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Why is the media so obsessed with Joe Biden’s age and not with Donald Trump’s lies?  Why does our media no longer do investigations in search of the truth, but instead are helping spread the lies that are weakening our country? Could it be many of our News Media outlets are owned by billionaires? I think if you do your research you will see that most of our News Media is owned by huge conglomerates that in turn, are controlled by billionaire investors. I find it a very scary thought that the place where the country gets its information is controlled by so few powerful men whose main purpose is not of their quest for the truth. I think it is because of their quest for power they feel their money gives them, they feel entitled.  What is worse?, an old man in the White House with a record of service to the country or a man that literally has a criminal record with more charges pending. All the media talks about is Biden’s age. The News has let Republicans like Margie Taylor Green call the Biden family a Crime Family. The House Committee has not found any wrong doing by the President Biden yet Republicans have continued to call Biden a criminal. If he is a criminal, he must not be as a successful criminal as the Trump family. Biden’s whole net worth as of May 2024 is right about 10 million dollars. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son- in-law got 2 Billion from the Saudi’s alone. Where is the investigation by Congress? Where is the search for truth by the News Media?

I keep trying to examine the last three and a half years under Biden and I try to figure out what he has done to ruin the nation where we would need Donald Trump to fix it. He has passed some pretty big legislation such as the badly needed Infrastructure bill. That is the Bill that almost every Republican in the House of Representatives voted against and then went back to their constituents bragging about all these projects that they secured for their districts. Biden said that he would represent all the people, not just the people in “Blue” districts but all the districts no matter what the color. Biden has worked hard to deliver on that promise. Trump said that he was going to deliver an Infrastructure Bill but never delivered, Biden delivered. So if that is something that Trump has to fix does that mean he is going to take those badly needed projects away from the communities that need them? All I have ever heard Trump say if that he is going to give more tax cuts to billionaires that really will not help the masses and will only grow the deficit. When the deficit increases Republicans will say that we need to cut spending. We will need to cut Medicare. We will need to cut Social Security. Medicare and Social Security are always threatened by millionaire politicians who have no real concern for those that have given them the consent to govern. Cutting Medicare and Social Security will only increase poverty. Cutting spending will only stop those badly needed infrastructure improvements that many districts desperately need. I remember the economic disaster the Bush Presidency left Obama and one of the first things that Obama did was make money available for Infrastructure projects to get people back working and money flowing into the economy. I remember when Republican Scott Walker was elected Governor of Wisconsin he stopped a huge Interstate project and sent the money back. To make it worse, part of the Fox Com deal was the completion of a badly needed infrastructure project that Walker had stopped. Now much of the money had to come from the State instead of the stimulus money Obama had made available. Scott Walker cost the State of Wisconsin money. If Trump would try and undo the Infrastructure plan it will just cost us all much more in the long run.

Biden has worked hard to try to find ways to forgive Student Loans which the Republicans have opposed. There are many countries around the world where higher education is free but in the United States which likes to claim it is one of the most advanced countries in the world Higher Education tuition can cause increased debt that actually makes it harder for people to climb out of the poverty cycle or discourage people from even trying. Republicans were “OK” when their PPP loans were forgiven but help students? Heaven forbid!  Is it the fact that Biden has tried to find ways to give people relief from the financial nightmare that getting a higher education relief in America makes him a dictator? I would think that making the government work for the people is not what a dictator would do. Dictators suppress people not lift them up.

North Dakota Governor has stated, the way Biden has issued Executive Orders we are living under a dictatorship. The man is outright lying when he says that. How can I say that? All I have to do is look at the numbers. So far, in just under four years President Biden has issued 139 Executive Orders. When Trump was President he issued 220 executive orders in only four years. In 8 years Obama issued 277 executive orders and in 8 years Bush issued 291 executive orders. Of the last four Presidents which one actually looks more like a dictator? That would be Trump. Of the last four Presidents which one looks like he didn’t want to work with Congress to solve the problems of our nation as the Constitution has established. That would be Trump too. To call Biden a Dictator is just a false statement. Our President is not set up like a dictatorship and the problems of our nation are not his alone to solve. Congress writes and passes the legislation is why they are called the Legislative Branch of our government. The President approves the legislation is why he is called the Executive Branch of our Government. Legislation has been written and passed by the Senate to solve the so called Border Crisis. They have sent that legislation to the House of Representatives. The Speaker of the House doesn’t want to bring the legislation to the floor of the House for debate. The Speaker is telling the President to write an Executive Order instead of the Speaker doing his job. The Republicans call Biden a dictator then they tell him to write an Executive Order to solve the so called Border Crisis? Dictators don’t need a Congress. The fact that Biden has tried to work with both the Senate and the House shows that Biden believes in our Constitution where the Speaker and the Republicans in the house don’t.

