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Showing posts from December, 2020
  Merry Christmas Well here we are, another year almost gone. My wife and I were driving to the post office today to mail a late gift which will probably get there late. Oh well, we are doing the best we can. On the way I saw a bumper sticker on a car that said “Leave Christ in Christmas”. That got me to thinking and that can be dangerous. No, this time of year was not always the celebration of the birth of Jesus. I wonder is the Druids had a bumper sticker that said “Leave the Winter Solstice in Christmas”. The Norse celebrated the Yule which was their version of the Winter Solstice but I never saw a bumper sticker that said leave the Yule in Christmas. The Romans also celebrated the Saturnalia which was their Winter Solstice and you know what? No bumper sticker. For the Jewish it is Hanukah. I am sure that there were a lot more. Through time this time of year has been celebrated by many religions and many cultures. Many of the same traditions like adorning trees with decorati...
  Rewriting History There has been a lot said now a day about rewriting history. In fact Trump who probably never read a history book in his life has tried to make himself out to be the protector of history. The funny thing about history is that during the short term the victors get to spin it the way they want but over time the historians will get it right. That is why history is always changing and being rewritten. Our knowledge of the events in history grows and changes as we learn more about our past. A lot has been said about the rewriting the history of the South and the Civil War. Over 150 years since the war has ended and we are now seeing people talk about how offensive the symbols of the Old South are to Black Americans. Why did it take over 150 years to recognize that the Confederacy's Battle Flag was a symbol of hate? Was the reason because the leaders at the time wanted to make reunification easier?   Was it just easier appeased than to punish? If they would h...
  Today’s Patriot What a joke Patriotism has become in this country. People have died protecting our freedoms we just make a joke out of it by associating freedom to not wear a mask. This is a joke. I am not free if I have to wear a mask that will protect yourself and your neighbor? Really? That is an infringement on your freedom?   So all those soldiers fought and died overseas so you don’t have to wear a mask? More people are dying each day from the virus than were killed on 9/11. In less than one week more people die of the virus than were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. I would think that Patriots would be fighting this virus instead of fighting people who just want to save lives. Now a real Patriot should be appalled by what is happening with today’s politics. Our revolution was fought so we could have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We were being taxed by the British Government and what we wanted was representation in that Gove...
  Covid still going strong Here it is now December 2020 and the virus is worse than ever and I am reading that Dr. Faci is stating there will even get a bigger bump because of Thanksgiving.   We are now approaching 300,000 deaths. That is more deaths than all the US Soldiers in World War 2 and though there is an end in sight it is still far away. I fear that this time next year we will still be counting covid deaths. Not at the pace that is happening now but they will still be happening. Before this is done I think that the number will be close to a half a million. I know many are going to say a lot of those deaths people had pre- existing conditions. Well,   I have a pre- existing condition. It is called heart disease. I plan on living another 15 to 20 years. I have heard people say that they just don’t know what to believe. I will agree that there is an overload of information out there and some of it is just plain false. We do have Infection Control experts and we ...
  We need a new religion. I am going to on a little rant here and I hope that I don’t piss people off. What I really want to do is to get people to start thinking. We are in the middle of a pandemic. People are dying. There are many ways that we can help save people’s lives. One way is to wear a mask. Another way is to social separate. We should also avoid large gathering were the virus could easily spread. These are three pretty simple things to do. Now there is a segment of our society that says that you can’t make me wear a mask. There is a segment of our society that says I don’t have to social distance. There is also a segment of our society that says you cannot stop me from congregating. One of those groups that are saying all three of those things is the Church.   Now I will say not all Churches don’t care about the masses but the Catholic Church went all the way to the Supreme Court so they could still assemble for their so called freedom of religion. Now that is...