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This blog was going to be about inflation but because of current events that topic will now be in the future. In the wake of the shooting we are getting a lot of talk about the rhetoric that is making America more divided. Because I write, and put my thoughts out there I can see some of the rhetoric that is ripping America apart. Last week I wrote a blog and I got a very long reply from a Trump supporter that was not meant to open a dialogue, it was meant to insult. Here is the reply and of course it was anonymous.

“Pics from hunters laptop show naked Joe abusing a young girl. Graphic picture which should teach you who he is because u have forgotten he cheated with Jill. And yet you turn trumps admin into a personality contest. All the while being propped up by liars and lying every day from the pulpit about the opponent he has been unable to put in jail. He does that because he has no good policies he can brag abt and has operated these for years with a box checked cabinet of dysfunctional clown. How could we have expected anything to turn out well? For Pete’s sake! Put America first please!”

 Where do these people get this information?  A better question is how do you have a civil conversation with a person like this? I have said all along, the lies, and the misinformation that has taken a grip on our nation is meant to divide and weaken our nation. Trump can talk about unifying America all he wants but I really don’t think that is what he wants to do. None of his policies, that I see, will lead to open dialog and compromise that is needed to unite America. The give and take that was always part of the framework of our politics is gone. I remember when a woman at a rally John McCain has holding called Barrack Obama a Muslim. John McCain stopped the rally and very nicely corrected the lady that Barrack Obama was indeed a Christian. He is the last Republican I voted for and that was in 2000. I found him to be a whole package back then. John McCain was an American first and a Republican second.

I have constantly said that Trump has weakened our nation. Why? I feel that it is intentional. I do know what can heal the nation, that is the truth, which I feel is being hidden from us. In absence of the truth people will just make things up. Before the election all the criminal complaints Trump has been charged with should have been settled in a court of law.  Americans could make an honest choice based on the facts that would have come out at a trial. Instead, I can’t help but feel the truth is being hidden from us.

The American people have been lied to before and maybe worse than what we are being lied to now.  George W Bush lied us into a War with Iraq that resulted in thousands upon thousands of deaths. We can’t tolerate a President or really any member of our Government lying to the American people but for some reason we are expected to. The fact that the Supreme Court thinks it is “ok” for the American People to be lied to is just plain sad.

Someone has tried to take Trump’s life. Should this have happened? No. Is it surprising that it happened? No. People try to shoot other people in America every day. It is becoming more and more common that people try to settle their differences with a gun. Everyone seems to be up and arms about the fact that an assassin tried to kill Donald Trump. Is this the first assassination attempt in the past few years? Again the answer is no. Everyone seems to forget all the pipe bombs that were mailed to Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama  and 12 other Democrats in 2018. Ceser Sayoc Jr. was arrested and sentence to 20 years for that one. Why did the pipe bomber target people like Hillary? Could it be all the rhetoric that Trump has said about Hillary and other so called liberals all the time? Trump is still threatening to put what he calls as “Crooked Hillary” in jail. Why is Trump a bigger story than those were?  It shouldn’t be. Is Trump’s life more important than anyone of the other people that has experienced assassination attempts? If the rhetoric and the threats for violence are supposed to stop then it should be Trump that has to stop the most.

The gun that was used in the Trump assassination attempt was an AR15 style of gun, what I would call as an assault weapon. It was the same type of weapon that was used in the Parkland School shooting. Is Trump’s life any more important than those children that died? If you say yes then maybe you are the problem. Our heroes used to take a bullet to save an innocent person’s life. Not today. Today the shooting of our children is something that we are just supposed to accept. Trump himself has said that we have to get over these school shootings. Maybe we should just accept assassination attempts on public officials as just a fact of American life and just get over it. If you talk to most people in office you will see that most of them are experiencing more threats of violence than ever before. That folks is how democracy ends and not how it begins. By the Republicans declaring that the Democrats are the enemy is how a totalitarian regime starts.

There has been a lot of political rhetoric and threats of violence for quite some time. How many times have you heard Trump call the press the “enemy of the people”. If you study history you will know that the first thing that a Dictator or Fascist will do is attack the media because the media is interfering with what they want you to believe, is the truth. Hitler did it. Stalin did. When Fox News put on people that disagreed with Trump, Trump told Fox News to stop putting on the “Enemy”. In the past “Enemies of the People” has been used to justify mass executions. Democrats have been called the “Enemy of the People”. Trump has labeled the Democrats, “The Enemy”. I have this to say that if the Trump supporters don’t want Trump to be called a Fascist then they should tell Trump to stop sounding like one because he sounds more like Hitler than he sounds like Gandhi that’s for sure. Trump has taken political insults and threats to a whole new level than I have never seen in my lifetime. Trump has campaigned more by insults than he actually has by policy. Any Republican that has a different opinion than he has he calls them a RHINO because no Republican is allowed to disagree with Trump. When a political party becomes about one person they no longer, in my opinion, stay a political party. When you try and make our Government into one person then it is no longer a Democracy.

The first thing that the Republicans did was to blame Biden for the assassination attempt. They don’t want the rhetoric to stop. They just want to be the only ones that can cause the rhetoric. The shooter was a registered Republican but that doesn’t help the Trump campaign were the rhetoric blaming Biden does. The Republicans really have weakened our Democracy and they will continue to do so until our Democracy is gone.




  1. Right on Brother

  2. thanks for your thoughtful analysis, David. It is a great and effective way to try to heal the blog post at a time. Keep up the great writing.


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