Trump’s oath of office, his lawyers are saying that Trump never took an oath to support the Constitution. Why would his lawyers say this? The reason is because the Presidential oath of office does not have the word “Support” in it. The Presidential oath uses the words “Preserve, Protect, and Defend” the Constitution. Why would the Presidential oath not use the word support? Could it be that the President is held to a higher standard than just support the Constitution? I have read that is the reason why that the words “Preserve, Protect and Defend” are used is to show the greater responsibility the President has to the Constitution. I think Trump’s lawyers want us to believe that Trump had less of a responsibility to our Constitution because the word “Support” is not in his oath. I think just the opposite; he had a stronger responsibility and failed at that responsibility, badly. Maybe that is because he never read the Constitution of the United States.
Trump’s lawyers also say Section 3 of the 14th Amendment does not apply because the President is not an officer of the United States. If he is not an officer of the United States than what is he? Is he a King or Monarch? Is he someone that was appointed by God? Trump I think would like all of us to believe that Trump as President was someone that has Kingly powers and that he alone was sent by God to save the United States from the Communist hoards that are the Democrats. Our government is made up of three equal branches defined by the Constitution, the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch. The President heads up one branch of the Government and that is the Executive Branch. He is elected and not appointed. If Trump would have read the Constitution he would plainly know that yes, he is an Officer of the United States. The fact that he doesn’t know that the Prescient is an officer of the United States is not surprising to me because I think that if the document doesn’t have pictures he will truly not understand it and our Constitution was not written with pictures.
Why do tyrants always want to bring religion into it? A better question may be why is religion so easily manipulated by tyrants? The Kings and Queens of Europe were said to be appointed by god and not subject to rules of men. The real problem I have is the people thought that too. Why? Maybe because the Church told them it was true. Like the Church, the people followed these rulers blindly pledging them all their support. Hitler did not state that he was appointed by God but he did believe that the Jews killed Jesus. In his early years Hitler stated that he was “not a Catholic but a German Christian”. The German Christians were a Protestant group that supported the Nazi ideology. Hitler often spoke of Protestantism and Lutheranism stating, “Through me the Evangelical Protestant Church could become the established Church, as in England”. Hitler wanted to be the head of the Church and the Government just like the Monarchy in England was. Now think of the thing that Hitler is remembered mostly for. How about the killing of over 6 million Jews and other minorities. I think that our Constitution, with no National Religion, is way in front of its time, if we let it, a takeover of Religion that same would happen here.
With everything that I have read I do believe that the 14th Amendment not only applies to the President of the United States but it should be enacted with Trump. Everything that he says shows that he never intended to Preserve, Protect or Defend the Constitution that he swore an oath to. Support, Preserve, Protect, Defend, no matter what word you use Trump never intended to uphold any of it. He believed that as President he was the ultimate ruler that could not be held accountable by the laws established in our Constitution. Now let’s reverse things. What if a Democrat had done all these things? Would the same rules apply? When ask about the Trump Impeachment he stated that the Impeachment of Trump was just party Politics by the Democrats. When asked about Biden he said that that was different because the Republicans believed in Law and Order. Trump has multiple indictments and Biden has none. He made my point for me. I keep wondering why we tolerate all the lying that is coming out of so many mouths like the Speakers. What is that commandment about bearing false witness?
Article VI uses the word ‘support'.
ReplyDeleteTrumps lawyers whole argument is a farce.
ReplyDeleteAll true! Republicans like to excuse themselves while they play God over everyone else, and they are using the People’s House to do it when the nation’s written declaration of political law and order condemns it!
ReplyDeleteLawyers Always pick apart words & phrases. It's what they're trained to do- look for Loopholes. 200+ years ago the Writers of the Constitution were more concerned about language that supported Citizens regardless of Position $$ or heritage. Today's lawyers are nit- picking those words to do the Opposite.
ReplyDeleteAnd Separation of Church & State has been with us AWHILE now but so has Religious Freedom so Some politicians have linked the 2 to do the most Damage!
We have been Manipulated for a long time by our own laws due to Unending Interpretations.
The word support is in Article VI and applies to anyone taking an oath.