In 1776 we declared our independence against a Monarch that was above the law. I wonder what John Adams would think about what the Supreme Court just ruled. I believe, what the Supreme Court just ruled is contrary to what the intention of the men that wrote and approved our Declaration of Independence. This Fourth of July it would be a good idea if everyone would start out by reading the Declaration of Independence. The words that always have always stuck with me are “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Do those words still hold true? The three branches of the Government get their just powers from the people. Not the rich people. Not the Republicans. Not the Democrats. It is by the consent of the people, all the people. We are the governed. We are the one that gives them not the power, but our consent to govern. What has made the words of our Declaration of Independence seem less important is the fact too many politicians don’t want to listen to those that gave them the consent to govern. The undermining of the consent of the people, in the quest for power, is just the opposite of the vision that was our forefathers.
Voter suppression, by the use of gerrymandering, is done for the quest of power and undermines the consent of the governed. It is also how the ones with their quest for power take away the rights and liberties of the people that are suppose to give the consent to govern. The Supreme Court has raised the bar when it comes to proving gerrymandering. This is not the vision of our forefathers. This is voter suppression that is being sanctioned by the Supreme Court. Our vote is the very voice that our fore- fathers wanted us to have and the Supreme Court in diminishing our vote is silencing many of our voices. Too many elected officials, because of voter’s suppression and gerrymandering, no longer serve by the consent of the governed.
The truths that Thomas Jefferson believed in when he authored the Declaration of Independence are disappearing. The Supreme Court has continued to rule against the rights of the governed in favor of the ones that wish to corrupt the very words that our forefathers wrote. All men are not equal if some have immunity that the governed don’t have. The Supreme Court has given the President of the United States powers they never had since the writing of the Constitution. No other President ever needed to have this type of immunity with the exception of Nixon. Basically, if this court was in existence when Nixon was President there would have been no Watergate. If this court was in existence for Reagan there would have been no Iran-Contra investigation. Trump broke the law. Trump sent a mob to the Capitol in an effort to burn our Constitution. We all saw it live on TV including the Supreme Court. Trump has intentionally undermined the rights of the governed to choose by trying to steal the last election with pressure applied to elected officials with the Fake Electors and the insurrection. The Supreme Court looks like it is actually aiding and abetting criminal behavior.
Don’t you begin to think that Biden now has some power he didn’t have before. He will not be able to wheel dictator’s power because the Supreme Court has left itself the sole power to decide the immunity issue. What is really going on is a power grab by the people that own our Supreme Court. Millions have been spent so billionaires can control the courts and in turn control the government. Bribery used to be illegal but today it is common place throughout our Government, not just the Supreme Court, including the Supreme Court. It is proving to be a very cheap investment buying a Supreme Court Justice. I have written many times when the Supreme Court becomes a tool of the suppressors this country is in for a very bad time. Look at the things that the Supreme Court has protected. First of all they have protected their own ability to accept bribes. Just because Clarence Thomas calls them gifts from friends doesn’t change what they are, favors given, expecting favors in return. No one gives what Clarence Thomas has gotten expecting nothing in return. I would be willing to bet that we don’t have any idea how much all of them have gotten for favors in return. They have protected voter suppression that in turn silenced many minority voices. They have warped the Constitution when it comes to guns. They have turned the 2nd Amendment into the most twisted sentence in the Constitution and our children are dying for it. Our 2nd Amendment was never intended to be used the way it is being used today and the writers of the Constitution could never have imagined how that one sentence is being used today. They have overturned Roe vs. Wade taking away the rights and liberties from women to have control of their own bodies. To me it looks like the Supreme Court is working hard to destroy the very document they have sworn to protect and the very visions of consent of the governed. This Supreme Court we have now is not about Rights and Liberties.
During Justice Roberts’ confirmation hearing he stated that “No person was above the law including a President”. Was this just a lie he told to get confirmed? Three of the Conservative Justices stated the Roe vs. Wade was the law of the land at their confirmation hearings. Again, was that a lie they told just to get confirmed. “We hold these Truths” has no meaning if our Supreme Court is allowed to lie and not be held accountable for those lies. These lies are meant to manipulate the governed for purposes that are contrary to the oaths that they took when they were sworn in. These lies just weaken and divide our nation which, if we continue in the direction we are going will lead to our own destruction.
