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The Grand Jury report has now been released and it turns out that there were many more individuals they had recommended charges be brought against. The Grand Jury thought that twice as many people should have been indicted, a total of 39 indictments to be exact. Among those that were not indicted were Mike Flynn, David Perdue, Kelly Loeffler, Lin Wood, and Lindsey Graham. For whatever the reason, they were not indicted is unknown.

The one that I feel should have been Indicted was Senator Lindsey Graham. I have felt all along that he was trying to interfere in the election and the counting of the votes in Georgia. Graham claims that it was part of his job as the head of the Senate Judiciary committee but is it really his job to oversee other state’s election processes? Did he call States that Biden lost suggesting that they throw out ballots that were cast for Trump? We have 50 States and did he call and ask all 50 of the other States election officials? He did call elected officials from other battleground States but I believe that Georgia was the only State that he actually talked with an election official about throwing out absentee votes. The question, is it the job of the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s job to ask that absentee ballots are thrown out so your candidate can win?  What I find ridiculous is the fact that he even said that it was his job in the first place.

Of course there were people that immediately stated the Graham should resign from the Judiciary Committee but let’s face it, most were Democrats, and anyway, disgraced Republicans don’t resign.  That is where my problems lie. I like to think of Democrats as the party of integrity. If you read about Al Franken and how he was basically forced to resign or face censure and stripped of committee assignments because of an alleged sexual misconduct you may start to understand what I mean. That request came from his own party, the Democratic Party, and Al Franken resigned February 2018. We had “old grab them by the pussy”, Donald Trump, in the White House at the time who was accused of rape but the Republican Party strongly supported Trump. The Republican Party had strongly endorsed Judge Moore from Alabama who has multiple sexual assault allegations leveled at him. Al Franken was not even given a chance to defend himself. I have a real problem with the double standard that we have in our political system just like we have a double standard in our judicial system. Why is there no call from Republicans for Graham to resign? A Grand Jury feels that Graham broke the law. Do we only have one political party with integrity? Is integrity something that the American people no longer expect from our representatives in Washington anymore?  The executive director of “Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics” said, “For the chairman of the Senate committee charged with oversight of our legal system, to have reportedly suggested, that an election official toss out large numbers of legal ballots from American voters is appalling”. “I think that a whole lot of people think that he was not doing his job and I thought that the first minute that I heard about his phone call.”

Graham who went from being a rival of Trump into one of Trump’s golf buddies has denied doing anything wrong and said that he was fulfilling his oversight duties as the top lawmaker on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He stated “We can’t criminalize senators doing their job. The next election, if I have questions, I’ll do the same thing.” Graham also stated “We’re opening up Pandora’s box, I think the system in this country is getting off the rails and we have to be careful not to use the legal system as a political tool.” There is so much wrong with that comment after all the legal challenges and accusations that the Trump’s people have made during the process. There have been some 60 legal challenges to the election all lost by the Trump’s camp.  Innocent people’s reputations have been ruined and their lives threatened just because they were doing their civic duty. If anyone has opened Pandora’s box it has been because the Republican party has worked to use our Judicial system to overthrow the will of the people. When that didn’t work they resorted to threats and violence. Some in the Republican Party even tried to illegally inject fake electoral votes into the certification process. Pandora’s box has been already opened and now we need to hold those individuals that opened it accountable.

Grand Juries are not part of the political process. Grand Juries are called to determine if the law has been broken. At the time of Graham’s phone call, along with the other pressures that was being put on the Georgia elected officials to overturn the will of the people many thought that the law had been broken. This was not some fly by night thing that happened in Georgia. This was a two year process that had the testimony of 75 subpoenaed witnesses including Graham and the others. Remember that a Grand Jury is a group of citizens, just like you and I, which are called to assist in determining if a crime had been committed. Grand Juries are not political organizations. They are not lawyers they are just people. They are an important part of our Judicial System. This grand Jury convened for the first time in May of 2022 after a lengthy investigation by the Fulton Country District Attorney. Trump did not declare that he was running until November of 2022 a good 6 months after it was known that he was under investigation by the Georgia grand jury.  In the summer of 2022 Graham tried his hardest to get out of testifying before the Grand Jury but is finally forced to testify November of 2022. If Graham had nothing to hide and if he was truly just doing his job why did he fight so hard to testify?

It has been stated that this is just political interference and the only reason that Trump and everyone else has been subpoenaed is to interfere in the next election. If you look at the time-line it actually looks like just the opposite. The world knew that Trump was under investigation before he declared his intention of running. It looks to me that Trump is running for office to escape justice. One thing that I am sure of is that these charges are not part of a plot to interfere with our elections. It is because our election process has already been interfered with.


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