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 The law is the law. I am pretty sure almost all of us have heard that saying. We have been told that the foundation of our Republic is equal justice under the law. That just doesn’t seem to be working today. John Adams, our second President believed in that principle when he defended the British Soldiers against murder charges arising from the Boston Massacre. Here is one of the leaders of our independence movement defending the very people that he wished to leave. Why would he do that? Could it be that he believed in the principles of “Right to Counsel” and that all people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? Those are a couple of the grand ideals that this country was founded on. Today it seems that our courts are more like a rich mans competition than what John Adams envisioned. In today’s court a case against the soldiers would have been pleaded down and never gone to trial. Why? For the simple reason that I no longer think that the goal of our justice system is the truth. 

Most of us have watched what happened on January 6th 2021 as it has been played over and over again on just about every legitimate News channel. It was a rebellion against our Constitution and the people that were performing their “Constitutional Duty” certifying the 2020 election results. I will say that in today’s day and age it is more of a ceremonial procedure because the entire world already knew the results. You have to remember when our Constitution was written the only information highway was the horse and rider. Today we have the internet and everything can be seen in real time. We do still need a procedure that certifies the election but an outdated system like we have should not be a system that attempts to steal an election and, that is what some Republicans wanted. To send a force to try and disrupt the certification of our election of President cannot  and should not be tolerated by any means. That is why I will always call it an insurrection. The goal of the insurrectionist was to stop the Constitutional certification of our election. Those that call it a riot and those that deny that it happened at all are just plain lying. After Johnson became speaker of the house he actually released a video of this peaceful demonstration that was purely fiction claiming this was what really happened at the Capitol. The problem with the video is that Millions and Millions of people, like me, saw it live and know that Johnson’s video was a disgrace to the truth. They are putting their political party above the Constitution and of the principles of law that we were founded on. 

Today our 24/7 news channels cater to ratings more than the truth. It is so hard to watch any of them that I just stopped. Unless there is a story that is happening right now like a school shooting or some other crisis I just do not watch. I would just rather read my news and make up my own mind. I don’t pay any attention to the talking heads when it comes to immigration because I know that it is a problem that a President shouldn’t decide with a stroke of a pen. It is Congress’s  job to pass immigration reform, that is how our system is suppose to work. The Senate passed a bi partisan bill on immigration reform which the House has refused to even discuss. When the Speaker of the House tells the President to write an executive order the Speaker of the House is refusing to do their job. Why? Because he is putting the Republican Party above the needs of our nation. Why would he do that? I think it is for the same reason that we had an insurrection, the Republicans have lost faith in the very principles that our country were founded on, our Constitution. All men are created equal is not a concept that is embraced by the Republican Party. To too many money is power and the more money you have the more power you should have to control our political system. 

So far Trump has gone unpunished for the events that happened on January 6th. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump but failed because of party politics. Mitch McConnell called it a “disgraceful dereliction of duty. There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the actions of the day.” He said those words shortly after he voted against impeaching Trump. Kevin McCarthy stated, “The President bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob of rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump.” Both Republican leaders in Congress thought that Trump was responsible but neither wanted Trump to be held accountable. What is responsibility without accountability? To be honest with you, responsibility without accountability is absolutely nothing. To Republicans, to go after Trump in a court of law is just a “Witch Hunt”, we can’t impeach him and the 14th amendment should not apply They say that the people should decide yet that is the very purpose of the 14th amendment so the people don’t decide to elect a popular insurrectionist.. No Republicans want Trump held accountable but want Biden held accountable for imaginary crimes brought to the Republicans by a Russian mole. This is nuts. 

Twice during Biden’s first year in office I wrote to him wondering when Trump was going to be held accountable. Of course I never got a reply but to be honest with you I didn’t expect one. I have always stated that accountability has to start at the top and not just with some poor sucker that believed all the lies. It should have started with Trump and it should have started the very next day on January 7th. The problem was that Trump controlled the Department of Justice. They were never going to do anything while Trump was still in office. After Biden took office I really thought that we would see some action. We did but just nothing against the people that sent the mob to the Capitol. We saw the people that believed in the lies but nothing against the people that fed them the lies. I told Biden that the inactivity of his DOJ made him look weak and I still believe that. Garland’s inactivity has weakened our justice system. But in his defense, this is the first time in our history that any Attorney General has ever had to face something like this. Just because it is history making should we shy away from our duty to the Constitution. Whether we take action or inaction it is still history making. Biden I believe is trying to take the high road and lead by example in an attempt to put the nation back on the right course. I admire him for that but we still need accountability. 

In today’s digital age everything will be there for future generation to see and study like they were there. Every truth and every lie will survive to be judged by future historians. I wish I could came back a hundred years from now to see how this is remembered. 


  1. This article is succinct and spot on.

  2. Clearly the truth is written here. Our constitution must be upheld.

    1. One of if not the best post I’ve read since Jan 06, on any topic especially the “ Insurrection “. It’s quite incredible how Americas law makers lie to the public, completely lie with no accountability. Incredible.


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