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Could they be Patriots? Can a person really call themselves a Patriot after they had stormed the Capitol in an attempt to put an unelected man into the White House. Can you be a Patriot when you threaten violence against the Vice President who is just performing his constitutional duty? That is what happened on Jan. 6th 2021. I have always considered the people in uniform who took an oath to defend the Constitution and then carried out that oath as Patriots. I have always considered those that have stood up defended and fought for the principles and ideals of our Forefathers as Patriots. I have always thought of those who have died fighting for our nation whether it is right or wrong as Patriots. Some people have called them suckers and losers but I call them Patriots. Trump has been calling the people that have been convicted of storming the Capitol as Patriots. Trump has called the people who on that day  tried to put an unelected man into the White House as Patriots. Trump has called those that assaulted the Capitol Police as Patriots. By what I believe as a Patriot, I really believe Trump is lying by calling insurrectionists Patriots when what they are is criminals. In fact, calling the insurrectionists Patriots is an insult to all those that gave their lives defending our Country and our Constitution. Being a sucker who believed Trump’s lies and being a Patriot are two different things.

Trump has now stated, if he is not elected there is going to be a bloodbath. His MAGA defenders have defended his comments by saying he was talking about the auto industry. China is in negotiation to build cars in Mexico. I would imagine that would be great for the citizens of Mexico and for the economy of that country. It could even cause a reverse in the border system with people returning to Mexico because there is work. We don’t want our jobs going to Mexico and Mexico is going to find a way to prosper. If China starts building cars in Mexico will it be a threat to our automotive industry or will the added competition enhance the innovation that has long been needed in the industry? I have always heard that competition is a good thing but I guess it is only if it isn’t the Chinese. I don’t see anyone driving Chinese cars now so how big of a threat are they going to be? From what I am reading is China has made huge inroads in the Electric Vehicle market that could bring huge competition to companies like Tesla. Mexico is an integral part of the “United States- Mexico- Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA)that became effective July 1, 2020, replacing the previous “North American Free Trade Agreement”. Because of that agreement products manufactured in Mexico can enter the United States without paying import taxes or duties. This agreement opens the door for China to build automobile   plants in Mexico. As long as they abide by the terms of the agreement their cars manufactured in Mexico would enter the United States duty free. Talk about a huge loop hole. This treaty in one of the crowning achievements of the Trump Administration and in reality could be a pretty big blow to our Auto Industry. If this is the blood bath that Trump is talking about he better look in the mirror on who caused it. Again, just like the trade war against China that Trump said would be easy to win he has underestimated the Chinese. We could lose a big portion of the Latin American market even if not a single car is shipped into the United States. I am hoping that this jump starts our auto industry into developing even better and more environmentally friendly products. To stay first we have to lead and not follow the Chinese or anyone else.

Now a bloodbath to the auto industry would be bad enough and should be a bigger story. With the violent terms that Trump is always using I am pretty sure he wants to trigger a violent reaction whenever things are going bad for him. Trump wanted to trigger more of a Blood Bath on Jan 6th  than what he got. I also believe that if he doesn’t get elected he will try to cause a Blood Bath again trying to be more successful this time. Violence and threats of violence is what he is always talking about. It seems that every time Trump opens his mouth it is to threaten someone or whine about something. The man does not talk about solutions on how to move the country forward. Instead he talks about who he is going to put in jail or how he is going to build these huge detention camps for Hispanics. What he is trying to sell America at all his rallies is who he blames for what is wrong for him and how he wants revenge. His talk is tough and violent but not one filled with solutions for the American people. He calls our President “Crooked Joe” but can’t point out what President Biden did that was illegal. He calls Hillary Clinton “Crooked Hillary” and let’s face it Hillary has not been a trending topic for almost 8 years. He cries that he is the most abused President in our history, even more abused than Abraham Lincoln and they shot Lincoln. Never does he say what he plans to do in for the betterment of the country. Never does Trump put the American people or the nation as a whole first. He talks a good show coming up or steeling slogans like “America First” or “Let’s make America Great Again” but when it comes to ideas on how to do anything he just comes up blank. Trump is a salesman and what he is selling is hate, not ideas for a prosperous America. America needs someone that will work for them. America needs a man that will look for solution. America needs a man that will not sell the nation down the toilet for a buck. That man is not Trump. America needs a man that knows what he is doing and if you look at things like the USMCA treaty you know that he doesn’t have a clue.

Trump has now been calling the insurrectionists patriots and he has been saluting them. He has called our heroes that gave their lives storming the beaches at Normandy suckers and losers but insurrectionists that tried to put an un-elected man into the White House are heroes. He is just a man that insults. Our Country is the one that he is really insulting.  




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