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I for one am sorry that Governor Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the Presidential race. Why you might ask knowing that I would think that he would make a terrible President? While he was running around the country, trying to promote his disastrous anti-wake agenda, Florida was getting at least a break from his bullying ways. With his chance of becoming President and basically ridiculed by much of the rest of the country I feared he would come back here with his anti-woke agenda and make it even stronger to try and show the rest of the country that he is right. I fear for our State. The “Free State of Florida” is not as free as when DeSantis took office. I think that the next couple of years are going to be hard ones. Our real issues like the highest inflation in the Country and our escalating insurance costs are not being addressed by his anti-woke agenda.  Instead, this is what is being addressed.

As much of the nation knows that much of Florida is a State that is in love with discrimination as it is defined by most of us. It has one of the most homophobic, anti-transgender and racist state governments in the nation. A new law being introduced SB 1780, which is labeled as a defamation bill, is in many people’s opinion another attempt in Florida to stifle free speech. This bill would make it possible to fine a person up to 35,000 dollars for pointing out racism or calling someone what they are when it comes to discrimination. What they want to accomplish is make it illegal to call a racist, a racist, or a homophobic, a homophobic. Now, this is in many opinions a direct attack on our free speech. In reality it takes the talking about discrimination out of our dialog. If you are discriminated in any way and filed a complaint you would be breaking the law by because by making the accusation you would have had to defame that person. Can you imagine not being able to point out a policy the discrimination against the Gay community and not being able to point out how homophobic it is? This law, in my opinion, would really stifle how the press or even bloggers like me on what we can write about and how we write about something. DeSantis and the Florida Republicans would return our free speech to pre-revolutionary war levels.

I have always thought of DeSantis’ anti-woke agenda is a anti-truth agenda. DeSantis’ take on Black History and pre-civil war Slavery is hogwash by taking a position that slavery was good and benefited many slaves preparing them for life after slavery. Sorry but Slavery was not like some type of Trade School. History without the truth is just propaganda and education without the truth is just the corruption of our young people’s minds. The Truth is not grooming but denying them access to the truth is. There are always people that are shocked that I don’t get my news from the television. No CNN or Fox News for me. I remember my fifth grade teacher Mr. Isserman teaching us all how important it was to read the Newspaper every day. Today I subscribe to the local rag back home but we also have the wonderful thing called the internet that makes is so much easier to search for the truth. You can even follow legitimate news organizations that will alert you about important stories. DeSantis’ attack on the reporting of the News strikes against how I was taught and how to get my news.

DeSantis now is going to end Sociology classes in Florida Schools. He does not want people study about the ills of society. Sociology is more than that but to DeSantis it is a subject that is corrupting our educational system. There will be no studying about Social Injustice or the differences in cultures in the State of Florida. He wants to expand History, like Black History, where Black people benefited from slavery. I think he feels that studying about the differences of people and cultures and studying about the problems of society and thinking of ways on how they could be corrected is a little too left thinking for an educational system. Here again I can’t help but think the thing that he wants to deny our children is how to search for the truth. What is one of the biggest feeder of hate? I think that it is ignorance. How do you fight against ignorance? With Education of course. If you eliminate things like Sociology studies you are just trying to bring more hate into this world. DeSantis has agreed with Nikki Haley when she stated that America is not a racist country when in reality our history is full of racist acts. In fact by saying that we are not a racist country is in itself a racist act. I had a comment, that has since been deleted, that called me the N word and that they were going to get me. For not being a racist country there sure seems to be a lot of racism.

I have been writing that the only things that DeSantis brings to the table is hatred, racism and bigotry. His anti-woke agenda did not sit well with the rest of the country but it is something that he owns and will continue to force it upon the people. We have serious problems in the State of Florida that needs a strong Governor that will work to correct them and he is not up to the task in my opinion. Our problems are not Black History or Sociology. It is providing a quality education to our children so they can be prosperous. It is providing affordable housing to house all the people that we are going to need in our growing state. We need to get a handle on our inflation that is some of the highest in the nation. We need to be preparing our State for the rising seas and the more powerful storms that will threaten our coasts. Florida is a State that has a labor shortage which in my opinion is being made worse by DeSantis’ stance on immigration. They are now trying to loosen our child labor laws so teenagers can work longer hours and more dangerous jobs. Loosening the child labor laws will only hurt the education of those children too. We have child labor laws for a reason. Under the present Republican leadership our state is going backward and in the long run will hurt the State of Florida more.

Florida is happy as long as old people keep coming here but I hate to break it to DeSantis, we don’t come here for his policies or his stand on what he calls Wokeism. We come for the weather and a lifestyle. We understand that the hatred, racism and bigotry were here before we got here.




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