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Showing posts from September, 2024
Trump brings chaos. I keep posting on X formally called Twitter that "Racism, Bigotry, and Threats of Violence are what Donald Trump brings to the Table". You combine those three things together and what you have is the chaos that we now have in America. There has been another thwarted assassination attempt on the life of Donald Trump. Are you surprised? I am not. It appears a White 58 year old male was seen at the fence line of the golf course Trump was golfing on pointing an assault style weapon toward the course. The Secret Service opened fire on the suspect. it was not known yet at the time of the article that I was reading if shots were fired at the Secret Service. No shots were fired at Trump. The man has a history of having run-ins with the law. He had several postings on social media as being a supporter of Ukraine and Hamas. He also appears to he an unaffiliated voter who voted for Trump in 2016. To me he looks just like all the other crazies that have come out of th
My last two postings have been whether Trump has the character to be President. An anonymous person replied to my last posting hoping that I would look into whether Kamala Harris had the character to be President. Trump's entire life has been an open book or maybe better put a movie made for television. I swear he has lived his life that all news was good news. Scandals didn’t seem to bother him because they made him more famous. In fact it was the scandals and his pompous lifestyle that made him famous in my opinion. He was exactly what he wanted to be, a rich celebrity with a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. To delve into Kamala Harris’s character may be a little harder just because she hasn’t lived her life as a Reality TV star. The first question I asked was if Kamala Harris ever been charged with a felony. That came up with a big zero. She has been a crime fighter and not a law breaker. Trump has been found guilty of 35 felonies with many more pending so I’d say that she
This is my continued search on whether Trump has the Character to be President. A person I know stated “His character matters bc it is in the character I believe he has the leadership, knowledge, wisdom, experience, compassion, integrity that will lead us on the path towards a more safe, secure, healthy, prosperous, free world than the direction we are headed.” My last blog looked at his character as integrity from a legal standpoint before he even was elected President. From a legal standpoint there is no way I would have thought he had the integrity to be President. Now I will look at some of his Moral Integrity and Compassion that should be there from the man that sits in the White House.  I have to say something about Donald Trump, he sure is a believer in the institution of marriage. He likes marriage so much that he has said “I do” three times. What his problem with marriage is the actual vow that he has to take. You know that love, honor, and cherish until death do us part. If I
Today the country is more divided than it has ever been  before in my lifetime. Growing up I witnessed all the  Civil Rights protests and marches. I got to witness  the protests against the War in Vietnam. The whole  world was watching during the protests at the 1968  Democratic Convention. We are much more divided  today than we even were back then. Why is America so divided? One name, Donald Trump. Our division  is so bad it has divided many families that were close  knit families before Trump. How could one man do that?  I saw an online discussion where one person posted a meme that stated “The question is no longer about his character. The question now is whether character matters to you”. He got a reply back from a Trump supporter stating” His character matters bc it is in that character I believe he has the leadership, knowledge, passion, wisdom, experience, compassion, integrity that will lead us on the path towards a more safe, secure, healthy, prosperous, free world than the
Golf and Parks. That sounds like a natural. How about Golf and Nature Preserve? Now that doesn’t sound too natural does it. I live in Florida but I lived most of my life in Wisconsin. Both States have State Parks that are cherished by residents and visitors alike. In Florida, our Governor had a plan to put golf courses, disc golf courses, and pickle ball courts in a number of the State Parks. He also wanted to put in huge 350 room lodges in some of the parks. Of course there was an uproar from all over the state and from both sides of the aisle. Of course DeSantis is now doing a little dance saying that it was the “leftists” that leaked the plan, which is what every Republican’s go-to excuse is “blame the Democrats”. He stated that he knew nothing about it calling it some half-baked plan that shouldn’t have been released. I find it very hard to believe that he didn’t know a thing about it because DeSantis, in my opinion, rules with an iron fist. DeSantis usually gets whatever he wants