was happening. I was never taught about Racism back in the 60s and it was all around us then. It was not something that we discussed in the schools but it was on the news pretty much every day. It was discussed at many a dinner table. Republicans don’t like to be called Racist. If you don’t want to be called Racists then stop committing racist acts. This is worth repeating “When you try and eliminate race from our history you are committing a racist act”. DeSantis is committing a racist act and that act is being supported by too many people.

In an interview Donald Trump said that drug dealers should get the death penalty. You have a Priest in Florida say that all Transgender People should be put to death. You had a Republican Candidate for office say that all Gays should be lined up and shot. When I read statements like that it just makes me angry. Why do hateful people think that death is the answer. Trump of course has always spread hate. Catering to people’s fear and hate is what has helped him get elected so I always seem to expect things like that to come out of his mouth. The fact that a Republican candidate  for office would emulate Trump is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that a Man of the Cloth would say it. Someone has to find me where Jesus said that? I grew up in a church that got its power from love and forgiveness. Now we have too many churches that get their power from pure hate. Catering to people’s hate now is what many politicians and even the Church has learned, hate sells. Not all Churches but too many. “Jesus may save” as the billboard says but the first thing that Jesus may have to save is the Church its self that has turned away from his message.

I read a book by Chris Matthews where he analyzed various Presidential Campaigns. I was struck with how complimentary he was by the Reagan Campaign even though he was a speech writer for Reagan. He talked about Reagan’s  feel good message that lifted people up and gave them hope. I don’t want to say that Reagan was a great President but I did vote for him. Many of the problems we have today are directly related to Reagan but the man did know how to run a campaign.  If I remember the book right he stated that the campaign that mostly emulated the Reagan Campaign was not another Republican’s Campaign, it was the Obama Campaign. One of the most popular Republicans and one of the most popular Democrats knew that a President’s job was to lift us up and give the whole country it’s pride back not just part of the country. Both knew that the whole nation had to be lifted up and not just one party of the other. That is what Biden tries to do but that is not what a single Republican candidate tries to so, Biden tries to sell a future that is good and the Republicans like Trump and DeSantis try and sell us a future that is full of hate.

Hate does not build anything but walls. Maybe that is why Trump and so many Republicans want that dam wall. It will be a monument to the hate that defines then so much.


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