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Project 2025 is getting a lot of press right now. The problem that I have is it was written over a year ago and it is now just opening people’s eyes. I have heard bits and pieces but never to the extent that I am hearing about it now. Why? I think that is because social media has started to spend a lot of time and energy on it which in turn is making the mainstream media finally giving it the attention that it should have had all along. Some of the things are very scary. The writers call themselves Conservatives with Conservative Values. I will tell you that the Conservative movement that was Barry Goldwater and John McCain died a long time ago.

One of the things is a change in how the FBI operates. I will say I have always thought one of the FBI’s jobs was to go after political corruption. The authors of Project 2025 feel that the FBI is completely out of control and the next conservative administration should restore its reputation by stopping investigations that are, as it says, “unlawful or contrary to the national interest.” Ending political corruption should be in the national interest. It calls for legislation that would eliminate term limits for the FBI’s director and require the person to answer to the President. Funny, how this is being proposed by supporters of a former President that has been indicted for multiple crimes. The National Archives filed a complaint again Donald Trump because he was in violation of the Presidential Records Act. A warrant was issued and carried out by the FBI to multiple Trump properties where thousands of documents were found, many of them being top secret documents that never should have left the White House let alone be sitting in a bathroom in Mar-a-Lago. The Department of Justice assigned a Special Prosecutor that brought the evidence to a Grand Jury then recommended indictments against Trump. That is how our Justice System is supposed to work and if it would have been a Democrat I am sure no one would be questioning the system. Trump and his supporters not only want Trump to be above the law they also want him to have his own personal goon squad like Hitler had with the SS which will be controlled and only answerable to him. Conservatives used to be about Law and Order. This is not Conservative this is corruption run amuck.

The report calls for the elimination the Department of Education. The plan proposes, “Federal Education Policy should be limited and ultimately, the Federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” Then it goes on and calls for the ban on so-called “Critical Race Theory” and “Gender Ideology” lessons in public schools, asking for legislation that would require educators who share such material to register as sex offenders and be imprisoned. First they want the government to give up control, but then, not really. They also want to make criminals out of teachers who do not follow the strict Government mandates on what can or can’t be taught. When I was in school there was no Department of Education and I have to admit we did just fine. Carter’s intention when he created the Department of Education was one that was good but when Bush promoted his “No Child Left Behind” in reality he left many children behind. Taking away what is taught in public classroom away from the experts and in the hands of religious zealots or politicians that don’t believe in our Constitution or making it illegal to talk about the real world and real problems just doesn’t prepare our children for the future. Threatening criminal prosecution for teaching truths that are contrary to the Bible is just Fascism.

They wish to reverse Biden-Era policies attempting to reduce climate change. We have record heat, we have record rain, we have record draught and we have had record number of tornados all in different sections of the country. All the evidence is that Climate Change is real. During the Biden Administration Climate Change legislation has been passed and in the name of Trump they want to change all that. They wish to do away with the Electric Car initiatives. They want to do away with the alternative energy sources such as wind and solar. They want more oil and natural gas. The very things that almost every scientist claims have gotten us into this crisis in the first place. How is one of the ways do you think they want to accomplish that? By dividing and cutting back on funds of the very organization that supplies much of the science and information for the study of Climate Change, NOAA the National Ocean and Atmospheric Association. You know that organization that issues all the Hurricane warnings and storm surge predictions which without that information even more people will die. In Florida DeSantis is trying to eliminate the words Climate Change. They say that a green initiative is too expensive. Hurricane Ian cause 113 Billion dollars in damages and cost 161 lives. That was just one weather event. I think letting Climate Change go unchecked will cost us more. I am paying 3 times more for insurance and Florida has the highest insurance costs in the nation. Doing nothing about Climate Change is costing the people way more than any green initiative can. Here again, I feel what is driving this is the profits of the one percent is more important than people’s lives and living standards.

They also want to get rid of the Civil Service Exam and make the public employees political appointees. You think that the Government is corrupt now? Just wait until they try implementing that? This had already been done in the past with disasterous results. On July 2 1881, Charles Guiteau, a mentally unstable political office seeker assassinated President James Garfield. That highlighted how much the patronage system had gotten out of control. Congress was inspired to pass the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883, which created a Civil Service Commission and advocated a merit system for selecting government employees. We should never want to return to the corruption and the inefficiencies that having everyone in government become a political appointee. The only way someone would want to do away with our current civil service system is so they can corrupt our government.

One thing that really concerns me about Project 2025 is the fact they will want to expand Nuclear Weapon research and development. Basically they want to do away with all of the Nuclear Treaties that exist now. Can you imagine another Nuclear Weapons Race? If we develop new weapons so will everyone else. Do you really think that is a good idea? Do you think there can be an actual winner in this scenario? I already have lived through one Nuclear Weapons Race and I don’t relish the idea of another one. Is the Nuclear deterrent with a mad man in the White House a good idea?

Trump has been stating that Abortion should be up to the States and that is what he wanted when he lead the downfall of Roe vs. Wade. If you look at what Project 2025 says you will know that, that is not what the Right wants to accomplish. They want to have a total national ban on abortion with the States not having any say in it at all. I get the distinct feeling that Trump has been lying to us again to get elected and then will agree with the ban to appease his Evangelical supporters. Sadly, they also want to ban all forms of contraceptives and the “day after pill” too. Women’s Rights and Freedoms are really on the ballot.

Project 2025 is over 900 pages long and what I have written about is just a small portion of what it says. I didn’t even mention that they want to end school lunches, Head Start, make drastic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, eliminate the Affordable Care Act, deport 15,000,000 immigrants, create detention camps and many, many more things that I think will do great harm to the Country. I know I will be writing more about this Project 2025 in the near future.




  1. The "Conservatives" never conserved a thing except for big war and aid to other countries. It is time for American Nationalism.

  2. You need an editor.

  3. Personally, I’m kinda glad the media didn’t jump on this story a while back. Trump would’ve denied it and it would eventually be fatigued as a narrative for voters. We have less that a 100 days until the election. So, this story is not only fresh, it intersects perfectly with Vance’s public statements about what he thinks need to change in our country.


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