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It just goes on and on. Trump has been indicted for a fourth time. We have never had a President indicted before though a couple may have needed to on both sides to the aisle. We have never had a President , like Trump, who disregarded  the will of the people. Whether a candidate didn’t  like the way people voted, or how long it took to count the votes is not up to any President. It is actually up to the States and Congress, the President has no say in the election process. For a President to have a say over our election process would probably mean the end to our Republic. By what Trump has been saying Al Gore should have been able to just declare himself President over George Bush. Thankfully, Al Gore loved his country more than Trump loved his. That goes for Pence too. I am thankful though Mike Pence loved his country more than Trump did.

I have been on this earth for 70 years and have never witness what I have witnessed. If Vice Presidents had the power to overturn the will of the people John F. Kennedy would have never been elected. Nixon would have said that he won.  Hubert Humphrey would have just declared himself the winner. Walter Mondale would have just said that Jimmy Carter won. What if Vice President Joe Biden just declared Hillary the winner and Trump would never have been President. Each one of these elections could have been challenged just like this last one. All these things sound ridiculous because they are. They are just as ridiculous as what Trump and many Republicans are trying to sell us now. What amazes me is the number of people that are willing to buy the lies that the Republicans are selling.

I read where Chris Christie stated that the Georgia indictments were unnecessary because of the Federal Cases. It does have the appearance to be piling on a little but the State cases, to me, are actually more important than the Federal cases. It is up to the States to run their elections according to the laws and processes agreed to in the individual State. Just because Trump didn’t like it which doesn’t make it illegal and he did a lot of damage to the States where he has challenged the legality of the elections. He also put targets on the backs of poll workers that didn’t do anything wrong. That alone should disqualify him from running for any office ever again and for that alone he should be put in jail. He tried to sacrifice the lives and reputation of poll workers that were just doing their civic duty.

It is very common to have charges brought against a person at both the State and Federal level. It is also very common to be tried on the Federal level after being found guilty on the State level. As far as being charged by multiple states that too is common. If a person commits murder in two of more different States they would be charged in each State that they committed the murder. I think every State where Trump committed a crime trying to undermine the election process in those States should file charges against him. That is fair and that is what should happen. Because he was President just makes what he did worse.

Ted Cruz says he is pissed like this is some political game. Trump was under investigation before he declared he was going to run for office. This is not a case of our Judicial System interfering with our election process. It is just the opposite. We have a man trying to use the fact that he is running for office to try and escape our Judicial System. Can you imagine Al Capone declaring he was running for President to escape that law?  This is exactly what is happening now with Trump. We have been following these investigations for a couple of years now so the fact that indictments have now been filed cannot be a surprise. On February 10, 2021 the Fulton Country DA announced that she was going to open a criminal investigation into criminal election interference. In January of 2022 the Fulton Country DA asked for a special Grand Jury to look into the of potential criminal election interference. This was not a rush to justice or retaliation to the Republicans investigation of Hunter Biden. This is the results of a two and a half year investigation and these charges have been sought not by the Biden administration or the Department of Justice but by a Grand Jury made up of the citizens of Fulton Country Georgia. To say anything otherwise is just a lie and too many Republicans are lying.  I was reading an article by the Guardian dated from May 2021 about the criminal investigation into Trump’s tax fraud in New York. I have seen that the civil case and the criminal case against Trump started in 2020 before Trump even left office. This has been no rush to justice by the State of New York or the State of Georgia.

Lindsey Graham has stated that the indictments were unnecessary and that we should let the voters decide. Gee I don’t remember ever voting on whether a person is a criminal. That is not what our election process is for. Where in the hell did he get his law degree because I am pretty sure that they would never teach that in law school that our election process is part of our Judicial System. He is just another Republican that has abandoned the rule of the law and as far as I am concerned lawyers like Graham that do not support the judicial system should be disbarred. It is one thing to say that Trump is innocent and he will prove that in a court of law if that is what he truly believes. It is another thing to say that criminal cases should be decided by the voting public. It almost seems to say to me that Graham does not believe in our Constitution or our Republic at all. It also makes me think that Graham knows that Trump is guilty and he wants Trump to escape Justice.

As I write this Hurricane Hilary is barreling down  heading toward the Southwestern United States. I know that there are already a lot of jokes about Hilary and there are going to be more now. I will say this much. The country would have been a hell of a lot better with Hillary than Trump. Our country would be stronger and have a better relationship with the rest of the world. Fear of a strong woman made cowards out of republicans and they turned to a blowhard grifter that had no desire to understand what our democracy was all about. Those that voted for Trump because of tax cuts for the rich may have voted us into financial ruin. Every Republican that voted for Trump and continues to support the burning of our Constitution has played a part in the weakening of our Republic. Party before country, that is the Republicans. Is that the Democrats too? Not that I have seen. Democtrats fight amongst themselves which I think is healthy. A Republican that has disagreed with Trump and other Republicans are called RINOs, censured, and like Liz Cheney, run out of the Party.  

 Our Republic is under attack and has been for some time now. Everything from gerrymandering to trying to use Hunter Biden to embarrass our President is just an attack on our Constitution and our judicial system. Everything that the Republicans do is meant to weaken our faith in our Republic and the Constitution. I get so tired of bashing on the Republicans but I just can’t help but feel that they are failing our Country and that their end goal is the end of our Republic as we know it today.  


  1. Followed you over from Tribel.

    Christie and Graham have already locked up their place in history by committing to every bit of Trumps BS. What they have to say really is nothing more than hot air. They will not be remembered well.


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