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Showing posts from August, 2024
We tend to forget that there is more than one important election happening. It is more than just Harris against Trump. We have many elections, Local, State, and Federal that will affect all of us. One of the biggest elections where I am living  is the Senate race of incumbent Republican Rick Scott and Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. There are many huge issues in Florida that I just don’t trust Republicans like Rick Scott to handle. We have a huge insurance issue. We have huge environmental issues. Florida has some of the highest inflation in the country.  We also have issues with healthcare.  Healthcare should be a right. At least that is my opinion. I have seen there are some that believe healthcare should be based on Free Market principles. Think about that, what they mean is corporations getting rich off of other people's suffering. Free Market principles are buzz words that don’t mean what they used to mean. In many cases a real Free Market is beneficial for the consumer. A Fr
  One of the problems I don’t understand is our justice system and how it is perceived by the public. One thing that I see is not all felons are treated the same. I have a friend who is a felon who spent time in jail many years ago. He paid his so called debt to society a long time ago but it seems like he is treated like his debt will never be totally paid because he still has to jump through hoops when it comes to just living his life. There are some portions of society who will think once you are a criminal you will always be a criminal. Then there is Donald Trump. I have seen people threaten to sue even if we call him a felon. Trump and his followers seem to wear his conviction as a badge of courage. Donald Trump had an affair with a porn star, Stormy Daniels who testified under oath she had the affair with Donald Trump and, she was paid off to be quiet. What Trump was accused of was taking part in an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 presidential election a
  I was watching Michelle Obama’s eloquent speech at the Democratic Convention in Chicago. It was a great and powerful speech I hope everyone gets a chance to view it. The one line that stuck in my brain was actually just two words, “Do Something”. How many of us actually do something? That is why I started this blog is because I wanted to do something. I didn’t want to sit on the sidelines anymore as I see our great country that was built on the sweat and blood of those that came before us destroyed. I started blogging September of 2020 as a way to stand up against the danger that Trump was leading against our democracy and the people that make up this diverse nation. This blog was my attempt to “Do Something” and I am still doing it. Last week I was at a reception and at such events it is always great catching up with friends and family that I hadn’t seen for years. There was one person there that pulled me aside to tell me about a situation that she had gotten herself into. First,
  Driving through rural Kenosha County I am noticing a new “crop” growing in the county. That “crop” is fields and fields of solar panels. Living in Florida it was not a scene that I expected to see in Wisconsin. Babcock Ranch in Florida is one of the most successful solar powered communities in the Country so I realize what a success that solar power can be but it was just something that I didn’t expect to see in Kenosha Wisconsin. With the air quality problems that southeastern Wisconsin has I like the idea they are trying alternative sources of energy. Alternative sources of energy are one of the bigger campaign issues today. Of course you have the Republicans with their “drill baby drill” attitude and you have the Democrats looking like “tree huggers”. I have kind of a hybrid attitude. We have to keep on drilling for the short term but we have to work harder so we are not being held hostage by the oil cartels. I really think of the oil companies as cartels that are very similar t
  My wife and I went to a wedding in Door County, Wisconsin. Door County is the thumb of the left handed mitten that Wisconsin looks like. It is a very beautiful rural community that we have visiting pretty much yearly for the 37 years of our marriage. There are a lot of cornfields and cherry trees, wonderful parks and because it sits right between Green Bay and Lake Michigan you see lots of water. During election time of course we see a lot of political signs endorsing the various candidates. Since 2016 most of the signs we see for President have been Trump signs. This year there were still more Trump signs than any other Presidential candidate but not nearly as many as I had seen in past years. Why does “Rural America” appear to be so Conservative and Republican? Growing up I thought rural America as a Democratic stronghold. What changed? As I explored the subject I find that it is not one with an easy answer. Is it about race? Yes! Is it about religion? Yes! Is it about respect? Yes
  Is our Democracy under attack? I would have to say “yes”. Are our Freedoms under attack? I would say, “that would depend how rich you are”. Are poor people voting their Freedoms away? I would have to say “yes”. I remember George W. Bush claiming that they hate us for our Freedom. They of course meaning the terrorists which made people think that our freedoms were under attack by terrorism. It was a great line but in all honesty I could never understand what freedoms of mine, were the terrorist trying to take away. Don’t think that I am trying to condone terrorism because I am not. I saw the towers collapse and I was so angry that if I had the power I would have turned their desert to glass. Their complaint was with the collusion of the American government and the American business interests with the governments in the Middle East. Many innocent Americans died that day because of our growing influence and what they viewed as American corruption in the Middle East. What I saw after 9/1
  Last week the National Association of Black Writers held their national conference in Chicago. As most of the world now knows Donald Trump agreed to be interviewed, live, at the conference. After watching the interview the only way I could describe it, it was a disaster. Right after watching the interview I asked my wife, “who in the hell is advising Trump and who in the hell is preparing him for these interviews?” He looked and sounded unprepared and he seemed to talk down to a very educated audience of Black Writers. When he started talking about how Kamala Harris had started indentifying as Black instead of Indian I almost fell off my chair. I thought that was just one big racist and ignorant thing to say. A week later I still think it was one big racist and ignorant thing to say. The fact he is telling these Black Journalists he has done most for the Blacks since Abraham Lincoln just tells me just how unprepared he was for the audience that he was talking to. I remember no ground
  Sadly this is the truth, lies and insults have always been part of our political landscape. What is different today?   Social media for one thing, we have multiple social media outlets that can be used to tell the truth or tell the lies. We have political influencers and even political candidates that use X or Facebook to help spread many falsehoods because there is very little fact checking when it comes to Social Media. Like many others I am a big user of Social Media but I know that Social Media is not the news. The real problem is that I don’t know what the real news is anymore. I don’t watch Cable News because it is more like Social Media than it is the News that I grew up with. I was watching Wink News out of Ft. Myers, Florida and they were reporting on the referendum to legalize Marijuana in the State of Florida. They had the County Sherriff on and he was stating that States that have legalized Marijuana had an increase in crime. That just didn’t seem right to me so, of cours