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It is a new game but it is still being played just like the old one. Biden has chosen not to run for a 2nd term and it looks like Kamala Harris will get the Democratic nomination. This drastically changes what the election will look like. Instead of two old white guys facing one another we will have a woman that is 19 years younger than the Republican nominee Donald Trump. Donald Trump went from saying Biden was too old and senile even though he was only three years younger than Biden to the old guy that appears to be too old and senile.

Since Biden’s debate performance he had been under a considerable amount of pressure to drop out of the race. I have admitted in a past post when Biden came on stage he looked frail and in the beginning of the debate Trump’s tactics really confused Biden. He did get better as the debate went on but it was too late for that. The first 5 minutes was all that anyone remembered. Trump used a debating technique that is called “Gish Gallop” where an opponent is confronted with a rapid series of half-truths, misrepresentations, and outright lies that make it impossible to refute all of them within the format of the debate. Trump spewed a fire hose of falsehoods to confuse Biden leaving Biden no chance to refute all of them which made Biden look confused. The technique online is known as “the bullshit asymmetry principle”. It worked for Trump. In fact it probably worked too well. Calls started immediately after the debate for Biden to drop out of the race. Trump himself just jumped all over Biden calling him senile and unfit to be President. I really don’t think the Trump ever thought that Biden would withdraw so for Trump this was a winning strategy.

Now is seems that the Republicans are really pissed that Biden has dropped out. You would think that the Republicans would be happy and say that Biden was putting the Country first but that that is not what they are saying. Now they want the 25th Amendment invoked claiming if Biden is too old to run he is too old right now to remain in office. Now, there is talk of impeaching Vice President Harris because of high crimes and misdemeanors. I guess they want it to be illegal for her to take Biden’s place. You just can’t satisfy the Republicans, they probably just want the rest of us just give the Presidency to Trump and tear up the Constitution. They thought Biden wasn’t too old to beat in the elections but now that he isn’t running they seem lost. It seems that their whole campaign strategy was that Biden was too old and senile and that strategy was now is gone.

I am glad for Biden that he is not seeking a 2nd term. He has done a good job and he is leaving office with his legacy intact. The only failure that I can see from the Biden Presidency is that his Department of Justice did not try to hold Trump accountable right away. Now it seems too late. I try and understand why Trump was not held accountable but until Biden writes his memoirs we won’t know for sure. Biden worked to try and unite this nation that has been divided since we elected a Black man for President and Trump started his run for office.  Maybe he just thought by prosecuting Trump it would have divided the country more. I think by not prosecuting Trump right away made it impossible to heal the wounds created by Trump. I think history will be very kind to Biden and the job he has done for the nation. The man has worked his butt off trying to work with the Republicans and has had more success than I would have ever imagined. He even worked with the Senate to come up with a bi-partisan border plan that the Republican controlled House won’t even bring to the floor for debate. They wanted to make it look like the Biden had failed with the border but in reality the failure is theirs.

In one day Vice President Harris has secured enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination for President. Now we have Kamala Harris going head to head with Trump. It is early in the campaign but what I see is the same tactics, lies and insults are still the strategy of the Republicans. Some have resorted to calling Harris the “DEI candidate”. DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, all the things the Republicans oppose. It is also the new Republican slang word for Blacks and minorities. It took less than 24 hours for the racist insults from the Right to start but that is not surprising, that should have been expected.

Harris comes from a very accomplished and educated family. Her mother was a Biomedical Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory working in Cancer Research and has a PhD from Berkley. Her father is an Economist and Professor Emeritus at Stanford University and also has a PhD form Berkley. Kamala is not somebody a University “plucked” from the ghetto to make some minority enrollment number. She is from a family that pushed and valued education. I would be willing to bet that when she walks into a room she is probably one of the smartest people in that room.

I hear a lot about how Kamala would be the first, female President if she is elected. I also hear about how she would be the first, Black female President and the first, Indian President. Well, the United States is a country made up by a bunch of mutts. I am Norwegian, Swedish, English, Scottish and a little bit of Irish. I am a mutt. Kamala Harris, like me, is a mutt. We are our own Nationality, American Mutts. We have to get away from this being the “first” of anything and just concentrate on electing the person who would do the best just for this “Country of Mutts”, which is Kamala. I think that Kamala Harris would do a fine job as President of the United States of America. I think that she will move us forward into this 21st Century and not drag us back to the 20th century.





  1. Let us share reasonable observation on contemporary America and election issues.Every election time candidates pick Bible and try to take our job and I say no.All elected presidents or other offcerres never keep up their promises after election passed.
    Regarding candidates whose values don’t matter for me I skip saint not voting Pilate nor Cesar.But this time I will vote for less evil one as I don’t want to compromise my American right by twisting politicians and state officers.We the people is our motto and as part of people of America I will vote and encourage others not to deceive by political preachers or those personal issues of abortion or sexual orientation but they very fundamental rule of law that all Americans are equal under the law to vote a leader or an officer that implements this golden rule
    Chaplain Pastor Eddie Mekasha

  2. In contemporary America, elections often see candidates invoking religious imagery and promising to improve our lives, only for many of these promises to be unmet once they are in office. I have often felt disillusioned with the political process, feeling that candidates' values sometimes do not align with my own. In the past, I have chosen to abstain from voting when no candidate met my standards.

    However, this election, I plan to vote for the candidate who appears to be the least problematic, as I believe it is important to exercise my right to vote rather than allowing political maneuvers to diminish this right. I encourage others to focus on the fundamental principle that all Americans are equal under the law, rather than getting sidetracked by specific issues or personal agendas. It is crucial to support leaders who uphold this core principle.

    Chaplain Pastor Eddie Mekasha

  3. I truly believe that Biden was sick at that debate. He was tested a few days later, but covid does not always test +ve at first, and it can give you brain fog. Biden is too old (so is Trump) but he's feeling better now & sounds better. I think it worked out for the best, but I hated seeing how he was treated.


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