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 Why all the lying? Do people really think that it is good for America? Two major hurricanes hit the country in just a few weeks, Florida needed more time for all the trash to be picked up from Helene, and along came Milton. It is like first being punched in the face and then being punched in the gut. The people are suffering enough but the lies are making it just worse. Where are these lies coming from? Would you believe many of the lies come from a man wanting to be President? That's right, Donald Trump is the one who is mostly responsible for most of the lies that are being told. This is a time the nation needs to unify because there is a huge number of people in desperate need of help and having a political candidate lie for votes should automatically disqualify that candidate. 

Let's look at some of the lies that Trump has said about FEMA, Hurricane relief, and President Biden's response to that Hurricane relief. Right off the bat, Trump said Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has been trying to call the President but "hasn't been able to get him." Governor Kemp is a busy man right now but he had to take time out from helping people to having to rebuke Trump's statement. The Georgia Governor stated that he "has gotten everything that he needed and that FEMA had been embedded with them since a day or two before the hurricane." Another lie was there was an anti-Republican bias in the North Carolina response. Trump posted that on social media without any proof whatsoever. That is stated just to stir up trouble and to increase anger in an already very tense situation. Other false statements and maybe better put "lies" was his claim the Biden-Harris response had received a "universally' negative review and that Harris spent all her 'FEMA money' on housing illegal immigrants that they want to have a vote for them this season. All these lies just make matters worse and are meant to make people more angry. 

In North Carolina, FEMA had to suspend some operations because of reports of armed militias "hunting FEMA workers". Just like on January 6th these are just Domestic Terrorists and calling them armed militias does the 2nd amendment a disservice. They are not armed militia they are terrorists that are meant to terrorize relief workers. This is the damage Trump is intentionally inflicting on the nation, especially those in the southeast, that have been hurt the most. 

I know I have written about this before but this really irks me. During the recovery from these two devastating hurricanes, we have had Marjorie Taylor Green come out and say that the Democrats are controlling the weather and targeting Republicans. People have died and many are really suffering and Marjorie Green is playing games with people's minds so they will vote Republican. That is really dangerous talk and eventually talk like that will lead to violence because there are people out there stupid enough to believe her. I am sure if the Democrats could control the weather the first thing they would do is have a tornado drop a house on that lady just like in The Wizard of Oz. I am not a Republican and I have been affected by three hurricanes in 2 years. 

Politicians have used disasters to be seen as leaders who care about the people. These two emergencies are a great example of that and in some ways the worst examples of that. In Florida during an emergency DeSantis hasn't yet seen a camera he didn't like. I swear that I have seen him on the Weather Channel twice as much as the Georgia, South Carolina, or North Carolina, Governors. When Vice President Harris tried to call him he refused to talk to her. He justified that by saying she was just taking advantage of the storm because of politics. First of all, I would like to point out that is what every politician does when there is a crisis. Second, she is still the acting Vice President and deserves a little more respect than staff members bragging about how DeSantis wouldn't talk to her. DeSantis is doing that every day, he even had himself filmed helping at a Waffle House. If that is not playing politics I don't know what is. DeSantis inherited one of the best disaster teams in the country. They really know their job and have been doing it for years. He can call himself the Sheriff all he wants but he is not the reason Florida does a good job. All you have to do is look at the team standing behind him and you will see the reason they are as successful as they are. 

There has been a lot of press about FEMA running out of money. Johnson has refused to have Congress reconvene to appropriate more money. Again politics is being played. Before Hurricane Helene hit the Big Bend area of Florida and moved north every Florida Republican member in the House voted against more FEMA funds. After Helene hit everyone was demanding help from FEMA. Laura Loomer is actually demanding that the House reconvene to appropriate more money. Senator Scott who had voted against more FEMA funds was now asking for more funds to help his state of Florida. No Republican wants to appropriate money to FEMA but they expect help from the Federal Government when they are in trouble. 

If any of you remember the Republican party is the party of smaller government. If you look at things in Project 2025 like cutting Medicare and Social Security those are just two of the projects that represent Big Government to them. If you remember your history there were Republicans who were against the Roosevelt's New Deal that led us out of the depression and put America back to work. The same with FEMA. There are Republicans who would do away with FEMA. They believe it is not the Federal Government's job to come to the aid of the States when there are natural disasters. Maybe that is why Ted Cruz felt so comfortable going to Cancun when Texas was freezing and their power grid was failing. I think Republicans really are not interested in the needs or the problems of the people and why they seem to only serve the rich. 



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