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There is a lot in the news this week from Hunter Biden’s conviction to Dolly Parton being called a “fake Christian”. Sometimes I just find it so bizarre what the News thinks is news worthy. Maybe that is why I don’t watch Cable News and I don’t follow any of the Conservative News outlets at all.

Hunter Biden was found guilty of all 3 of the counts that were brought against him for violating the Federal Gun Law because he was an addict who tried to buy a gun. He didn’t state he was an addict on the Federal Application Form and purchased a gun. If you have been reading me for a while you know I am a gun owner that is in favor of commonsense gun control. When I bought my pistol I followed all the laws to a tee. I got my pistol after the waiting period. I enrolled in classes to get my Conceal and Carry license. I was glad there was a system in place for this but not the way that it has been applied to Hunter Biden and his conviction. He is not a convicted drug addict. I just wonder how many drug addicts admit they have a drug problem or even realize they have a drug problem?  I would be willing to bet most would not admit to it.  A plea agreement had been reach last summer but a Trump appointed Judge could not accept the agreement after a lot of blowback from Republicans. Let that sink in for a minute and then say it again. A Trump appointed Judge could not accept the plea agreement. When the plea agreement was reached I remember all the conservatives howling about the Biden DOJ allowing it so Hunter Biden should get off the hook. To me it sounded like nothing short of jail would satisfy the Republicans. Was this really justice or was it an attempt to punish the President of the United States through his son? After the trial some of the jurors stated that they had no choice but to find Hunter Biden guilty, this shouldn’t have gone to trial in the first place because it was more of an attempt to embarrass our President than it was about seeking justice.

The Republicans are even against Federal Gun checks except when it comes to Hunter Biden. The Republicans don’t even want to have to go through metal detectors when they went into the chambers.  I am all for law and order but it has to be a two way street. The rules have to be the same for everyone. For some reason they are not. A Congressman from North Carolina tried not once but twice to bring a loaded gun onto a plane. He was just charged with a misdemeanor and was fined $250 dollars even though it was his second offense.

I had read that cases like the one Trump faced could have been pleaded down and I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t offered a plea deal. The problem for Trump and a plea deal would have been he would have pleaded guilty and that would have meant disaster for his run for office. Hunter Biden did plead his but it was rejected because I feel the Republicans wanted to embarrass our President more than they wanted justice. As I stated I feel that nothing short of jail will satisfy the Republican Party.

I am very proud of the Biden family and how they have stood by Hunter and how they have also stood by the rule of the law. It has been a huge contrast between how the Biden Family handled this and how the Trump family handled theirs. During the Hunter Biden trial there was not a press conference where he complained to the press how unfairly he was being treated. I have not seen the Biden family on social media calling the system crooked. With Trump we had this every day. The Biden Family was in court just about every day being supportive as they should have been. His mother, the First Lady, was there supporting her son. The press has been quick to point out that Jill Biden is not Hunter’s biological mother like that should matter. Since the age of nine she has been Hunter’s only living mother so that is a non issue. Jill Biden has been a class act, as a nation that is supposed to emphasis family she has been a shining example of that. Biden has also been about the rule of the law and said that he would not pardon his son.

Another thing that jumped out to me was the article that the Federalist writer Ericka Anderson called “There is nothing loving about Dolly Parton’s False Gospel”. The Article states “Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning sexual behavior (‘be who you are” she’s said) unaligned with God’s vision for humanity” The article went on to state, “Like most people, I too love Parton. She is fun, confident beautiful and still spunky at 78. I appreciate that she refuses to condemn conservatives, as many Hollywood Democrats do. But according to the Scripture she is wrong on the issue of homosexuality”.  Of all people to criticize about her faith, Dolly Parton one of the kindest, religious and beloved entertainers in the world. Why, because she won’t condemn a Gay person on sinning? I know that Erika Anderson apologized for using Dolly Parton in her article, saying that it was a poor choice and a mistake. It may have been a mistake to use Dolly Parton but the Federalist Writer’s message is the same. Everyone is practicing a false faith if we don’t condemn homosexuality.

Christianity at one time was based on the teaching of Jesus and Jesus alone. After a while the Romans decided that Christianity needed a book and then came up with the Bible stating it was inspired by God. I know that this a little bit of a simplification but it is still factual. Now in this book the Romans created  it can be used to justify pretty much anything from slavery to genocide. It has been used just that way throughout the centuries. You name the group and you can probably find a passage that condemns it. When I was growing up we were taught the exact thing that Dolly is talking about. We were taught the message of love that was from Jesus, “He who has never sinned throw the first stone”, “We are our brother keepers” and “Judge least ye be judged”. We were taught “Do unto others what we would want to be done onto you”. We were taught that Jesus fed the hungry and healed the sick. We were taught “it was better to give than receive” and. “only through Jesus can we be saved”, not by the Federalist, not the Republican Party, not the United States of America, only through Jesus.

Today religion seems to prosper more through hate. It concentrates on the things that Jesus didn’t say or talk about and ignores the things he did. What didn’t Jesus talk about? Well how about abortion. It was going on at the time but he never said a word. I don’t encourage or condemn either. That is something between an individual and their maker. Jesus also did not talk about homosexuality. He talked about love and not sex. I really do believe that is the way Jesus would have wanted it. The things that we ignore like the homeless, the underprivileged and the sick are things that I think would have mattered to him. Being an asylum seeker himself I think he would be very interested in how we treat people seeking our help. I have said this before and I will say it again, when you turn your back on the teachings of Jesus you are no longer Christianity. I think the Dolly is a real Christian and a shining example for all of us.




  1. This is what I was taught also, and what I can stand behind 100 percent. The version of Christianity being spun today is anything but. Today's Christian message is : "if you're different from me or need something I might need or want someday, then I want nothing to do with you."

  2. Excellent post. I totally agree!

  3. What do Christians say when a woman desperately wants a child and then conceives only to have two miscarriages in a row? Then conceives two more times that result in both being ruptured ectopic pregnancies leaving the Christian mother unable to ever conceive again. These pregnancies were prayed for. Is it Gods Will or is it an organic condition of the human body? God is not a prayer ATM


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