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Sadly this is the truth, lies and insults have always been part of our political landscape. What is different today?  Social media for one thing, we have multiple social media outlets that can be used to tell the truth or tell the lies. We have political influencers and even political candidates that use X or Facebook to help spread many falsehoods because there is very little fact checking when it comes to Social Media. Like many others I am a big user of Social Media but I know that Social Media is not the news. The real problem is that I don’t know what the real news is anymore. I don’t watch Cable News because it is more like Social Media than it is the News that I grew up with. I was watching Wink News out of Ft. Myers, Florida and they were reporting on the referendum to legalize Marijuana in the State of Florida. They had the County Sherriff on and he was stating that States that have legalized Marijuana had an increase in crime. That just didn’t seem right to me so, of course, I looked it up. I found nothing that backed up that statement. In fact I saw a lot where the results were just the opposite happened, there was a decrease in crime. That makes sense because it takes marijuana off the violent streets and out of the hands of drug pushers and into a more controllable situation. What bothered me is that I had to fact check the local news just to find out what the real truth was. When you have to fact check the news it is no longer the news, it is a propaganda machine.

There has been many lies spread about Kamala Harris and many of those lies have told been by Donald Trump. As Gomer Pyle would say “You don’t say. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise!”  In fairness, not everything out of Kamala’s mouth has been the truth just like I am many times wrong but Trump takes being wrong to a new level. Trump has stated that Kamala wants to raise the age for Social Security. The only people that I have ever heard who want to raise the age of Social Security are Trump’s Republicans. In fact, Senator Scott from Florida wants to actually sunset Social Security. Why would Trump say something like that knowing it isn’t true? Could it be because he loves to strike fear into our Senior Citizens and know that many will not fact check what he says? Being one of those people on Social Security I pay close attention to what is being said about Social Security and the only people that I see that attack Social Security are Republicans.

Abortion is another hot issue and Trump loves to lie about that one a lot. He loves to say that Democrats, and that include Kamala, want to kill babies after birth. Now that is false and it was never part of Roe vs. Wade in the first place. I have not heard anyone condone the killing of children except maybe Trump telling his nephew that he should just let his disabled son die. He hasn’t said this just once, Democrats wanting to kill babies after they are born, he has said this multiple times not caring that it is a lie. And, by the way, it is also against the law. I have said before Women’s rights are on the ballot and it is more than just abortion. It really is a choice to choose what direction a woman wants to go with her life and her career. Taking away the right to choose is just the start. Vance is sounding like you are less of an American if you are a women that doesn’t have children or don’t want to have children. There are males that don’t have children but nobody claims they are less Americans. There are many reasons why couples are more reluctant to have children and it is not just the career thing. Look at the world around us and how the world lacks in the protection of children. We have been told that gun violence against children is something that we have to accept. I have read the entire transcript of what Trump said about the school shooting in Iowa and he did express his sympathies but he really said that we have to get over it and move on. That is not a statement of a man that wants to protect children. Why would I want to bring a child into a world that takes the death of children so lightly. People look at our environment and wonder why they should bring a child into a world that is trying to destroy itself for profit? Why bring a child into this world just to leave it with a world that can no longer be fixed.

Trump has stated that Kamala wants to pass a law outlawing red meat. There again she never said that. In 2019 when she was running in the Democratic Presidential primary she stated that she supported changing dietary guideline to try and encourage Americans to reduce their consumption of red meat. She also stated that she loved a good cheeseburger from time to time and that she favored using incentives and education to encourage healthy eating habits. That is a far cry from outlawing red meat. I am a survivor of heart disease. Better put, I had a heart attack where my heart stopped for over 6 minutes. My wife did CPR on me until the EMTs showed up. I wound up having a Quadruple Bypass and spent 19 days in the ICU. Kamala is saying nothing more than any responsible Healthcare Professional should be saying. We all should be eating less red meat and eating more fruits and vegetables. During cardiac rehab that was continually drilled into my head and yes, I do eat a lot less red meat than I use to and that does not make me less of an American.  

Trump has claimed for months that Biden has orchestrated the criminal and civil complaints against him and now has stated that it was Harris because she is a prosecutor. I will state that Trump has produced zero evidence that Biden has been involved with any of the criminal or civil charges that have been brought against him. There is no proof what so ever that the Biden Administration communicated with the local DA offices in New York or Georgia. To now change this to Harris with zero evidence just proves that it was a lie in the first place and now a bigger lie for trying to blame Harris.

Trump has called Kamala Harris Biden’s immigration czar. Again this is not the truth. Harris was never appointed a czar of anything by Biden but was sent early on to Central America to discuss with the other counties why people are fleeing to the United States but that is it. That didn’t look successful but that approach is the only one that in my opinion that will resolve our illegal immigration issues. I would like to remind everyone that the Senate reached a bipartisan agreement on immigration and that Trump put a stop to it. Immigration is and has been the failure of the Republicans in Congress and of Donald Trump in general.

Now I had to be fair and looked up what lies Kamala has said about Trump. I know she calls him a convicted felon but guess what? Trump really is a convicted felon. It is early in the campaign for Kamala so there may be some questionable things that come out of her mouth. The only one that I could come up for now is Kamala tying Trump to Project 2025. Trump has denied any involvement in Project 2025 and has been so called distancing himself from it. With all the lies that Trump has been telling why should I not believe that is also a lie. Project 2025 was written for the return of Donald Trump to the White House. His name is all over the document. It was written by some of his strongest supporters. I too believe that Project 2025 not only was written for Trump but it is his plan on the dismantling our Republic. What I question is, after all the lies that Trump has told the press why do they now believe that a project that was not written with him in mind is not secretly part of his platform?




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