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Law and order! Can you have law and order if people are above the law? That is the question that I think about a lot. A better way to put it, can the people that are suppose to enforce the law be above the law? Whether it is the local cop down the street or the President of the United States is our system one that was created to have people above the law. In my mind I always come up with the same answers. No! John Adams was a man that believed in the law. When the first shots were fired in Boston by a group of soldiers protecting themselves from the mob it was John Adams that defended the soldiers. Why would he defend people that he looked upon as suppressors? It is because he believed in the law. When you read about Adams you see he remembered the lessons from having a Classical Education. Things were very important to him such as Separation of Powers, Freedom of the Press, Trial by Jury and Freedom of Worship. You can tell that what he wanted was the “Rule of the Law”, that being all people are “Equal Under the Law”. There was not one law for Republicans or one law Democrats, there was only the law.

I wonder what he would think about our unequal justice system. We have seen the reaction of the head of the Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan, refuse to comply, and yet with what Contempt of Congress charges filed against Hunter Biden when Jordan himself ignored a Congressional subpoena. Jim Jordan should be held to the same standard as a private citizen which is what Hunter Biden is. Maybe because he is a Congressman and being a public servant he should be held to a higher standard. In fact Hunter Biden stated that he would appear in front of the committee as long as the hearing was a public hearing. Hunter Biden was asking for transparency. What was wrong with that? Why did the Congressional Committee want to hold them behind closed doors and not in a public forum for the people to see? What do these Committees have to hide besides the truth? That’s what I have been saying all along.  I want to know the truth but I think that it is being hidden from me behind closed doors by the very people that don’t want us to know the truth. The law should never be a political toy to be wheeled around behind closed doors out of view from the people. In fact, that isn’t the law at all or even the spirit of the law. That is very dirty politics.

I wonder what John Adams would think of Presidential immunity. He believed in the separation of power and he believed in the law. He had also just rebelled against a government where the leader had immunity from the law. We rebelled against a King that ruled by divine right and not by the will of the people. He wanted a Government that was accountable to the people and to the law. Is that why Presidential immunity is not described anywhere in the Constitution? The Constitution does grant legislative immunity to Congress through the speech and debate clause but that clause does not include the President. It just doesn’t exist but it has been assumed. No court was willing to assert jurisdiction over a sitting President until the Washington D C court did in 1973. Don’t you think that Nixon would have stated that he had Presidential immunity in his now famous “I am not a crook speech”? I have been on this earth for 70 years and had never heard the term “absolute immunity” until Donald Trump was President. His administration made it up. The debate is did turning a mob on Congress when Congress was performing their Constitutional Duty fall under the duties of his office?  Hardly I would think. To say that Trump would have to be impeached first and then removed from office before he could be prosecuted would then apply to every President moving forward. It would mean that Biden could tell Seal Team 6 to assassinate Trump and as long as more than 40 Senators approve they couldn’t touch Biden. Just think about it. That would mean that one party could take over our Republic and end our Democracy tomorrow or any day in the future. We have never had a President that wanted to be King. We have never had a President that thought he was appointed by God. We never had a President that didn’t care about the will of the people. We never had any of those things until Trump.

I truly think that there are many Republicans that no longer give a damn about the will of the people or our Constitution. It is my opinion that we have a Governor here in Florida that doesn’t. It has now been ruled by the courts that DeSantis’s removal of the District Attorney of Hillsborough Country was not legal and that even though he was an elected official that did not mean he did not have the right to free speech as an individual. To put it simply just because he disagreed with DeSantis that did not give DeSantis the right to suspend him. One of the three Conservative Circuit Court Judges stated what DeSantis did was purely partisan and he wasn’t a DeSantis appointee; the people had elected the District Attorney. At the time of his suspension the District Attorney stated, “this is something that you would see in Russia and not here”. This decision by the 11th Circuit Court could also affect the Disney suit against DeSantis because it is pretty clear that DeSantis did deny the Disney Corporation their right to free speech. Disney is a private corporation that DeSantis tried to silence. That is not what this Country is supposed to be about. You can’t call this the “Free State of Florida” while taking basic freedoms away from people and corporations that disagree with you.

We need to preserve our freedoms and Trump, DeSantis and many of the Republican party want to take our most basic freedoms away. The only way we can preserve our Republic is not to vote for a Republican until they truly reinvent them into what they claim they are. They claim that they fight for freedom and our Constitution but the truth is they do neither.




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