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I have seen where President Biden wants to cut my taxes. Now, I have agreed with most of the things that he has done but not everything. Just about every politician says they are going to cut taxes or hold the line on taxes. It was George H. W. Bush that ran on the slogan “Watch my lips, No New Taxes”. Many of our problems today about government is from what Reagan said “The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much”. In the 1990s we were running a surplus. George W Bush campaigned on “The last time taxes were this high as a percentage of our economy, there was a good reason… We were fighting World War ll. Today our high taxes fund a surplus. Some say that growing the federal surplus means Washington has more money to spend. But they’ve got it backwards. The surplus is not the government’s money. The surplus is the people’s money.”Since at least Reagan. the Republicans and the Democrats alike have been running on lower taxes and less taxes.

I am not an economic wiz in fact I wouldn’t even rate myself an amateur but I think I know what the problem is. People just don’t want to pay taxes. They want their roads. They want good schools. They want a strong military. They want good healthcare. They want good parks. In reality the people want everything but they don’t want to pay for them. The government cuts taxes and for the longest time they ignored the infrastructure. They lowered taxes and then fought two unfunded wars. They called the millionaires and billionaires job creators which in reality was a lie and cut their taxes. They cut taxes on businesses which were sending jobs overseas and raking in record profits while not reinvesting in their own businesses here in America because they no longer needed the deductions. You see in America greed wins out. Businesses take their higher profits and buy back stock which increases the value of the stock but does not create jobs. It just creates wealth for the few. What does creates jobs is when a company takes those profits and put them back into the company so they don’t have to pay taxes, reinvested back into the company. That also creates more innovation and new products. In some ways you might say that tax cut has held us back.

For years people have longed for the simpler life as the 50s. I grew up in the 50s and 60s. A growing middle class.  A car in every garage. Affordable housing. You can say that Unions helped build that middle class and you would be right. I think what helped the Country as a whole was, as the wages grew so did the taxes. Just look at all the things that were accomplished in the 50s and 60s. Without the tax revenue none of that would have happened. We built a road system that was second to none. We even put a man on the moon. All that and much more that was accomplished took money and that money was generated through taxes. Do I want to go back to the tax rate of the 50s. No, even I think it was excessive. But from roads to sanitation one thing I do know is taxes have lead to many of the innovations that have improved all of our lives.

As far as regulations go I really think that we need more not less. I really think that we have seen in too many cases where people and businesses put profit over people’s live. Do you think we would be seeing as many recalls if we didn’t have regulations and government agencies that insured those regulations are enforced? I don’t. Just like our streets have to be policed so do our businesses and other things like healthcare and clean water. Too often,  I think, right now, we have had people and businesses choose profit over people’s lives. That was why I think so many people died from Covid. Too many politicians wanted to protect the economy over people’s lives.

Reagan wanted cuts in spending but mostly on social programs and by cutting regulations. Even though we were not in a war  they spent on the military like we were.  No one ever talked about cutting military spending in fear they would lose their office in the next election. I don’t understand on how my Social Security adds to the deficit but then as I said, “I am an amateur”. Reagan said himself that Social Security doesn’t add to the deficit so what do I know?

What I do know is that I want America to continue to be a great country. For us to be a great country the fact is we have to pay taxes. Cutting taxes for the rich and for corporations hasn’t worked and that is what has gotten us into this mess. We have cut taxes and have gotten nothing in return for those cuts. Rich people don’t create jobs. People spending and demanding products produced with that money is what creates jobs. The huge income gaps of today don’t create more jobs because they don’t enhance spending. You want a prosperous country and you need to raise income for the lower and middle classes and raise taxes. The rich have to pay their fair share. Corporations have to pay their far share. Everyone should be paid a livable wage. We have to close the income gap. This is not socialism. This is actually closer to what we had in the 50s.

President Biden I don’t want to have my taxes cut. I want everyone paying their fair share and caring as much as I do that I truly want to keep America Great.



  1. Would you PLEASE run for office?? I absolutely agree with you 100% and I have never heard anyone articulate those issues so well. Thank you.


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