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  Why all the lying? Do people really think that it is good for America? Two major hurricanes hit the country in just a few weeks, Florida needed more time for all the trash to be picked up from Helene, and along came Milton. It is like first being punched in the face and then being punched in the gut. The people are suffering enough but the lies are making it just worse. Where are these lies coming from? Would you believe many of the lies come from a man wanting to be President? That's right, Donald Trump is the one who is mostly responsible for most of the lies that are being told. This is a time the nation needs to unify because there is a huge number of people in desperate need of help and having a political candidate lie for votes should automatically disqualify that candidate.  Let's look at some of the lies that Trump has said about FEMA, Hurricane relief, and President Biden's response to that Hurricane relief. Right off the bat, Trump said Georgia Governor Brian Ke
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And the lies continue. I have heard it said that both sides lie to the American people. I used to believe that but not anymore. No time in our history have we been lied to more than we are being lied to by the Republican Party and by their candidate running for President, Donald Trump. With all the lies we have been told I can no longer trust anything that the Republicans say.  Yesterday, Trump went to Georgia saying he was there to help. What he was there was a photo op. You don't show up to a disaster area in a suit and tie to help. Jimmy Carter would have been there with his work clothes and his gloves and would just start pitching in and not having an impromptu stage built so he can give a speech. When it comes to being a humanitarian Trump can't hold a candle to a person like Jimmy Carter but the Republicans will try and project him as such. Trump's presence was more of a distraction than anything else and he should have stayed away. In my opinion it took away availabl
I am so tired of being lied to. Aren't you? What are some of the biggest lies? Let's start out by the Republicans saying that Climate Change is a hoax. We can then go to the one they say a Green economy is too expensive. We can then go to the lie that Democrats won't secure the border. How about that oldie but goody the Democrats are weak on crime. I just love it when they say Democrats are weak on Foreign Policy. I am so tired of being lied to when I can see and read the truth.  Helene formed in the Caribbean as a tropical storm. When it moved into the Gulf of Mexico it formed into a Category 1 Hurricane with the forecast saying that it would strengthen into a Category 3 or stronger storm. Before it made landfall it was a Category 4 Hurricane. All along they said it would make landfall in the Big Bend area in Florida which would make this the 3rd hurricane to hit the Big Bend area in just 13 months. The first one was Idalia. The second one was Debbie. The third one was Hel
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They say that we can't afford more green initiatives. Maybe the right question is can we afford not to. Since 1980 there have been 396 weather climate disasters where overall damage/cost reached at least 1 billion dollars. The total cost of these 396 events exceeds 2.780 trillion dollars. Just look at all the disasters that can be attributed to climate change, Drought, Floods, Tropical Storms. Freezes, Wildfires, Severe Storms, and Winter Storms. Climate Change has affected all of these. All of these problems have been around since the beginning of time but because of man's influence on the environment it has gotten more extreme. 2023 was a record year for billion dollar events with 23, surpassing 2020 which had 22 billion dollar weather events. Between 1980 to 2023 we have averaged 8.5 billion dollars CPI adjusted events. The last 5 years between 2019 to 2023 we have averaged 20.4 CPI adjusted events. Things really do seem to be getting worse.  I live in Florida where we are v
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My last two postings have been whether Trump has the character to be President. An anonymous person replied to my last posting hoping that I would look into whether Kamala Harris had the character to be President. Trump's entire life has been an open book or maybe better put a movie made for television. I swear he has lived his life that all news was good news. Scandals didn’t seem to bother him because they made him more famous. In fact it was the scandals and his pompous lifestyle that made him famous in my opinion. He was exactly what he wanted to be, a rich celebrity with a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. To delve into Kamala Harris’s character may be a little harder just because she hasn’t lived her life as a Reality TV star. The first question I asked was if Kamala Harris ever been charged with a felony. That came up with a big zero. She has been a crime fighter and not a law breaker. Trump has been found guilty of 35 felonies with many more pending so I’d say that she
This is my continued search on whether Trump has the Character to be President. A person I know stated “His character matters bc it is in the character I believe he has the leadership, knowledge, wisdom, experience, compassion, integrity that will lead us on the path towards a more safe, secure, healthy, prosperous, free world than the direction we are headed.” My last blog looked at his character as integrity from a legal standpoint before he even was elected President. From a legal standpoint there is no way I would have thought he had the integrity to be President. Now I will look at some of his Moral Integrity and Compassion that should be there from the man that sits in the White House.  I have to say something about Donald Trump, he sure is a believer in the institution of marriage. He likes marriage so much that he has said “I do” three times. What his problem with marriage is the actual vow that he has to take. You know that love, honor, and cherish until death do us part. If I
Today the country is more divided than it has ever been  before in my lifetime. Growing up I witnessed all the  Civil Rights protests and marches. I got to witness  the protests against the War in Vietnam. The whole  world was watching during the protests at the 1968  Democratic Convention. We are much more divided  today than we even were back then. Why is America so divided? One name, Donald Trump. Our division  is so bad it has divided many families that were close  knit families before Trump. How could one man do that?  I saw an online discussion where one person posted a meme that stated “The question is no longer about his character. The question now is whether character matters to you”. He got a reply back from a Trump supporter stating” His character matters bc it is in that character I believe he has the leadership, knowledge, passion, wisdom, experience, compassion, integrity that will lead us on the path towards a more safe, secure, healthy, prosperous, free world than the