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Showing posts from June, 2024
  The Republicans like to talk about stolen elections and election interference. There have been instances just in my lifetime that has shown election interference and collusion with a foreign country. The first one was in 1968 with the Nixon/Humphrey’s election. Vietnam was going really strong at the time and Johnson was desperate to end the war. If Johnson could have ended the war it would have almost ensured that Humphrey, Johnson’s Vice President, would win. Nixon had run on an anti-war stance, and if the war had ended his campaign would have been in the tank. I remember the Paris Peace Talks of 1968 and I remember their failure. Reading an article written by the Smithsonian March 2013, it wrote about Nixon sending Anna Chennault, one of his aides to South Vietnam embassy, a clear message that the South Vietnamese government would get a much better deal if Nixon was elected. The South Vietnamese withdrew from the talks and Nixon won the election. After he took office he escalat...
  My wife has been telling me that I write too much about religion. As always she is probably right but in today’s political climate it is just too hard not to write about religion. Pretty much every day you see references to religion and the Republican’s political campaign. We now have House Speaker Johnson saying that God wants him to be the New Moses leading the country through a Red Sea moment. To have the Speaker talk that way to me is scary. With Christianity in this country shrinking, it sounds like he wants to spread Christianity around the world by force. Christian nationalism is not about love and understanding. Christian Nationalism is not about the teachings of Jesus. People like to paint a picture of the Church spreading the word of Jesus which was received lovingly by the natives. If you are a student of history you will note this was just a myth that was spread by the Church. Millions have died as the Christian religion was spread around the world. Is that why guns a...
  When it comes to a Republican controlled House of Representatives history has a way of repeating itself. In 2016 all we heard from the House was Hillary Clinton and Benghazi, and Hillary Clinton’s missing email. It seemed that all the Republicans in the House did was go after Hillary. In 2016 the pit bull for the Republicans in Congress was Jim Jordan. All there was for a while in the news was Benghazi. They spent millions and to her credit Hillary spent hours testifying. Nothing came of the Benghazi Congressional investigation but it did serve its purpose which was to make Hillary Clinton look like she was not competent enough to be President of the United States of America.   . I would say Republicans accomplished what they set out to do. During that same time Congress and just about every Republican were talking about Hillary’s missing emails. James Comey, the head of the FBI, opened and closed the email investigations more than once. In July of 2016 he closed the inves...
  There is a lot in the news this week from Hunter Biden’s conviction to Dolly Parton being called a “fake Christian”. Sometimes I just find it so bizarre what the News thinks is news worthy. Maybe that is why I don’t watch Cable News and I don’t follow any of the Conservative News outlets at all. Hunter Biden was found guilty of all 3 of the counts that were brought against him for violating the Federal Gun Law because he was an addict who tried to buy a gun. He didn’t state he was an addict on the Federal Application Form and purchased a gun. If you have been reading me for a while you know I am a gun owner that is in favor of commonsense gun control. When I bought my pistol I followed all the laws to a tee. I got my pistol after the waiting period. I enrolled in classes to get my Conceal and Carry license. I was glad there was a system in place for this but not the way that it has been applied to Hunter Biden and his conviction. He is not a convicted drug addict. I just wonder...
  Many people including the likes of Billy Jean King have said that sports are just a microcosm of society. I believe that is true. Through sports we see all of the things that plague society and all the things that sports can overcome. We can see it all. We can see the flag waving nationalism, racism, discrimination and the fight for equality through sports. We as a nation have witnessed the cheering of Jessie Owens as he defeated Hitler’s superior race to seeing him discriminated because he was Black when he returned home after his great victories. We as a nation have seen Women’s tennis organize to get more equitable with Men’s tennis. We have seen tennis’s “Battle of the Sexes” between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. I have seen Tommy Smith and John Carlos sent home from the Mexico City Olympics in disgrace because they raised a black fist on the podium and then to be thought of as heroes 50 years later. At those same Olympic Games we saw a Black man, George Forman, wave a li...
  He’s guilty. He was found to be guilty by a Jury just like any ordinary citizen would be under the same circumstances. The system is not corrupt and Biden is not the one that brought these charges against him. What is one of the things Trump does is threaten to put people in jail if he is elected. He is still threatening to put Hillary in jail. He wants to put Biden in Jail. This is not a man that is serious about running the country. This is not a man that is serious about working for the good of the entire nation. Trump is part of the problem and not part of the solution. He distracts us from the real problems that will affect our nation for generations to come because he wants to sacrifice the future as long as he remains in power today. Trump is not one of the people. He is one of the Billionaires that think they are the ruling class because of their money they are destined to be in charge. We the voters are just the serfs meant to serve. I don’t know how you start your day...
  Guilty! History will show that on May 30 th 2024 a New York jury found former President Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts of corruption. When the news flashed, “the jury has reach a verdict” I knew it was not good news for Trump. The jury deliberated for just over 10 hours. That is less than a 20 minute discussion on each charge. Usually it is not a good sign for the defendant when the jury comes to a decision that quickly. The trial was not televised and all we had to judge things were by what the News Media wanted us to know. Because we have a news media that wants to direct the attitude of the nation and not actually just report the news it was very hard to get a honest handle on how the trial was going. With what I was reading I figured there was no way all twelve people on the jury would find Trump guilty on all 34 counts. I thought that an outright acquittal was out of the question. I thought the best scenario would be a hung jury. I think it is hard to get 12 people th...