I try to think of ways that Biden has ruined the nation and in all honesty he has been trying to do just the opposite. He has tried to work within the system that our Forefathers left us. He has tried working with Congress which is what he is supposed to do. The people that are ruining our nation are the ones that want to keep us divided by the constant lying and misinformation that just weakens our nation and our Democratic Republic. I have a friend with 3 granddaughters and when I say that Biden is a good and honest man she rolls her eyes. Funny but of the two running for President the only one that is fighting for her granddaughter’s future is Biden.


  1. This was spot on, David!

  2. It’s funny to me that u have the information right in front of you & yet u still manage to slant it against Trump. Go back & read what u have written & switch each name between Trump and Joe-then you won’t look like a guy who has been led by the nose by lib media. Even your billionaires controlling press remark is backwards. Dem Party controls those billionaires & soros who hates us, gives more money to lib media than anyone. He practically writes the scripts. Switch channels & you hear same buzzwords, sentences. They have no independent thought. It has been said an uninformed populace will destroy democracy & that is happening now. The most ignorant group of dimwits are all aligned in hate against T because they have fallen for every lie. occasionally, when the truth emerges, none of those purveyors of the lies ever apologize. Rachel Maddow lied every day abt T & Russia & when truth revealed she never said a word, just moved on to next big lie. If T actually did everything they say, he could run as a dem. But mostly I think u should all be ashamed at your efforts to destroy your own freedom bcs u are affecting me & my children too. If you ever bothered to really do the research & educate yourself…. Seek truth, it would change the wholes picture. Trump served for 4 yrs, never rose to be a dictator, put America 1st despite profound ugly opposition by dems & until the dem made pandemic came around, he would have finished very well! He is a patriot. Something practically unheard of in the dem party. I hope u & those like u begin to see that hate has run your life last 4 yrs & putting America last. Dems have sponsored Iran-joe actually gave them billions to support their terror, he stole from scif top secret docs from exact countries he & his pathetic son took money from, he sent manufacturing overseas as vp & takes credit for bringing a small portion back, takes credit for trump’s insulin deal, has sponsored racism his whole career in party that created kkk & was formed to protect them, didn’t follow plans Trump laid out for an intelligent exit from Afghanistan, has taken 45% of his time on vacation while criticizing Trump for playing some golf (a man who worked tirelessly around the clock without a paycheck & naps joe needswhile Joe needs) caused10 mil illegals in country, absorbing our resources & causing violence, disease & potential terrorism on American soil, sold oil to China who sponsors Russia who wages war. He has depleted our oil deposits which directly affects national security-was told no when he went begging for oil from our enemies. Pics from hunters laptop show naked Joe abusing a young girl. Graphic picture which should teach you who he is because u have forgotten he cheated with Jill. And yet you turn trumps admin into a personality contest. All the while being propped up by liars and lying every day from the pulpit about the opponent he has been unable to put in jail. He does that because he has no good policies he can brag abt and has operated these for years with a box checked cabinet of dysfunctional clown. How could we have expected anything to turn out well? For Pete’s sake! Put America first please!

    1. Wow, a trumper who can actually string a few words together that actually make a sentence. Hey paly, Afghanistan was ill advised by all the pentagon and trumps advisors. Trump made the ovuere to set a treaty and then he lost his election,LOST , like in failed. Unfortunately for Joe he had to complete the bag of shit TFG left him to clean up. Was it ideal, NO! It wouldn’t have happened if Trump listen to his advisors and the pentagon. Trump is a clear and present danger! And the very fact you carry his water and used diapers tells me you’re about as vapid and clueless as all the other deplorable that believe OAN, Newsmax, Levine, the Savage nation, Boningo, Blaze and all the other rabid ultra right organizations and mouthpieces. I’m betting you are not a veteran like me and don’t understand how important Democracy is. You’re an idiot!

  3. I'll vote for the one that didn't traumatize his daughter to the point of her writing about it in her diary, by showering with her into her prepubescent years and has a self-admitted parmesaen cheese smoking son who along with his uncle and cousins, taken billions of dollars from foreign countries for doing absolutely nothing in return because they are unskilled bullshitters. Or did you think his finger paintings were really worth that much?


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