Does it ever occur to you that the framers of the constitution looked at history and looked at factions that took out political enemies using false allegations and lawfare to remove them. It is congress’ job to stop a president that is exceeding his constitutional duties, people who are elected by the entire nation and can be held responsible for their actions not some locally elected or installed DA.
ReplyDeleteDoes it occur to you that America is now forced to deal with the ugliness, corruption and nightmare - foisted upon this nation by people who seek to destroy our Founding Principles, Constitution and Values?
DeleteTrump is a criminal. I see that you like to toss around the word “lawfare” - it’s a word, among many, that you
and your fellow anti-American victims of deceit - CHOOSE to use in an endless attempt keep reality at bay.
Do your Patriotic Duty: learn about our nation’s - laws, history, economy, government (ALL branches/EVERY department and agency), Founding Principles, immigration, elections, Constitution…and Values
Trump is a criminal. Trump is a liar and a fraud. Trump is an abuser. A profoundly ignorant man who rapes women and scams others.
Trump has spent his post-presidency peddling fake coins, endless merch, including flags, adorned with his grotesque, orange visage - like a movie villain who just won’t go away
Trump’s lies, incompetence, corruption and ignorance EXPLICITLY caused over 769,400 preventable deaths. He sent US Federal supply of PPP and Oxygen tanks to CHINA - instead of ‘blue states’. Trump rejected pleas for supplies to states who were hit first - or, as the Ugly Creature said “they didn’t vote for ME! Why should I send them anything!”
Trump truly believed that believed that this nation belonged to HIM
Trump doesn’t understand service, he doesn’t understand America.
He watches TV all day - raging against those who dare to report honestly. He promised to shut down networks that did praise him
Trump wants to rule America like North Korea - parades and clapping 24/7
So, America was forced to deal with a corrupt president who hates half the nation…while he’s being manipulated by Xi
Just flatter the imbecile…and he’ll send US Supplies to China, while American Doctors and Nurses wore garbage bags…right before they died.
Trump is a criminal.
You and your fellow anti-American zombies can deny reality and pretend he’s not…like toddlers
America is sick of you liars
Patriots are repulsed at you choosing a Criminal over America
We won’t forget.
Trump spews bile, every day, about my country
Trump spew lies about my country..,everyday
His voters
DeleteTrump committed so many crimes in NYC - that it would be dereliction of duty NOT to prosecute him for his crimes
Trump whines - while he should be grateful. He’s been indicted for a tiny fraction of his crimes
Trump is committing crimes as we speak
He is interfering in Foreign Policy - he’s a private citizen (a lunatic, too) - who is begging Netanyahu to NOT stop the war in Gaza. Trump doesn’t want anything that might reflect positively on Kamala
What a vile, disgusting man. For his own gain, he doesn’t care who dies
Trump also killed a Conservative Border Bill…because he wants something to scream and spread fear about. He didn’t want Biden to look good
He is a small, bitter, ugly man. The Bill included brand new technology that detects Fentanyl -does Trump care that he stopped a tool
that’s saves lives?
I total agree with wha you said thank you
DeleteBuckle Up Buttercup
DeleteTrump is your President and he is…
#traitortrump has almost singlehandedly DESTROYED EVERYTHING that actually made America GREAT - because he is a twice-impeached criminally seditious traitor, lifelong fraudster, 34-time CONVICTED FELON, and pathological lying sociopath who doesn't give a shit about anyone but HIMSELF.
DeleteMay he be sentenced to LIFE in PRISON with ZERO POSSIBILITY of PAROLE, along with ALL of his SEDITIOUS TRAITOR ENABLERS, especially his THREE ELDEST FRAUDSTER KIDS.
May karma visit them ALL, and may they PAY DEARLY.
Congress needs to do something about those in the Supreme Court judges that are only there to back up Trump. He wants to do away with The Constitution or so I have read. He is a danger but not as much as these MAGA judges. Get them out before irreparable damage is done to our country.
ReplyDeleteI think we need to fill the courts before January 20th. That includes the SCOTUS. As for President-elect Felon, he should've been behind bars when the first Jan 6th insurrectionist was sentenced.