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The third time is the charm. Trump has now been indicted for a third time. I am sure this will not be the last time. We still have the State of Georgia to go. If you look at Trump’s business life he has been involved with the law and the courts more than probably anybody I know of. The way he has used the law and the courts to hide from his business failures to using the courts to punish his opponents. Trump, I swear, has lived half of his life in the courts suing our being sued. I swear this is what he thinks life is really about. We have never had a President like him and I hope we never do. When I read through the indictment I realize more and more how corrupt Trump is and the many members of his inner circle are.  One of the key things I get was Eastman wanted Pence to not certify the elections and let the courts sort it out. What he was saying, in reality, was they needed to take the election out of the hands of the voters and put it into the hands of the court. I would like someone to point out for me where that is in the Constitution.

We have people saying that this is a case against free speech. Do you really believe that? I don’t. I think if it was a case about what Trump said, this investigation would not have taken so long and not as many people would have been interviewed. If this was a free speech case, why would so many phones have been confiscated? If this was a just a free speech case why would so many emails and texts been acquired. Rudy Giuliani has been saying that this is a violation of the 1st amendment. Rudy is going to try and say anything to save his own ass and he is hoping that the people are stupid enough to believe him. This is not a case of Trump crying fraud. This is much bigger. Fake electors. Pressuring the Vice President from performing his Constitutional duty. This is not a case of what was said. This is about what was done and who did it. I believe that there is an electronic trail that will show how serious this whole situation is and how close we came to having a real Constitutional crisis with a very corrupt Supreme Court that is stacked with Trump appointees.

There are six co-conspirators that have not been named in the indictment. Their indictments may be coming later. With the way that Rudy is acting he must assume that he is one of the co-conspirators because he is going nuts. Another co-conspirator may be John Eastman he was the one that came up with the plan to pressure the Vice President to reject the results of the election. The third co-conspirator could be Sydney Powell. She was the one that filed the law suit against Gov. Kemp by claiming voter fraud with no evidence. Trump was touting that lawsuit even before it was filed. The fourth co-conspirator is probably Jeffery Clark who tried to force the Georgia Election officials to convene a special session and address their concerns and, also to appoint a new slate of electors that supported Trump in the election certification process. The fifth co-conspirator may be Kenneth Chesebro who sent an email that further confirmed that the conspirators plan was not to use the fraudulent electors only in the circumstances that they failed in court, they then would use the fraudulent electors as alternative to the legitimate electors at the Congress’s certification proceeding. The sixth, I have seen listed as unknown, but I will take a guess at that one. I think the sixth one will be Ginni Thomas the wife on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Co-conspirator #1 talked with co-conspirator #6 about attorneys who could assist in the fraudulent elector effort in the targeted states, and he received from # 6 an email identifying attorneys in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. That sure sounds like Ginni Thomas to me.

It is interesting and sickening at the same time some of the Republican’s reaction. Scott Walker found a way to get his name in the news by saying that if Donald Trump is convicted that Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders should be held accountable for what they said. Walker like many of the other Republicans are trying to make this a free speech issue. On the 2nd page of the indictment it says specifically that Trump had every right to say what he said. Talk is one thing. Putting that talk into action is another. I am old enough to remember the Chicago 7. They were convicted of crossing state lines with the intent to riot. What many have to decide was Trump exercising his right to free speech or was his intent was to cause a riot, to interfere with the Constitutional proceedings that were occurring that day in the Halls of Congress. I don’t know for sure but I think that the proper way to answer that is in a court of law just like the Chicago 7 did. The old saying is that shouting fire in a movie theater is not covered under free speech.

Of course Florida politicians have spoken out. Marco Rubio has compared this to the Russian election interference investigation making it sound like they were just bogus investigations. Rachael Maddow in her blog has been quick to point out the he headed the Senate Intelligence Committee that investigated the Russian election interference. That committee that he headed found that there was Russian interference that Trump did benefit from that interference. What they didn’t prove was if there was collusion between Trump and the Russians. This is the same panel that described the direct ties between senior Trump Campaign officials and the Russian intelligence services and part of its official findings. DeSantis has said that Trump’s trial should be moved to his home district because Washington DC is a swamp and that you can’t get a fair trial in Washington. What in the hell is he talking about? It definitely is not the law because Trump committed his crime in Washington. If a person in Iowa commits a crime in Florida should they have the right to have the trial transferred to his home state? Of course not. DeSantis is just trying to pander for votes by saying that the American Public can’t be trusted to sit on an impartial jury. Here is a better example. Should all the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay being held have their cases transferred to the countries where they committed their crimes in? Of cause not. That sounded ridiculous even as I was typing it.

As I listen to all the talking heads mostly in the Republican Party I just get sick and tired of all the people that are lying about what is going on. They always say that Biden is doing this to silence a political opponent which I think is just a lie to divide the nation worse than it is. Trump was indicted in all three cases by a Grand Jury, made up of people from the communities, where the crime occurred. Our Justice system is working just the way that it is suppose to work.  I will repeat, Joe Biden did not indict Donald Trump, a Grand Jury did in all three cases. Trump should have his day in court where all the evidence is presented and then he will be judged not by the Biden Administration but by a jury of the people as it should be. I believe that Trump is a criminal that has broken the law. That is my opinion. It is up to the jury.


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