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Back in August I wrote asking if there were concentration camps in the future. Now I see that Trump is stating that if he gets elected again he will sweep the nation and put all undocumented immigrants in detention centers. What is the difference between a detention center and a concentration camp? Not a whole hell of a lot. I don’t carry anything in my wallet that says I am a citizen of the United States. Will they have guys running around checking people to see if they are citizens? That is a program that headed for disaster. My driver license says where I am a resident of but it really doesn’t say that I am a citizen. Are we all going to be issued papers that say who we are and that we are a citizen and then have to present them on command? Are we going to have a force like a Gestapo that goes around inspecting our papers? Does that sound like freedom? Does that sound like the America that we all grew up in? Is that the vision of our forefathers? It sure isn’t the America that I grew up in.

Trump also wants to have complete control of the National Guard so he can send them into the cities to squelch the unrest. Now the Federal Government and the State Government share control of the National Guard. The National Guard is for the protection and security of the State. Our 2nd Amendment was created because of a need to protect the States.  One of those things the original writers of the Bill of Rights wanted to do was to protect the State from was an over reaching Federal Government. In my opinion the 2nd amendment is there so States could stop exactly what Trump wants to do. Our Founding Fathers feared an all powerful central government just like the type that Trump wants to create. Our National Guard should never be at the beck and call of the President like some personal SS Squad or Gestopo. Their purpose is to protect the citizens not suppress them.

I know people keep talking about the crisis at the border. To be honest with you I just don’t get it. Yes, there are people trying to get into America. Many of them are trying to get asylum here from all the violence that we helped create in Central America. Yes, we helped create that mess. Where do think all the guns have come from? We have used the drug cartels to help funnel those very guns that have created the violence that is driving people north for safety. Many Americans have gotten rich off the instability we helped create in Central America. They travel all through Mexico, we can track them coming, but we then call it a crisis? Why are we not working with Mexico? If we were the Christian nation that we claim to be we would be at the border prepared to help.  That is what a real believer in the words of Jesus would do. Jesus and his family fled Israel to Egypt to escape the violence of Herod. That folks is in the Bible, you know the book that Speaker of the House says comes first.  This is a problem that I really don’t think that Republicans want to solve. I think that the Republicans would rather use this issue to try and manipulate the public, to suppress our Hispanic population and to promote their White supremacy ideology. Yes I can really see concentration camps in future. I could also see those concentration camps turn into slave camps or work camps.

I live in Florida. Everywhere I go there are “We’re Hiring” signs. Jobs are going unfilled. Service everywhere is slow. If Southwest Florida does make a full recovery they won’t have the workers to do the work or the housing to support the workers.  Yet DeSantis put legal immigrants on a plane and sent them to New England so he can win votes. The real crisis is a humanitarian crisis and a crisis of the soul. Florida is a State with a church on just about every corner but yet the teachings of their founders that they base their church on means nothing, just like the teachings of our Founding Fathers means anything to Trump and his Republican Party.


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