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I just Goggled Jan 6th Political Prisoners. I was surprised that there was a ton of posting on the subject. I had not seen that before until the Florida Trump rally and people saying that the Political Prisoners should be released. So the insurrection was not an insurrection it was a political exercise put on by the Republican Party? First they were “Tourist” and now they are “Political Prisoners”. Right? and I am Santa Claus. Well, I guess I am grey enough to be old Saint Nick.

White Supremacy must just be a political issue. I never quite looked at it that way. I always looked at it as a moral issue that was a plague on this country. I have always thought that racism was what was going to destroy this country and I still do. Why I stopped voting Republican was because I would not stand by those White Supremacists. My mother always told me that I was only as good as the company that I keep and I try to remember the lessons of my mother as we all should. I just don’t think that the Republicans have been keeping very good company. Insurrectionists that attacked our capital are just that, insurrectionists. Just because they are Republicans does not make them “Political Prisoners”. I do not see the police running around checking papers to see who is a Republican and throwing them in jail. In fact, I think that most of law enforcement is Republican.

I have heard a Kenosha County Sheriff say that they should just lock up all the Black criminals in a warehouse and just leave them there. He didn’t talk about rights or courts he just wanted to be able to throw them is a warehouse, lock the door and leave them there. Of course we are talking about Black people here. Rights are different depending on your color I guess. By the way that Sheriff was reelected. I have never heard a Republican call the Black Life Matters protesters that got arrested “Political Prisoners”. Not a single one. They have been called thugs. They have been call un-American. They have been told to love America or leave it. They have been told to go back to Africa like they were immigrants that can here voluntarily. They have been called many names that I will not type in this blog because they are offensive. Not once have I heard that they were Political Prisoners by the Republican Party.

The Republican Party was the so called party of law and order and I used to buy that. Now maybe they should be called the party of disorder because that is what they have become. People that only believe in money and power do not really believe in law and order. To maintain what they want to call law and order they need to dominate and suppress the people, and in the end, the majority of us will be suppressed. If you want law and order you are going to do it by getting rid of the Republican Party and starting over again?  I believe that it cannot be fixed from within the party. The rich and powerful have too firm of a hold on the party. Why does the Republican not want to get rid of all the dark money in politics? I know that some of the dark money does go to Democrats but it is the Democratic proposal that wants to get rid of it. Mitch McConnell and company wants to make sure that money keeps coming in. Why? Who has the Real Power? Does some rich Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia have more say in our elections than you do? How about Putin? Does he ship money into our election process so he has some power over our politicians? These are just bribes that have made to be legal by unethical politicians and it must be cleaned up so we can really get our country back.

The Political Prisoners may just be us. We seemed to, at least I seem to, be trapped in a system that really does not listen to the people. For real freedom like other countries here we need healthcare. We need honesty from our government and that we are definitely not getting. Honestly is the best policy and the spinning of the news has to stop. We need a truthful media. We need to have Politian’s get out of the education of our children because they just want to hide history and tell lies. We need to have the word Freedom means something again. We need to be able to walk down the street and feel safe no matter what your color, sexual orientation or race.

The people that stormed the Capital are not political prisoners they are terrorist more like Osama Bin Laden. They are not the head of some political party that has been jailed. They are insurrectionists that have broken the law. They are getting far better than they deserve.


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