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The Congressional committee to investigate the insurrection is now set with the addition of the Congressman from Illinois Adam Kinzinger. With Cheney and Kinzinger on the committee does it really make it a bipartisan committee? I don’t know but it certainly looks good on paper. I only wish more Republicans wanted to search for the truth. I only wish more Republicans wanted to uphold their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution.

Our democracy was attacked by domestic terrorists and they were sent by the head of the Republican Part, Donald Trump. On Jan 7th there were very few people in Congress that disagreed with that. The World stood in shock as they watched what was going on live. I will always remember where I was when I heard that they were storming the Capitol. I ran home and turned on MSNBC and watched in shock what was happening. Things like this only happen in 3rd world countries, not here in the United States. It will be remembered in history just like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. I know there will be people that say that I am over reacting. You must remember that in today’s digital age all the video, images and recordings will be there for future generations to study like they are there. Changing the narrative after the whole word has viewed it live will not work. It will only make the insurrection look worse because of the cover-up.

Now the Republicans are already talking about punishing Cheney and Kinzinger for agreeing to participate in the investigation. Imagine wanting to punish someone for wanting to search for the truth. That is what is wrong with America today. Not enough people search for the truth. If the Republicans really wanted to help fix America they would be participating in the investigation and cleaning house of those that want our democracy to die. They instead double down on more voter suppression and punishment for anyone trying to uphold their oath of office. They have no desire to save America. Putting party before country is not a thing a patriot would do. They are only interested in holding on to power so they can keep on doing the biding of their domestic and foreign owners. Freedom is a word they love to scream but it really has no meaning when they say it.

We would rather believe the lies that justify our prejudices. That is not only a problem with our government but also with the organizations that are supposed to be about love and kindness like the church. When the church stands with a political party that has lied and those lies have killed people our society has a real problem. The church of all places should be a welcoming organization and it is not. Like the Republicans they would rather believe the lie than search for the truth. If suppression is the name the game then those two organizations just seems to walk hand in hand too often. We all seem to forget that the KKK was a Christian organization that believed that the black man was inferior. I had enough religion in my life to know that Jesus was a carpenter and he would be building boats to bring people across the river and not building a wall to keep them out. Like the Republicans that they support too many Christian organizations are built on a lie.

I was asked on Twitter what my definition of Fascism was, like I didn’t know what I was talking about. Fascism in a one party system that eliminates its opposition to strengthen theirs. It sparks Nationalistic propaganda to spread falsehood to further their power base. A one party system even if it is Democratic Party is not good for our democracy. Having two parties creates a type of checks and balances that we need. It also creates the choice that we need. Why I talk about Fascism now so much is that I have heard too many Republicans call Democrats the enemies of the American People. This is not a line that leads to honest debate this is a line that leads to things like what happened on Jan 6th. The enemies of the people are the ones that want to create that one party system and demonize any opposing thought or debate.

There is a lot of things that need to be repaired in this country but it will not happen with only one party wanting to repair it. That is why people like Cheney and Kinzinger are so important to the nation and to the Republican Party.



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