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Trump brings chaos. I keep posting on X formally called Twitter that "Racism, Bigotry, and Threats of Violence are what Donald Trump brings to the Table". You combine those three things together and what you have is the chaos that we now have in America. There has been another thwarted assassination attempt on the life of Donald Trump. Are you surprised? I am not. It appears a White 58 year old male was seen at the fence line of the golf course Trump was golfing on pointing an assault style weapon toward the course. The Secret Service opened fire on the suspect. it was not known yet at the time of the article that I was reading if shots were fired at the Secret Service. No shots were fired at Trump. The man has a history of having run-ins with the law. He had several postings on social media as being a supporter of Ukraine and Hamas. He also appears to he an unaffiliated voter who voted for Trump in 2016. To me he looks just like all the other crazies that have come out of the woodwork since Trump first announced his campaign for President in 2015.

The Republicans of course say that the Democrats with all their rhetoric toward Trump is what is causing these attempts. That is their standard go to thing, blame the Democrats because we all know what a saintly character Trump is. Let's just look at what is being said just in the past week. I will start with the line "They are eating our pets". Out on Social Media some poor uninformed woman post that the Haitian refugees were eating cats in Springfield, Ohio. She had no proof, it was just one of the things she heard from a friend who knew someone that had a missing pet and blamed it on the Haitians. She didn't realize that it would spread like wildfire around the country, let alone have the former President scream it on stage during the Presidential debate. Since the debate Trump has doubled down on the claim and his pick for Vice President has jumped in saying the same thing. Vance came out with another claim that Blacks were eating dogs in Dayton, Ohio. City officials from both Dayton and Springfield have stated that these reports are false yet we have political candidates running around making claims that are not true for the purpose of spreading hate. When confronted about the reports not being true Vance stated that "The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started to talk about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I am going to do." What that says to me is that he is going to spread lies and hate so Trump and JD will win the election. 

When you look at what has happened in Springfield since Trump made his wild claim it is a crime.  First none of those Haitian refugees living in Springfield are illegal and had a special status immigrant. To be here that was even renewed by the Trump administration when he was the President is now being talked about as if they are criminals. The city has had to close its schools and other municipal buildings because of bomb threats. Nearby Wittenberg University canceled all on campus activities for the following day after receiving a threat of a potential shooting targeting the Haitian community. There was a hate group on Saturday  marching around in masks flying the Nazi swastika flag and carrying guns. People have the right to peaceful protest and, Ohio is an open carry State so all of this is just a recipe for disaster. Trump when questioned about the bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio said he didn't know anything about the bomb threats and doubled down on what he called the illegal Haitian community. In reality Trump causes the problem and then takes no responsibility for the trouble and the heartache that he has created.  I know that it won't be treated as one but lying about the Haitian community and Vance and Trump has, is really a hate crime. 

The Republicans are blaming the assassination attempt on Trump on the Democrats, which can surprise no one. They say that calling Trump a want to be Dictator, a Nazi, a Fascist, and Felon are what has led to the divisive climate. They never take any responsibility of the rhetoric that the spew daily. Trump often refers to Harris as Comrade Harris. He has called her a Marxist - Communist. He has stated that she is a Marxist, just like her father. He has called her a Fascist. Ahead of the Democratic National Convention Trump posted a fake image showing a red-clad female leader resembling Harris addressing a red flag waving crowd while the communist hammer and sickle hung over head. In the debate you can hear saying Harris "puts out" and then adds "there I said it". He posted on Truth Social on how blow jobs had affected differently the careers of Hillary and Kamala. When Trump talks that way about his opponent that's OK but if someone talks about Trump the same way then that is not OK. 

The Truth hurts Trump. Trump is a convicted Felon and that has to be talked about. Trump's infidelity has been front page stuff for as long as I remember and I am not a young man. Trump is called a fascist because he and many Republicans sound like a Fascist. Some of the things in his speeches seem to come directly from the Nazi playbook. Many of the things like demonizing immigrants, Hitler demonized immigrants with both saying that they dirty our blood. Threatening mass deportation, Hitler threatened mass deportation. Trump wants Religion taught in our schools, Hitler wanted Religion taught in the schools. Trump is for banning books, Hitler burned books. It has been stated his mass deportations will be bloody. He has threatened to jail his political opponents. He says he wants Military Tribunals. He sounds just like he wants to be a Fascist Dictator. 

Chaos follows Trump. He attracts chaos. Never in our history had there not been a peaceful transfer of power until Trump. Never in our history were there people calling for the Vice President to be hung for just doing his Constitutional duty. Trump issued a statement saying he wants Unity and Peace. You don't want Unity and Peace when you won't guarantee a peaceful election. What Trump has shown from the very beginning chaos and division is what he wants and it is through chaos and division is how he intends to win. Violence, Racism and Bigotry are companions of Trump that he gladly follows wherever he goes.  


  1. This is such BS ! The only party that even invokes , speaks of bigotry , race or any social issue , is the left ! And guess where it started ? You got it OBAMA biggest race monger since the 1960’s , and don’t believe me just google it .. Ge stoked a generation of race baiting and pandering , What the libs never bring up is how many political positions have been filled by people of color voted in by white citizens along with all races.. But as always I ask you to show me an example of Trumps racism , please ! Prove your ignorant statements! This is all you quacks have , get over your self righteous ignorance! It’s a political issue and there is no debating wether you were better off with Trump in office than these two bumbling politicians in there now .. Use that p as sta salad between your ears and vote for an America that is and will stay the strongest most giving country in the world . Go live in another country and see where u want to stand without your own hateful thoughts and opinions!

    1. Thanks for your comments. They are interesting.

    2. Interesting how Maganut comments so often read like they're off their meds & ranting at the air on a street corner.

    3. Not to mention how naive and uneducated they all are. I will agree, the number of women and pretend Christians willing to support this racist womanizer and unintelligent person is remarkable. His wife even knows how disgusting he is. But he has his new conspiracy bimbo on his arm. There’s no amount of money that can make a 30 yr old worship him like she does. Gross! 🤮

  2. Ok, one example....

    Seriously, there's so many it could choke a horse, but we can start with this one

  3. No you do cult member


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