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Is this chaos what the American people voted for last November? I thought the issue was cheaper eggs. I thought Bidenomics, as the Republicans called it, was ruining the country by destroying the economy. Now they are saying the “Bird Flu” makes eggs so expensive. When Biden was President, it was because of Bidenomics but now that the Republicans are in the White House it is because of the “Bird Flu”. Now it appears the economy that the Democrats were ruining was fine after all.

Since Trump took office, they have talked about everything but the economy. All of a sudden, we need to have Greenland. All of a sudden, we need to have Canada as our 51st state. All of a sudden, we are going to take back the Panama Canal. The Republicans didn’t run on any of these issues. They ran on the state of the economy. They ran on inflation. From day one they were going to lower prices they blamed the Democrats and Biden for not controlling. Since the election, we have not seen anything being done about inflation. We have not seen anything being done about lowering prices. The Republicans did not only promise to eliminate inflation but to lower prices and they have done nothing. I am so sick and tired of politicians promising things and then just ignoring what they have promised. I used to think this is what the Democrats used to do but compared to Republicans the Democrats look to be the more honest party. Biden tried to deliver on his promises but Trump and his administration haven’t even tried.

I have always heard our government needs to be run more like a business and I have thought that myself at times. Before I got into computers, I used to work for a Metal Fabricator called the American Brass in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The American Brass was a division of Anaconda Corporation. I started as an hourly employee and worked my way up the ladder over time to what might have been considered management. In the good times, I participated in the hiring of people, and in the bad times, I participated in laying people off. I also participated in the downsizing of the company when it slowly and painfully started the long decline in the industry until it finally closed. Downsizing was always a tricky thing that had to be handled properly to not hurt the customers you were still trying to satisfy. It was not as simple as saying that we were going to lay off 10 percent of the workforce. You had a figure out who you were going to lay off to make that 10 percent of your workforce without your product suffering.

We have Musk and his DOGE group running around laying off Government Employees. I have never met a person who didn’t want the Government Fat cut. Nobody wants to pay for things that are not necessary or programs that are just plain fraud. I agree each department needs to be examined every so often to get rid of the fat that has been accumulated in the past. That is what a private business would do and if we want our government to be run like a business that is what should happen in the Government but is that what is happening? One thing a business would do is to not cut people in the reckless manner that the Government is doing now. A business would not just say to lay off all probationary employees without knowing what those probationary employees are doing. Essential services need to continue and sometimes those essential services are being performed by probationary employees. Many times, when a person is promoted or takes a new position within the same company, they serve a probationary period on the new job to make sure it is a good fit. That person could be a 20-year veteran with the company that has served loyally for his 20 years. Does that person deserve to be laid off just because they got promoted? You can’t just send out emails from Washington laying people off and continue to run an effective government. They wound up laying off the people who were in charge of our nuclear weapons and had to scramble to hire them back. They laid off the people who were working on the Bird Flu and had to scramble and hire them back. What we are witnessing is not how to effectively run a business. What we are seeing is how you bankrupt a casino.

You read stories of how there are supposably, people 150 years old collecting Social Security. That’s right, DOGE claims to have proof that there are people the system claims to be 150 years old and still collecting Social Security. If people were getting a Social Security check after they were dead, I don’t think it would be a problem for DOGE. I would think it would be a problem for law enforcement. That's right the cops, the FBI, and the Department of Justice because that would be fraud and that would be against the law. Don’t you guys remember the movie “Dirty Old Men” where the government was coming after Jack Lemon's character because he defrauded the government? If I remember properly the government wanted him to pay back the money plus interest or he was going to lose his house. From 2015 through 2022, Social Security estimates it made nearly $72 billion in improper payments, most of which were overpayments. As of 2023 $23 billion are still uncollected. They have been working on improving the system since 2002 from what I can see. Musk is making it sound like he discovered something that no one knew about but that is what he does. He grabs headlines but doesn’t come up with solutions.
What I see is a man who is running around like some hero when he is a parasite preying on the people of this country. He eliminated agencies or personnel that were regulating and investigating him and his businesses. Congressman Greg Casar revealed that the Inspector General of five federal agencies that were investigating Musk’s companies had been fired by the Trump administration. One of the Inspector Generals who was fired was from the Department of Labor which had 17 open investigations into Tesla, and SpaceX, where Musk is the CEO and the major stockholder. Another was the Inspector General of Transportation who was investigating the Tesla. I am sorry but this is not saving the nation money. This is not working on government efficiency, this trying to skirt responsibility and maybe even putting people's lives at risk. This is what I call corruption. While all this was going on Tesla and Musk were rewarded a huge contract for armored Tesla Trunks. Talk about a waste of money. Does Musk think that there are going to be Tesla Chargers on a battlefield? Does Congress or the Defense Department think there are going to be chargers on the Battlefield? Money from the Government should never be used to try and save a billionaire's failures.

Every day this DOGE thing and Musk continues the more and more the country will be harmed. I like everyone else in the country want to see the end of Government waste but this is not the way. This is just more corruption and more weakening of our nation.


  1. As in independent thinker in a family of republicans who amplify every message from this leadership regardless of its immorality and nonsense, I appreciate reading your thoughts. I grew up in a Christian family in Baptist churches (my dad is a preacher) even though I didn’t agree with a few particulars, I understood the mission Christ gave us. It’s alarming to me watching what is going on.


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