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 No Labels. You would think a person like me would like a party like No Labels. I have in my bio that I don’t like being labeled. I write that I am not a Republican or a Conservative, that I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I am an Independent American. All that means to me is I will vote for the party that serves the people. I will never serve a political party. My goal is to do my best for America and Americans, not to put a political party before our nation. 

No Labels seems to be getting its fair share amount to press lately. With today’s press I don’t know if it is deserving or not. Today’s press loves to sensationalize things just to sell us the news, to generate ad money. Are they real? I don’t know but I think that they are dangerous. The Election between Al Gore and George W. Bush would there have been a different result if Ralph Nader didn’t run as a Green Party Candidate? Many analysts believe that Ralph Nader swung too many votes away for Al Gore. Just think about all the possibilities that may have happened if Gore would have won? Ralph Nader and All Gore competed for the same voters, the voters that were concerned about the environment. How about the 19 million votes that Ross Perot got, did they ensure a Clinton victory? Would a No Label Candidate help or hurt either the Republican or Democratic Candidate running for the Presidency? I think that would be a distinct possibility. When Perot ran against Bush and Clinton no one got a majority of the vote. Clinton got 43% of the vote, Bush got 37% of the vote and Perot 19% of the vote. 

What I look at is where is the money coming from? A lot of the money for No Labels is coming from Billionaires. Some of the donors are Mac Rowan, John Catsimatidi and Carl Ferenbach. Donations to No Labels are handled by an online fundraising platform called Anedot who brags to have distributed billions to conservative candidates. No Labels has received a lot of funding from Republican donors. In 2023 No Labels received major funding from Harlan Crow who is a leading donor to Republican and conservative causes. He is also the Billionaire that just may own part of our Supreme Court through what appears to be some very unethical gifts. The web site Anedot charges political groups a 4 percent fee plus 30 cents per transaction.  That money bolsters Anedot’s mission to raise funds for the right and the GOP.  Their website says it has processed billions of dollars in contributions. Here are some of its clients: Focus on the Family, the Susan B Anthony List (a prominent foe of reproductive rights), the Thomas More Society (a conservative group that supported Trump’s election deniers), the Reformed Theological Seminary (which is committed to the Bible as God’s inerrant Word), and the International Alliance for Christian Education. I find its clientele scary. Very scary! These are not organizations that want to enhance everyone’s freedoms. I can’t help but think that the same thing can be said about No Labels. Is this how the so-called dark money is interjected to a campaign?  Billionaires funnel money to various organizations using third party organizations to shield them from what they are trying to accomplish. 

People that say they support No Labels are sick and tired of all the partisan politics. They say that they don’t want to support any particular political party so they join No Labels. Well guess what? No Labels is a Political Party. It looks like to me it has been established to siphon away moderate Democrats which would help the Republicans. It is just another way for the Republicans to win. If they can sway enough moderate Democrats away from supporting Biden then maybe a Republican candidate can win without being a favorite. Ross Perot swung 19 million votes and I think that many of those 19 million may have voted instead for Bush. History has a way of repeating itself and we just may see it happening again. No Labels just may be Trump's path to the White House and stay out of jail. 

We are in an era in which Billionaires not only want to own businesses but also what to own people. Mostly people in our Government. Citizens United opened the door to this and it has been growing and growing ever since. Very few politicians seem to want to get rid of all the dark money that is flowing in. A few Democrats have tried but their efforts have fallen onto deaf ears especially from the Republicans. You hear people like Trump wanting to drain the swamp when in reality they are the swamp. The swamp will never be drained until the money is drained from Washington. That money is coming from Billionaires that expect to be able to influence legislation in return. I have never heard a billionaire talk about how we can feed the poor. I have never heard a billionaire talk about how we get healthcare for everyone. Our climate is just getting worse and we still have politicians that are paid to deny climate change. 

When you have politicians running on an anti-woke agenda or complaining about the new Barbie Movie you have politicians that don’t want to deal with the real issues facing the average American today. When you are a nation of mutts and you have politicians complaining about diversity and inclusion you have politicians that are working just to keep us divided and not unified. Who benefits from a divided America? Well maybe a whole bunch of those billionaires who seem to want to own everything including you and me. 



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