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I normally do not use Facebook to push out my political posts. Facebook to me is where I mostly share my pictures of what I am doing, grandchildren and things like that. I used to post a lot of political post on Facebook but I think it got to be too divisive and there are better platforms for that than Facebook anyway. Sometimes though it is hard to resist.  I do like to post a link of anything new that I write for my blog on Facebook so people can read it. I am proud of what I write and the research and effort I put into it. I also enjoy some of the positive and sometimes not so positive but constructive conversations I have with people. Not many people on Facebook a week read my blog but that is ok and I don’t get as much feedback as I do with the other platforms. The statistics for the blog lets me know what platforms are accessing it the most and also what countries access the most. That is actually pretty cool. Two posting ago I wrote about January 6th 2021 and what I was doing at the time and what I personally witnessed live on television. As I wrote in that blog I was one of Millions World Wide that witnessed that live on TV. Here is a link to what I wrote: I Could Be Wrong. ( I Could Be Wrong. (

The next day I got a reply back from a user on Facebook that just blasted me. It was from a person that I had never had any interaction with before but that’s ok it was a public post. Here is what she said  “So diametrically opposed to this radical left propaganda spewed by CNN and MSNBC. You have not done your research to cover both sides because if you did you would see your warped biased thinking is all a sham”. I will tell you I never watch CNN. I don’t turn on MSNBC or any other cable news unless there is a tragedy like a school shooting or some disaster. I don’t know what kind to both sides there are when I am writing about a personal observation? That did confuse me but I wasn’t going to argue with her. I informed her that I didn’t watch cable news and that I got my news by reading and suggested that she does the same. I also suggested that she should start her own blog but they are a little bit of work and it did expose you to some trolls. She said that is what she used Facebook for. Fine, I don’t follow her, so great. To each their own. She then said “Your superiority is a narcissist trait. I am not impressed at all with your blog. I have read many of them, so go toot your horn elsewhere. You are not talking to a dummy here. I am afraid you are suffering from tge (she probably may have meant “from the”) Dunning-Kruger Effect”. I have to laugh when I read that. Why? When people don’t have a really good argument they resorts to insults. Basically she was saying that I had cognitive bias from low ability over estimating my knowledge.  I never asked this women to read my blog. It is an opinion blog. I am not a professional journalist, I am a blogger. I started writing because of men and women just like her. The hate that they spread is what weakens our nation. Of course that is just my opinion and “I Could Be Wrong”.

One very sad thing that is going on is what is actually going on with Fox News. They are being sued by a company call Dominion that made the machines used during the election. The lying that has been done by all of the Conservative News has really damaged that company and also Smartmatic which was also damaged by the election lies.  Fox News is not the only one being sued by Dominion, there is a bunch but they are the one mostly in the news right now. There has been a lot of testimony about the Dominion suit against Fox News. Rupert Murdock the owner of Fox News had to testify. He stated in court that Fox News knew that there was no election fraud. He knew that everything was false and he could have stopped it. Emails that have been submitted as evidence from Fox News personalities like Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham indicated they knew everything was a lie. The real problem here is that Fox News was more interested in protecting Fox News stock prices than they were about telling the truth. Another problem is do you know what story Fox News is not going to cover? They are not going to cover that they lied and they are being sued for it at least not the way it should be covered. They are not going to cover that Rupert Murdock admitted that they lied. Why does that matter? If you are one of the many that just get your news from Fox News or the other Conservative News outlets then you are never going to know the truth. You are never going to know how badly you were lied too. This issue intentionally divided the nation for profit. For the price of stock. When the News becomes the news all integrity in the news is thrown out the window.

Could it have been more than that? Sometimes it is hard not to think that there is more here going on.  We have Russians making deals to build industrial plants in Kentucky. We have Chinese buying pretty much everything they can. It is almost like America is really for sale and International Billionaires are the buyers. It wouldn’t be the first time that people in our Government have turned a blind eye because of the money being dangled in front of them. Just look at the at the S&L crisis in to 1980s and some of the names that were involve would amaze you. One of them was person that I voted for. Republicans have not been alone in many of the scandals, they have often been joined by Democrats. Today I just have a different feeling about things. Back in the 80s I got two different papers. The Kenosha News for the local stuff and the Milwaukee Sentinel for the State and National News. Today our National News is not dominated by reading the Local and State rags. Today our news is gotten mostly from Cable News and the Internet, businesses that are owned by billionaires out to make more money by influencing public opinion. Isn’t that what Rupert Murdock has done? Isn’t that what Musk is doing with Twitter? Look at almost all of the major News Outlets or social media where too many get their news and I think you will find a Billionaire. Even Trump with his Truth Social has gotten into the act. It just makes it hard for people figure out what is really happening here. For too many it is just easier and convenient to believe the lies. Is that the purpose? I have a friend that says that Billionaires own us. He may be right. Big Money seems to have way too much influence. They seem to control how we get our information, our economy, and our government. I am pretty sure that was not the vision of our Forefathers when they wrote our Constitution. That is more the vision I think that they rebelled against. Have we created our own Nobility Class to control the masses?

In no point in my almost 70 years on this planet have I seen the country more divided. Who divided it and for what purpose? To end Socialism because with Socialism we can’t be free? Democratic Socialist countries like Sweden and Canada are freer than we are according to the World Atlas site. Are words like Socialism and Black Lives Matters words that are meant to divide us and keep us divided? We have phrases that we use like “All men are created equal and Unalienable Rights” that are in our Declaration of Independence. But these seem to be words that apply to only certain individuals and do not seem to apply to the country as a whole anymore. Maybe that was how it has been since the beginning. Remember it was the institution of slavery that divided The United States of America right at its founding. Equality and Unalienable Rights didn’t apply back then for  everyone and they don’t seem to apply today. I am afraid if there is money to be made, by keeping us divided, uniting our nation will be next to impossible.

I will probably get more messages claiming I am suffering by the Dunning-Kruger Effect. That’s ok. Somebody has too otherwise there is no Effect at all. I know, bad attempt at a joke.


  1. I enjoy your blogs. Don’t let the FB nuts deter you. I pretty much left FB because of the abusive behavior and outright lies I saw on there. I was angry every time I looked at it. Same w CNN. Life’s too short to be angry all the time. I was always a never Trumper and will always be a never DeSantis . Keep up the good blogging


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