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He’s guilty. He was found to be guilty by a Jury just like any ordinary citizen would be under the same circumstances. The system is not corrupt and Biden is not the one that brought these charges against him. What is one of the things Trump does is threaten to put people in jail if he is elected. He is still threatening to put Hillary in jail. He wants to put Biden in Jail. This is not a man that is serious about running the country. This is not a man that is serious about working for the good of the entire nation. Trump is part of the problem and not part of the solution. He distracts us from the real problems that will affect our nation for generations to come because he wants to sacrifice the future as long as he remains in power today. Trump is not one of the people. He is one of the Billionaires that think they are the ruling class because of their money they are destined to be in charge. We the voters are just the serfs meant to serve.

I don’t know how you start your day but the first thing I do is watch the Local News and then Weather Channel. I have spent a lot of time on the water and that is what we sailors do. We follow the weather because knowing the weather can save a sailor’s life. Even when I was not going out I still would follow the weather first. I have a radar app on my phone and multiple weather apps. I have links to the NOAA buoy web page so I can monitor the wave height and the wind speed out on the water. Because I watch the Weather Channel every day I have a real good handle on the weather that is effecting the nation and the world. Yes, climate change is not only a United States problem, it is a world problem. This spring we have had a very active tornado season. That may very well be an understatement. What we have had was a record breaking Tornado Season and a record in destruction too. These stories of destruction and death take a back seat to what is happening to Trump.

Where I live here in Southwest Florida we have had above average heat and below average rainfall. Today we are suppose to have a high of 94 degrees which is above normal. Our heat index will be about 105 degrees. This I my fourth summer down here and it has started out as my warmest. What I find interesting is that the water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico are already in the 90s by Key West and into the 80s in much of the rest of the Gulf. I saw one weather site that describe the warm water in the Gulf as the gasoline that was feeding all the storms in the Great Plains and East of the Great Plains this year. The warm waters of the Gulf and of the Atlantic Ocean is also the fuel that will drive a very active Hurricane season. As I have mentioned, already too many times, two years ago I sat through Ian one of the most costly storms to not only hit the State of Florida but also the entire Nation. After two years we are not even a quarter of the way recovered. Fort Myers Beach will never be the same. Some people will call that progress but I won’t be one of them. The old Florida that I fell in love with a long time ago is disappearing a storm at a time. Storms wash away the Old Florida charm and replace it with high-rises and concrete. To some that may be progress but to me it just washes away much of our past.

They have estimated that we will have a record number of Tropical Storms and Hurricanes this Hurricane season. As warm as the water is now I am not surprised. Is that getting much play on the national news? Nope, they are too busy talking about the Trump’s conviction and the Hunter Biden Trial. Yes, I know the Trump trial was historical but come on. The Hunter Biden Trial may not be even a footnote in history because it’s only purpose is to embarrass a standing President. Hunter Biden is not a problem for this country but Trump is and the two really can’t be compared. Why is this happening? I think it is because we have a Billionaire ruling class that wants to control the nation by controlling the narrative. If you can control the narrative then you may just control the country. To me that is a scary thought.

As I have said many times, I live in Florida. The place that bans books, treats Michael Angelo’s David as a piece of pornography, and now is trying to do away with the words “climate change”. That is what I mean by controlling the narrative. In Florida they don’t want us to talk about the thing that will affect us the most which is climate change. Two thirds of the state is surrounded by the ever warming and rising seas. It is ground zero for Climate Change in the United States yet the Republicans still deny that there is a climate problem as all. Why? Who benefits? Not the people of Florida? Could it just be the Billionaire that make huge campaign donations are controlling the narrative? There is a lot of money at stake here. Not only by the Fossil Fuel Companies but also the companies that profit off of disaster recovery. I had read that the State of Florida got a Billion Dollar windfall just from the extra sales tax from all of the items that had to be purchased and also all the building materials had to be purchase. Who pays? We pay that’s who. Home owners like me that now have to upgrade our home to make it more hurricane compliant.

I wonder how many people when they wake up the first thing they do is turn on the news. In this house the local news is the first thing but after that it is not Fox New, CNN or MSNBC, it is the Weather Channel and it is visited a few time throughout the day. I would love if everyone that got the urge to turn on Cable News would turn on the Weather Channel instead. Why would I want that? I think that you would get a better picture of things that are not only affecting our country but also affecting the world. You will see and maybe, just maybe, start understanding things that will truly affect the future generations on the planet.


  1. I too live in FL—TPA area and this is well stated, as I do not watch any local news. I am a weather follower though. The local is down and old.

  2. No, Biden’s Administration was involved. The #3 in the DOJ left to pursue this case. They had multiple meetings and phone calls with the White House.

    This was not the same Justice that would be delivered were the defendant not Donald Trump. These alleged crimes were expired misdemeanours that were not pursued by the DOJ and the FEC stated were not campaign finance violations.

    These 34 counts needed an underlying crime to elevate to the status of felonies and ignore their expired status. That underlying crime has NEVER BEEN STATED. Throughout the course of the trial they identified 2 possible crimes and during closing added another possible crime. Any competent lawyer knows that’s egregious. The defense has a right to know what crime they’re being tried with and it was never specified.

    What’s worse? Merchan’s biased rulings and over the top jury instructions aside, he did not require the jury to agree on the underlying crime. This is insane.

    Aside from the fact they waited until an election year to try Trump, they found one of the bluest districts, a DA who campaigned on “getting Trump”, and a judge with a history of bias from his personal donations to his wife’s outspoken criticism to his daughter who has received millions from her work with Democrats. Biden even was set to deliver remarks outside the court. This stinks to high hell.

    We’ve been told for a decade that Trump is a lifelong criminal and this is what they come up with? This isn’t Justice.


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